Series: Understanding Submission and the Kingdom Home
Today’s Focus: Submission pt 1 - Introduction
Scripture: Ephesians 5:21 – Ephesians 6:4
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now this is a very sensitive topic in today’s society. When we hear the word, Submission, we instantly think slavery. Now, the media and entertainment industry has pushed independence so hard on the body of Christ and on the world that now we think we can do it on our own. We hear songs promoting independence, churches packed with single hurting women preaching independence. The media having mega stars promoting the single-independent person. But barely nobody preaching or teaching the importance of the single person and their role. Let’s get a basic definition that we will use throughout this series:
Submission is operating under authority with humility.
Now our foundation for our example of true submission is Jesus Christ. Why? Because, he was submissive to many people. But he was God, right? Yes! Let’s look. When Jesus came to Earth, he was submissive to His parents. He was also submissive to God the Father. So even Jesus operated under submission. Look how His life turned out. You may say it ended at the cross, I beg to differ. Jesus never had a crisis and controlled all of the circumstances that came His way through the power of God. Isn’t that what you want for your life? But it only happened when Jesus operated under the authority of God (Submission). Jesus did not boast about Himself because he knew that He could do nothing without the Father. So Jesus was humble to understanding His position in the Kingdom and in the Will of the Father. So as we began to look at Submission understand that we are all called to be submissive and submission is not a bad thing. It is great because when you operate under the authority, it protects you and blesses you.
Next Message: Understanding Submission for the Kingdom Woman
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Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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