The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Power of Prayer
Scripture: Matthew 21:21-22
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now I know for some of you, when you read these scriptures, you say Jesus can do this only. Now that is a religious thought! Look at the words again and read it slowly, Jesus is telling you and giving you, the citizen, information to let you know the power you will once you have received the power from on High (Holy Ghost). Now here is the good part. Read verse 22! And all things, Yes, Jesus says all things! Whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing. See there is the key, believing and having faith. So many people, pray for God to do something and then we try to dictate how God should do it. When we do that, we show a lack of faith because we want it on our terms and God does not work on our terms. When you ask God for something you have to believe He can do it because He is your Father, the possessor of Heaven and Earth. And the reward of the believer shall receive what they ask for. Ok so you have been praying and nothing is happening, then there is something wrong with your connection to God. See if God is Holy to His Word then He will do what He says He will do. So if you are not receiving then we need to look in the mirror. Let me show you a secret.
Read James 5:16. Now it is clear to the Holy Spirit as revealed to James that if we want to receive from God and have our prayers answered, then we first must forgive. I have said this many times and Jesus stressed it over many times while on Earth. If you do not forgive then the Father will not forgive you. So, if you are not lined-up properly (righteous) then do not expect God to give you anything. As harsh as that is when you read James 5:16, it says in the latter that the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. So the prayer of a righteous person are answered. Now you may think that is hard and it is because it forces you to get lined up with God and humble yourself to your brother and sister that may have done you wrong or you did wrong and ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness is a very humbling experience but pride will cause you not to do it and will prevent you from receiving from God. So in order to receive from God then you must be righteous and believe.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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