The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: Opposite Nature of Kingdom Attitude pt 3 - Judging
Scripture: Luke 6:37
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now this word has been misused and messed-up in the Kingdom. You hear people using the phrase “Judge not or you will be judged”. But today we are going to get an understanding of what judging is and how it is appropriately used in the Kindgom. The ultimate and most just judge we have is God Himself. Now in the courts of law, if you are brought before a court and I hope you never have to, your best friend is evidence and the judge. Why? Evidence clears you, but while the trial is going on, the judge SHOULD BE making sure your rights are not being violated. Now when it comes to judgment day we all will be judged individually on our actions and the standards we set on Earth. God does not use lawyers or witnesses. He uses the facts to show you where you were wrong and where you were right. So, our Most High Judge is just because He uses facts to convict us and He ensures that our rights are not being violated because He himself keeps His Word gives accordingly.
Now if you see something wrong and you know it is wrong and you tell that person they are wrong based upon facts, that is not judging. If you see a man or a woman who is homosexual and you tell them that homosexuality is an abomination, that is not judging. Judging is when you stand off from a distance, make an assumption about someone or something with gathering the facts and acting upon what you think. Now clearly in verse 37, Jesus says judge not! I am not your judge, this ministry is not your judge, but God is your judge and He knows all of the skeletons in the closets. So when we hear the phrase, judge not lest ye be judged, what it means is the same standard you judged somebody on is the same standard that will be used to judge you. See when these music artist and actors and entertainers and that includes the Christian artists also, are doing these un-godly acts and performances before the people, we have been called to be watchmen and blow the trumpet. In other words, what you do before the people, you should be held accountable for. For example, there was a Christian artist who struggled with pornography in secret, but while he was before the people performing he would be doing these hip-thrusts and gyrating and dancing like the world, better yet, the club on stage in front of the people and using the name of Jesus. Now what a confusing picture! So then this brother goes on the Oprah winfrey show and confesses to the world that he had a problem with pornography. Now if you are spiritually discerned and have the Holy Ghost, you did not need for him to come out and tell you that based off of his dancing and the way he performs. Nevertheless after asking for forgiveness and the people of the church saying we forgive you, He goes back out and teams up with people who do not believe in Christ, take their music, put God’s name in it (like God needs some help making music) and calling it gospel. Last I checked God was original and He is the Creator of all. But this is all done in front of the people and we as the body of Christ should speak out and let these people know what they are doing is wrong. But we as the church have become so scared and silent on issues for fear of the world and because we do not read, we do not understand that we are our brother’s keeper and we should be able to go up to them and say, “Hey, what you are doing is wrong.” Love also chastens and rebukes. A good parent chastens and rebukes their child when they are wrong and corrects them. So if you see something wrong, approach the person in love and if they do not want to change, so be it. But let’s not sit here and be silent and let these people who claim to know God show us something that God did not ordain nor condone through scripture.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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