The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: Kingdom Assignments pt 3 – An Earthly Assignment in Action
Scripture: Luke 3:1-23; Matthew 3:1-3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now we see John is grown up and doing exactly as God had foretold to His parents. Here John is preaching the baptism of the remission of sins. Now the question is what is the baptism of the remission of sins??? Now turn to Matthew 3:2 because here is the revelation! This scripture tells you what John was preaching: Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. John tells the people that the way of the Lord is straight. In other words, all of the crooked ways we have been living will be changed by the introduction of the King and the Kingdom. The King is coming to set every crooked way straight and show us how. There will be no more excuses because we will now have conviction (Holy Spirit) and the Spirit of God living in us and guiding us in all truth.
Now here is a thought, whenever royalty enters an area, before royalty enters, a messenger is sent before them and say something to the sort “Hear ye, hear ye here comes the King”. Now, what do you call this: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand, make the way of the Lord straight”. So, John was the messenger sent to introduce the King to His people. This was John’s assignment of Earth. This is why he was called the greatest of the prophets. John was the one who baptized Jesus and if you remember, John did not think He was worthy to baptize Jesus. But, Jesus said it must be so to righteousness. What a privilege, to actually baptize Jesus Himself. So in order to see the power of God, we must put His assignment for our lives in action and not just words. The Kingdom of Gos is not in words, but in power. If you do not know your assignment ask God so you can get started today and see the power of the Kingdom at work in your life.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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