The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Religious Leaders and their Corruption: Part 3
Scripture: Matthew 23:7-12
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this segment we will look at the titles these religious leaders have given themselves and as you read the scriptures you will see some of them Jesus said do not call them that.
Have you noticed that in the church it seems like everyone has to have a title. And what I mean is that you must call them by their title. Here is an example. Before John B. (just an example) became a pastor he was just Brother John B., down to earth, loved God and served the church well. Then Brother John B. went to Bible school and got a Doctor of Divinity degree. Now He is Dr. John B. And now he is a pastor in the church so now his new title is the Reverend Dr. John B. Now Rev. Dr. John B. tells people to make sure you call him by his full name, Reverend Dr. John B. See how silly this is. Now many of these prominent preachers got “honorary doctorates” from some university and they walk around like they did a thesis and earned the degree. I went to school for 6 years and studied to become a pharmacist, I earned my Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Florida A&M University. Now when I get to work, I do not tell my employees to call me Dr. Calvin Calhoun, I tell them to call me Calvin. Why? Because I earned the degree and use the title professionally to help my patients out, not to exalt myself above the team. I am already the pharmacy manager, so I am already the head, why would I need to make them call me Dr. Calvin. I am the same Calvin, at work, home and in ministry. Now some of these preachers will not address you unless you call them Dr. so-and-so. Even when I am in church, the young kids have respect for me because I earned it and they call me Calvin and I take no offense to it. I believe you should address people as Mr., Mrs. or Ms., A title is was it is, just a title. The Holy Spirit just showed this to me. When Jesus was on Earth, did he demand for the citizens and the people to call Him King Jesus? Think hard….Of course not! Why? Because he was already a King, Priest and Ambassador of the Kingdom of God. Many people when they approached Him called Him, Jesus, Son of David, Jesus, and even in the case of the devils Jesus ran into they called Him, Jesus the Son of God. See, Jesus did not have to flaunt who He was, He let the work of the Father who sent Him speak for Him.
I give respect to my Pastors, Bishops, Elders, hey anyone above me that God has put into leadership position. Be we need to stay humble in our position and not let our position exalt us above the people because if you read verse 12 then you will see all that exalts themselves will be lowered. Now real quickly look at the names Jesus said not to call someone:
Rabbi (Hebrew – my master, include the word reverd (reverend)) why? Because there is only one Master and all the rest of us are brethren (brothers and sisters). I know in some of the Jewish denominations they call the head of the religious organization. And we also see the word Reverend and I know this is a touchy subject but you have to do your research. The only person we should hold in reverence is God because He is the one true Master.
Father: This word is commonly seen in the Roman Catholic church and it denotes a priest or leader of the church. Now Jesus clearly says do not call NO MAN your father upon the earth. Why? Because your birth is spiritual first! You were born of God before the foundation of the world. So you were spiritual before you were put on the Earth in your fleshly body on the Earth. So God is your one true Father! Now that is revelation! The earthly person, who we call father, is someone who has been given charge to rear us and raise us in the fear and admonition of the Lord. But we should never forget our true Father, God Almighty! For some of us we thought we never knew our father, but God has always been there and He still is waiting for you to come to Him and give your problems to Him and let Him hold you in His arms and let you know, it will all be alright.
I do not know why all was said the way it was but I pray that this message reaches who it, is intended for.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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