The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: Do You Know Him? The Devils Do!
Scripture: Luke 4:40-41
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now if you read these scriptures, I know a question popped in your head or should have:
1. How do the devils know Him?
2. Why would Jesus rebuke them not to speak of Him being Christ?
How do the devils know Him?
Well you have to go back to the beginning to when Lucifer was in Heaven and tried to take over and be like God. In the midst of doing that He manipulated about 1/3 of Heaven’s angels to join him in this rebellion. And just like Lucifer, which is now satan, the 1/3 of the angels were kicked out of Heaven unto Earth. Now, all of these angels, including Lucifer knew Christ. How? Because Christ was there in the very beginning with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Now these angels are now devils because they no longer represent Heaven. They roam the Earth trying to use the bodies of the children to reek havoc and destruction on the children and prevent them from entering and exploring Kingdom life. So these devils know who Christ is, so when Christ came to someone who was possessed of a devil the devil would in many instances cry out or even speak to the Spirit of Christ. So Christ with the power He has can rebuke them and cast them out by the authority given to Him through the Father. Now, I have Heaven living in me and I hope you know that too, if you are a believer. So, some of you have the power to cast out devils. Now do not believe all of this exorcism stuff from the Catholic church and only a priest can do it and it has only been successfully done one or two times. Stop all this Da vinci code, Angels and Demons mess. Let’s get real! Jesus was casting out devils on a regular basis and he cast them out all the time, read the Bible. Here is a thought to show how prevalent it happened. A Legion of Angels is up to about 6,000 angels. Jesus said He could call 10 legions of Angels. That is about 60,000 angels. Now that is not even the exact about of angels in Heaven, but 1/3 of those angels were casted out of heaven to Earth. So you can use for an example that 60,000 and say 20,000 were cast on Earth. That is a lot of devils. So this myth of casting out devils can only be done by some father or priest in a church only is a lie based on the words of Jesus. What is unique is that you are a priest and if you are a believer you are the church and those are the ones the power have been given to cast out devils.
Rebuking the Devils to Speak of Him being the Christ
Now this is one of the unique things Jesus commanded. Why? You would think well if the devils believed in Him, then He could have them cry out His name and proclaim Him to be the Christ. See this ministry was not given to the angels, but to the sons of God. It is for the person to believe in the Lord Jesus for themselves and know Him for themselves. He does not need some evil angels doing the work that the children have been assigned. So you see in the scriptures, he rebuked the devils because the people have to see the power and believe for themselves. See so many people are running and telling people about Christ, but their lives do not reflect anything about Him. The lives of those devils do not reflect Christ so their witness would be a lie. Jesus has rebuked some of us to stop speaking and get our lives in order first. I have made this statement before and I will repeat it now:
The most damaging thing to the Kingdom is not satan, but children with the Holy Spirit acting like the devil!
So, do you really know Him? Does your life reflect His life?
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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