The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Religious Leaders and their Corruption: Part 4
Scripture: Matthew 23:13-15
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now we will discuss the result of following blind leadership. This is the most dangerous and devastating thing a religious leader can do. Leading hopeless and blind people into further blindness and despair. You ask how? Well, church is an emotional experience and for a while then when they leave it is back to hell for them because they learned nothing that can help them overcome their circumstance. Let’s dig deep and see the devastation that is becoming of the children
Denial of the Kingdom of God
These religious leaders who hoop, holler, jump around a stage, do a dance, every Sunday and never teach the people how to experience and enter the Kingdom of God and neither do they enter and experience themselves. The word enter has two meanings. One meaning to “come into” and another meaning of “exploring”. Look at the words of Jesus and what he was telling the religious leaders they were doing. Do you know what that means when the people do not receive the message of the Kingdom nor do they (Pharisees) know how to explore it? It means they are killing the flock! Not physically but spiritually. See in these times for many people they are low on hope and all they have to do is switch Kingdoms but these crazy preachers are hooping and hollering and getting the people all on a emotional high because they do not know how to and so they suffer the people to not know how to. This is the definition of Thou shalt not kill! I like how Jesus starts this out by saying “woe”. Jesus hates religion because religion keeps you from exploring the Kingdom and overcoming circumstances. The Kingdom gives you power to overcome and control your circumstance.
Devouring Widows
This is a sad situation but one that happens a lot in the religion of Christianity, but not in the Kingdom of God. When women become widows they can become fulnerable to predators. The predator is religion and emotions. These religious leaders of the time would go in and make all these long drawn out prayers and then just leave them. Just going to show-off. Never really having compassion and empathy for the widow. And after that encounter they just forget them. I know I am talking to someone. This is a real problem. Whenever one of us is sad, all of us should be sad. When one of us mourn, we all mourn and death is a real thing. When someone passes away and they leave a spouse, this is a time for the Kingdom family to grow closer together and comfort them not just in sympathy but in peace, love and joy in the Holy Ghost. And that is the Kingdom of God. Really, people want encouragement and not sympathy because life goes on and at that time in their lives it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel but as children of the Most High we are to let our light shine so that others in darkness can see the works of the Father and glorify Him.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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