Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of the Culture: Breaking the Generational and Private Curses
Scripture: Romans 8:1,2; Ezekiel 18:19-21
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Today is a blessed day for the saints of God that are reading this. It is time to break the curse that has plagued your life and the lives of your families and generations. Let’s remember curses are basically the result of sin and some which recur through families are considered generational curses. Let’s understand that everyone is accountable for their own actions and God delivers just consequences for said sin. But when you see the same situation throughout a family or through a linage then you need to be mindful you could be looking at a generational curse. But, isn’t God phenomenal that He gives us a way out and a way to break the curse. Mankind was cursed to death because of the sin in the garden, but God being so merciful sent His only begotten Son to break this curse and give us another chance at eternal life. The only way these curses can be broken is denouncing them, praying over them and everyone in your family affected by them, giving your life over to Christ and most of all, praying in the name of Jesus! If we ask Jesus to loose us from these curses, he will and it is our responsibility to stay away from the sin that held us captive. In other words, if you have a problem with alcohol, then stay away from alcohol. Now in yesterday’s e-mail, I stated that it starts with you and here is why. Because, you recognize this, it is imperative that you intercede on behalf of others who might be held captive and pray for their release from this curse. Now, it is also important to talk to your brother or sister about the curse so they can understand that they have to denounce the curse and pray for spiritual freedom from the curse also. In a nut shell it does start with intercession but it ends with personal accountability and change. Here is an example of a prayer that if you want to really want to break this curse, you start with:
"Lord Jesus Christ, I confess to you all of the sins of my ancestors and predecessors on all sides of all of my families that and my spouses families back to our families origins, repenting of all of their sins, and in particular, of all of their sins that brought the curse of (name that problem) into our family line. I repent of all of those ancestral sins and ask for Your forgiveness for what they did, also repenting of all their witchcraft or any other acts of evil. I ask for forgiveness for whomever they may have hurt as a consequence of these sins."I now bind, loose, and break this generation curse off of my spouse and me (and any other saved family members), breaking all ties, bonds, cords and soul-ties with all of those past ancestral sins and any other of their acts of evil. I decree that we are free and this curse is broken, for it is written that in that day you shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass. Your Word says that where there is Christ, there is liberty. Your Word says that He who the Son sets free is indeed free.""I stand on Your Word, Lord Jesus Christ, decreeing this generations curse broken once and for all time and I release the blessing upon (name of person or self), all. Finally, the following are things which you should speak a curse "at it's roots" upon, in Christ Jesus' Name:
Now You Reverse the Curse and Curse EvilAll the seedings, works, plans and activities of Satan. All seedings, works, plans, and activities of each and every evil spirit manifesting against you, to or through any individual, organization, adversary, or would-be adversary, this day, from any day past, or any day to come; all occult businesses or enterprises or organizations that come across your path; all disease at it's roots including all cancers and cancer cells in a person's body, commanding them to die, cursing them at their roots in the Name of Christ Jesus; all dens of iniquity including bars, adult books stores, masonic temples and organizations, false churches and false religions, gambling establishments, etc; the fruits of all demonic strongholds in a person, community, nation, etc.; the fruits of all acts of witchcraft that they not prosper; the sin and fruits of sin in a person's life, that it not prosper; all opposition, hindrance, interference, or obstructions (at their roots), to the hearing or propagation of the Gospel of Christ, In the Name of Jesus!
It is truly our prayer that you fast and pray about the curses that have been set into play in many of our lives unsuspectingly. May God Bless You and Free You!
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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