The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: The Message of Jesus Christ
Scripture: Luke 4:42-43
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now we should all know by now what the Message of Jesus is. Now if you do not yet, read the above scripture and get it straight from the Lord Himself. Now, Jesus has clearly said what His message is, which is the Kingdom of God. He has told us what to preach, the Kingdom of God. So why is it that we rarely hear about the Kingdom of God from our t.v. evangelist. We send our money to these people and never hear about the Kingdom of God and how to live in it. We hear about all these other messages:
1. Prosperity
2. Faith
3. Season and Harvest
4. Hope
5. Breakthrough
6. Calvary
7. Gospel of Inclusion (Beware of this false antichrist gospel)
And the list can go on and on, but we never hear about THE MESSAGE OF CHRIST, THE KINGDOM OF GOD! Let me show you religion at it’s best and then I will show you the Kingdom. When Benny Hinn goes into these arenas and packs them out with thousands of people and you see these people going up on stage and being “slayed in the Spirit” and some of them being healed before thousands of people. Now what are those people there for? Are they there for Benny Hinn or for Christ?? What is sad when I see this, the people believe he is anointed with the power to heal and slay people in the Spirit. So they render their power to Him because they do not believe they themselves have the power to do these things through Christ. Now, I have watched many of his shows and rarely if ever do I hear about the Kingdom of God. Religion gets its pleasure out of controlling you, the Kingdom gives you power to control your circumstance. See, if Bro. Hinn was teaching the Kingdom then they would have no need to flock to Him anymore for healing when He comes to town, they will know how to get their healing through Christ themselves. Christ came to give you power, not to control you and make you a slave to Him. We are His brothers and joint heirs in the Kingdom. Now I am not saying that Bro. Hinn is not anointed but what I am saying is, you can misuse your gift and become corrupt because of fame. We have to remember we can only do those things through Christ and we have been charged as Christ disciples to show the nations and teach them so that they can enter into Kingdom life and explore it themselves and not vicariously through an individual.
The Message of the Kingdom of God has been lost but is forcefully advancing in these times of the failures of our man-made government. People want a pure government that keeps its promise and protects the citizens and that is why the message of the Kingdom of God is more important than any other message. But here is a problem, you can’t preach what you do not understand! I will stand on this statement but I know it is the truth.
In the majority of our churches today we hear about the acts of Jesus, but not the message of Jesus!
The difference is you hear about preachers preaching on the miracles Jesus did, but Jesus even told the disciples and some of the people who witnessed these things and said these words: “Tell no one”. Why? Because it is not in the act, but it is in the message. The ONLY people who could really preach about the acts of Jesus were those disciples that were with Him, but He told them what to preach (Matthew 10). Now we believe in what Jesus did, but Jesus is trying to tell you all of this that I do is because I (Jesus) am living in the Kingdom and I (Jesus) am trying to show you how to do these things. Jesus told us that He gave us some Keys of the Kingdom. The problem is, you do not know how to use them.
I want to challenge all of you to step up to the plate and see it for yourselves, whether they are on Daystar, TBN, The Word Network, The Church Channel or your local cable company, look for yourselves and see how many preachers, or so-called preachers, are preaching the Kingdom of God and the principals of how to live in the Kingdom. If they are not, then are they preaching the message of Jesus Christ which He clearly stated in Luke 4:43 was the Kingdom of God?
Remember, God will only show you what you want to know but you have to put down your own beliefs and hear His Words and see the corruption through His eyes.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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