The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: The Opposite Nature of Kingdom Attitude part 1
Scripture: Luke 6:35-38
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In one of our previous messages we talked about how things inside the Kingdom of God, majority of the time, are opposite to the ways of our man-made governments. Here is something to keep in mind:
The Kingdom of God was the first and original government on the Earth!
So every government after Genesis 3 is man’s attempt to find the government he lost. If you look at empires, communism, socialism, capitalism, democracy, republics, monarchy and even dictatorships are all spin-offs of the original. So because of our own reasoning and our lack of understanding the Kingdom of God, through time we have fallen into the ways of those governments and become held to their beliefs about how people should conduct themselves. So let’s look at how different we must be in order to function and experience the Kingdom of God and its benefits.
Love Your Enemies – Verse 35
Now of course because of religion and the believes of various nations and the wills of other nations trying to be imposed on others we now have “enemies”. Now enemies is defined as someone that disagrees with you or may have a hostile opinion or reaction to you. Now here is something funny, if you are a Kingdom citizen and not a religious Christian you may have enemies right in the church. It does not always have to be someone of another faith. But we are commanded to love them and lend to them not hoping to get anything in return. Now we get into a lot of trouble with that part of the statement. Lend to someone without hoping for something in return. Another phrase that was used in scripture is a cheerful giver. Sometimes we do things, because the world does it, to get things in return. You scratch my back, I scratch yours analogy. But in the Kingdom, if it is not cheerfully given then do not worry about Heaven opening up for you. The scripture says, God LOVES a cheerful giver. Then Jesus says if you do that then you shall be the CHILDREN OF THE HIGHEST. Now watch the rest of the scripture because this is why we give to our enemies: For he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Now if God is that way with the evil so should we. See even in our evil and unthankful state, God still gave us life and for many us, the necessities we need. Even though a child disobeys you as a parent, you do not stop providing basic necessities to them, you just do not add the benefits of an obedient child.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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