Today’s Focus: Understanding the Kingdom Man in Ministry
Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:1-8
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This is a very sensitive subject to me because part of the reason we have so much chaos in the church, is because the men and leaders of the church are not doing their job and not standing on sound principle and doctrine. When the pastor or the bishop is not standing on sound doctrine then what do you think will happen to the rest of the flock. Because of the waywardness and the fear of not having a large congregation we have compromised holiness for the sake of numbers and converts. Now you may say it is good to get people to come to Christ, but what are we teaching them afterwards? What are we doing with them after they gave their lives to Christ?
As a young man in ministry it hurts to see Bishops wearing ear rings then trying to conceal it by having your public relation firm try to doctor the photo. It saddens me to see the big bishops who but on these mega-conferences and then feel they need to invite the secular artist to draw a crowd. And they do not even know Christ, but you give them a platform to perform on. We can’t just have the Word being taught anymore like biblical times. We have to have almost an hour of praise and worship, 15-20 minutes for offerings, 15 minutes for announcements and 15-30 minutes of testimony time. But when the pastor needs to bring the Word, we complain and say “I hope he is quick.” This is backwards. Believe it or not all of this that we do in church was nothing like the early church. Paul would sit day to night and just explain and teach the Kingdom of God and the Lord Jesus. See we as the men have fallen short because we have to compromise order for the sake of membership. And because we have done this, the church is chaotic and out of order. This is a hard message but God has placed men in strategic places to carry out His Will and not our will. Funny, some of the greatest things come in small packages. Let me share an experience I had today.
I had the humble and gracious opportunity to teach on the subject “Old nature vs New Nature” at St. Mary’s P.B. Church in Tallahassee, FL to about 15 people. In about an hour and forty-five minutes all we talked about was the Kingdom of God and after the Holy Spirit used me to talk about the Kingdom the membership just was filled with the spirit of revelation and a new understanding of God’s Kingdom. The Spirit explained and defunked religious myths with scripture and showed the people that the Kingdom operates today in the lives of the saints and not in Heaven. To see the joy and the understanding through scripture of the people gave me a new insight to understand that we need to stop biting our tongue and just preach the Kingdom and truth, you help give power to the people and improve their lives. I would like to thank Pastor Reed personally in this message for the opportunity. He is one of the many Pastors on this ministry who have enjoyed the series we have been doing. And God bless you and your ministry.
You do not have to have a large turn out to be effective. If you just have the truth and the Word of God then the Spirit will do all the drawing and will touch who needs to be touched. Think about this what good does it do to have a thousand people saved who know nothing about the Kingdom??? Many of our large churches are like that, and vice versa for our smaller churches. See if you as the man of the ministry do not understand the Kingdom of God then at the best all you can do is tell someone to hold on and Jesus will soon take you out of here to heaven. But if you understand the Kingdom, you can show them and teach them how to get their healing and keep it. How to call for help from the Kingdom in times of danger. The goal is to get people to understand that they have the power through Christ to overcome every situation but what we have done is made religion an emotional and brainwashing experience. Because we do not understand the Kingdom we lead the people from experiencing Kingdom lifestyle and hold them hostage spiritually. This is why many of the saints in this time are struggling and finding it hard to see God in these times because we as the men of ministry do not understand the Kingdom and we lose hope and realize this religion mess do not work, so we quit reading the Word and try to fix the problems ourselves. When you damage the flock like the Pharisees and Sadducees did, you will have to answer for that. You do not need a great musician and secular artist to be an effective Kingdom ministry, just use the Word of God, because it is the only thing that can deliver, set men free and restore mankind to their destiny as Kings, Priests and Ambassadors of the Kingdom.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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