The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: A Warning and Call to Service and Charity
Scripture: Matthew 25:45
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know this is not “Christmas season”. But we as Kingdom Servant Leaders have been called to serve not just the poor in spirit but the poor in general. When you look at your life and then go downtown and or around your own neighborhood and you see those less fortunate, you should really not only thank God but ask Him what can I do to help. See we were broke busted and poor until the King came to Earth and gave us knowledge and the opportunity to enter back into the Kingdom and receive our rights as sons of God. Now when you read this scripture and your soul loves God, I pray that you realize what Jesus is saying about how we treat people, especially those who are not saved and those who may be poor.
Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.
That is a heavy scripture and statement. Did you know God has called ministries to assist the poor in the various countries and they need not just our things, but they need to here the Good News of the Gospel of the Kingdom. See money, food and clothes are all well and good, but if no one is teaching how those necessities are met then they will find it much harder to see themselves in a new light. We will always have to poor with us, but because we are Kingdom Servant Leaders then we are there to extend a hand and help our brothers and sisters in need.
This is why I..must be careful how I say this…I have come to dislike most of the aspect of the holiday we call Christmas. Christmas has become so commercialized and the one and only season that there is a somewhat focus on giving to the poor. Now, do not get me wrong, we should celebrate the introduction of the King to the Earth and His assignment to help give us the Holy Spirit again. But religion has made this to be the “season of giving”. Follow me! What would happen if only God gave to us in one season out of the entire year and the rest of the year He did not think to really help us? Well based off of the above scripture we do this to Jesus. See, it did not matter what the need of the people was, He was there to assist them and help them, even at 3am in the morning, Ask Nicodemus, one of the chief Pharisees J. There many citizens out there and God bless you, who have committed their lives to helping the poor, but we as a Kingdom should be doing this all the time, regardless of the season. Did you know, giving is a key of the Kingdom? It is not just a group of people that have been called to serve the poor but it is all of those who claim to be a son of God, a King and a Priest.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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