Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: A Divided Nation
Scripture: Matthew 12:25
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this installment we will deal with how the Egyptian culture proved to be divisive and how this has carried over to America. In ancient Egypt of course there were numerous false gods but also those gods who were particular to a certain level of society. Only the pharaohs could carry Horus and Osciris because those gods were specific to the leadership. Isis and Bastet were particular to women and children. What is funny, if you look up the Egyptian mythology, the gods fought each other for power over the land of Egypt. If your leadership is divided, how can your nation be united. Christ was not specific to any rank or status of person. He came to save all of mankind. The true and living God wants all of His children to be saved but what is sad is that some will still believe in false gods and shall spend eternity in hell believing that even though Christ shall come back and reveal Himself to all.
Let me make this very clear and I would like for you to pray about what is being said. The body of Christ is being divided by false gods, denominations and secret organizations. Christ said “I am the Way, the Truth and Life” and He is the only way. Christ strictly forbid the taking of oaths and swearing because it causes His children to take allegiance with other things of this world. You have to be COMPLETELY sold out to Christ to truly understand His power and your assignment. You cannot be associated with other deities or secret organizations. Christians should not join any organization where they have to go into a situation blind. In addition, no Christian should join an organization where:
1. You have to humiliate yourself to be a part
2. They will lie to you in your face about what you have to go through to be a member
3. Be a part of any rituals or rites of passage
4. There is proclamation of light given that you know nothing about (blind at first then “brought” into the “light”.)
5. Christ is not the head or where they say all religions are equal.
With Christ, it is all or none. He needs your whole heart and not 99%. What happens is that the people in these secret organizations hold themselves to a higher level than those who are not a part of the organization. This presents a division within the body of Christ and in some situations cause that portion associated with the organization to be misguided spiritually. We walk around with all of these symbols and organization symbols on our cars and proclaim our allegiance to them, but when it is time to proclaim Christ, few are found. Our very government is run by many involved in various secret societies. Some of these societies try to inject some Christian beliefs but pervert the gospel just to get members. This is truly the spirit of the Antichrist. Those who put the mark of these organizations on their bodies is just like putting graffiti on the temple of the Lord. Isn’t your body an indwelling for the Holy Spirit? So, your body is a temple. God wants His people united and strong and if they are aligned with other organizations, they cannot possibly be 100% sold out to Christ and united. I had to personally denounce the organization I was in and when I told some of the members, they said “I can respect that and I had their support”. If Christ came today to you and said it’s either me or the organization, what would you pick? That is what He is asking today for us to do. To deny the world and the things of the world, pick up our cross and follow Him. You can not follow Him and look at the organization at the same time. Status means nothing to Christ because you are nothing without Him.
Many young people have come to me and asked me about joining various organizations and I give them the same answer. Is Christ the Head and only deity, do you have to take an oath or go through a right of passage and do you know everything about this organization? All organizations are not bad, but I do bring into question what is there to hide that these organizations do not want all of us to know about? Christ did not hide anything and we should not go into something blind. The Kingdom of God is revealed to those who want to know how to operate and live and this Kingdom is never divided because the King that is there today was there yesterday and in the time to come.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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