Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Return of a Kingdom and the New Creature
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now we will discuss the new creature and his nature. Let us get right into the scripture and learn about the new creature.
Verse 17
In this verse this is the basis and foundation of the new creature is right here. It says “If any man..” It does not matter what nationality or race. Next, “be in Christ…” So he or she must be must be born again of the Holy Spirit and accepted Christ as Lord AND Savior and BELIEVE that God has raised Him from dead. Now here is the proclamation and result of all of the above. He declares you to be a new creature and everything about you before that has passed away. So no longer should you be doing the things that you used to do because everything about you is different and new. Now in the next verse God explains how he did it.
Verse 18 and 19
First, God tells us that all things are of God. He created all things. Now the good part. Pay attention to how this reads. God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ. So we have God bringing us back to God. So if anyone tells you that Jesus Christ is not God, this is your scripture. Now as we read on to verse 19 to say He, being God, was in Christ. “And committing us to the word of reconciliation.” In other words, it is our job to show the lost how to get back to God.
Verse 20-21
In verse 20 we see that we are called Ambassadors for Christ. Now I have said this many times, Ambassadors do not state their opinion and they represent the nation. So, you as a new creature and citizen of the Kingdom represent the King and the Kingdom to which your lips and your actions should be portraying. This new creature does things completely different from the old creature and in the 2nd part of this series we will see how.
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Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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