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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Kingdom Assignment Pt 2

The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: Understanding Kingdom Assignment pt 2 – The Assignment of John Foretold
Scripture: Luke 1:15-17; Luke 1:76-80

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The assignment of John was a royal and divine assignment and if you understand how Kingdom’s work then you will begin to appreciate and understand his assignment and why it was so important. Let’s look at the foretold assignment of John and bring to light the importance of John.

Verses 16-17 – The Message Repentance
John will introduce the message and importance of repentance. In this verse we see that John is called to “turn” the people to the Lord. The word turn is not a physical turn, but a spiritual turn and change of the mind.

Verse 17 – Introduction of the Lord
John was the greatest prophet because of all the prophets, John got to introduce and touch the message that all of the former prophets spoke about. From Genesis 3:15 to the coming of Christ on Earth, all of the prophets could only speak of the Messiah, but John got the privilege to introduce the King to His people.

Verses 77-80 – Introduction of the Knowledge of Salvation
John is called to prepare the way of the Lord by giving them the knowledge of salvation through the remission of sins. And he explains to them how in verse 78, by the coming of Christ. Now here is where it gets good. He is called to give light, which is knowledge, to those who sit in darkness, which is ignorance. And those who sit in darkness are in the shadow of death.

Now here is the funny thing about all that John was called to do, it is the very message and calling all of us have been called to do. Preach a message of repentance to the Kingdom mindset, prepare the way for the return of Christ, and give knowledge to those who sit in darkness. Are we doing the basic assignment given to us by our Father or are we trying to save ourselves and not worry about others. Please remember in preparing for the return of Christ, we as the Ambassadors do not know when He will return but He has told us to be prepared. So our assignment was also foretold before the foundation of the world, but it is our choice to accept it and live or reject it and move from under God’s covering grace. Your assignment will keep you alive longer.

At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.