The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The First Commandment
Scripture: Matthew 22:36-40
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When the Pharisees and Sadducces came unto Jesus, they asked Him what was the great commandment and Jesus gave them the answer in verses 37-40. Now what is unique about His answer is the order in which we are commanded to love.
1. Love yourself last – This is a hard concept for many people because there are songs out there that talk about loving yourself first and this is clearly not what Jesus wanted us to do first. I hear so many people talk about how much they love themselves and rarely do they talk about loving God based on their actions.
2. Love God First – Now if you do not love God, your Father, King, creator and Lord then I do not need to go any further. This must be first in your life. It must be above, your friends, parents, wife, husband. All of Them! You must love God first!
3. Love Your Neighbor – Your neighbor is your brothers and sisters and including your enemies. You are commanded to love them next above yourself.
This is another classic example of how different the Kingdom of God works from our natural world. See in the natural world, everyone tells you to love yourself first but in the Kingdom of God, you love yourself last. Love God first, your neighbor second and yourself last.
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Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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