The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Understanding the Truth and Result of Calvary
Scripture: Matthew 27:33-58
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now I have stood on the fact that Calvary was a means to an end and not the goal of Christ, because Jesus said on many occasions that the goal was to baptize you in the Holy Ghost. So the death of Jesus on the cross brought an end to one thing and restored a Kingdom of Kings and Priests. Let’s look at what the meaning of
End of Eternal Death, as Judgment of Sin, over the Child of God
When Christ died on the cross His blood paid the price that was required to wash us clean from the sin that we caused way back in the Garden and of course subsequent actions also. Before Jesus all who had died were condemned to an eternal hell and death. But because of the love of God for us and the life Jesus lived, it was the perfect sacrifice for the sin of the world to end the reign of death on the children and give them the opportunity at life.
Restoration of Relationship with Abba
Now this restoration can only happen after the blood was shed on Calvary because the blood washes us clean for what gives us the restoration. The Holy Spirit abiding in us. See once you have received the Holy Spirit now you have the connection back with the Father. Now you can have an intimate relationship and not a religion with Abba. This is what God desires! Who worships their earthly fathers??? So God wants a relationship with you and God appreciates you telling Him who He is and what He does. He knows all of that, but through the relationship His Will for your life and for the children can flow from Heaven to Earth.
Restoration of Sonship
While you were without the Holy Spirit, you did not have the connection back to the Father in Heaven. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden, God’s children officially walked away from Him to live in the world and do as they pleased. But when they realized the intimate relationship with God was missing, mankind created all these religions in an attempt to find God. Now, after fullness of time, God comes down in a man (Jesus) and shows His children what they have been looking for and how to live in the Kingdom. So once these children believe in the Lord Jesus and believe that God has raised Him from the dead, then they are restored as sons of God and in the image and likeness of Him that created them. Once you get a chance, Look at the story of the Prodigal Son! That is the perfect parable to this section. You are not a slave but a son!!!
Salvation and the Resurrection
Without the blood of Christ, salvation cannot happen and the resurrection would not happen. So it is important that you understand that the blood is the first part of salvation, the second part is the restoration of the Holy Spirit in mankind. Salvation happens instantly for the believer and for those who believe they shall be resurrected in immortality on that great resurrection day.
So, in closing, Calvary is a means to an end but the goal based on everything you have just read is God restoring the Holy Spirit back in mankind. We have made movies on the cross and sad to say, many Christians do not know what Calvary paid for. See now that you know, you should have a little more pep in your step and hold your head a little more high. There is so much more we can discuss about Calvary. But remember this is not the message, but important to understand what it truly means to the believer. Remember, the lost do not care about the cross, but if you can show them what the cross paid for then they will come before the Lord and be restored.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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