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Household of Calhoun

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Corruption pt 6

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Religious Leaders and Their Corruption: Part 6
Scripture: Matthew 23:23-28

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now hear Jesus is dealing with the Pharisees and the Scribes about what matters more and how they are oppressing the people.

Do They Even Care?
The religious leaders who are leading some of these mega-ministries and some smaller ministries and churches are putting the burden on the people. They misuse the scripture give to God and He will give to you. And they take your money, you see them get a new car every other month, a million dollar house, do I need to go further. So you see them prospering but for some reason you are still not prospering, you are still spiritually and some naturally, broke, busted and poor. What is wrong with this picture? They put the burden on you to give but they do not render what matters most, faith, mercy and judgment. Funny these are the things you cannot naturally see because they are spiritual. Now do not get me wrong there is nothing wrong with having the nice things of life because God wants His children to look nice but He does not want those things to be the goal of the people they are serving. You will know them by their fruits.

Instead of constantly pressuring the people to give, give and give why not teach the people how to have faith and have mercy on others. Why do the religious people not have mercy on the flock. They oppress with their prosperity gospel and charismatic nature and never teach the people the fundamentals of true Kingdom living. Sad, because they do not know and so they punish the people with false doctrine, trying to give them hope when all they have to do is switch Kingdoms.

But yet every Sunday they stand up there hooping and hollering never caring that you did not receive the message nor hear anything about the kingdom of God. So you just wasted 2 hours of your life hearing something that will not help you once you leave. Yeah, you are on an emotional high, but your spirit is still starving. I can tell you once you taste of the true good news of the Kingdom, you will not want anything else. I am telling you that and I know a lot of other Kingdom preachers who will tell you. When I go to other services or hear other’s preach, my spirit is searching for the Kingdom. I always want to go into service and leave differently knowing I learned something I can apply what I heard now and not in the sweet by-and-by. See God is taking me through this because He dislikes what these people are doing, I dislike it and it is time to unveil the deception that is plaguing the people of God.

The Living Dead
These people are looking good, sounding good but on the inside they are dry and dead as it comes to the Kingdom of God. We have to be careful who we listen to and who we entertain. When God gives you a program to carry out, you do not need no super famous preacher and definitely no super famous musician or artist. But we want to draw a crowd. This is what the Pharisees and the Sadducees did. They garnished themselves in clothing and preached from the law of Moses but yet the Messiah is standing in front of them and they are completely blind spiritually and they are the religious leaders? Trust me citizens, there are some blind Pharisees out there today and thousands are following them because they sound good and can draw a crowd. But I heard Jesus say, If I be lifted up from the Earth, I (Jesus) will draw all men unto me. So the drawing is from God and not from some super famous person. Do not be the living dead like these people. Come into the Kingdom of God and explore and experience life more abundantly.

At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.