The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Religious Leaders and their Corruption Part 1
Scripture: Matthew 23:1-4
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This might be one of the most in your face series, but the Lord is tired of these so-called religious leaders of our time misleading the flock. The Pharisees and the Sadducees did the exact same thing and over the next 5 messages we are going to try to open your eyes to the corruption that is going on so you can hear and understand that discerning from within. Let’s get right to it.
Verse 3 – Do As They Say, Not as They Do
Now the religious leaders of their time knew the law and the scriptures and some of the things they were saying for the people to do was right, but they did them neither. Now this is the basic form of corruption in the church now. We have preachers telling people to get married and honour your vows and yet they have had 2 wives and still have a girlfriend on the side. We have preachers telling the people to live as the Word commands and yet they live the most corrupt lives on the planet. They tell the people to speak life and speak as Christ did, but yet in their movies they produce they have the secular artists just cursing left and right and call it a Christian movie. We have preachers preaching on hope, but will not deal with the sin people are in to get them to the hope. We have preachers that preach on tithes every Sunday to get your money, and yes you should tithe, but they will not give. This is the basic corruption that is going on in the church. Then there is the level 2 corruption, Do neither as they say or as they do. This is where they are totally corrupt and distorted.
Verse 4 – Burdening the Flock
The Pharisees and the Sadducees would burden the people and tell them that their sickness and their oppression is on them and they force the people to give when they did not have and continue to hold the people down to lift themselves up. Sounds like some preachers I know. Here is a great example. Two preachers in Atlanta have these millions of dollars in cars and million dollar mansions but yet their congregations lives are not improving, I do not see millionaires coming out of their congregations by leaps and bounds. I still see the same hoods and run-down neighborhoods, but the pastor is living like millionaire and may I suggest maybe off the backs of the people. I know you see it and the Spirit is saying something is wrong. These preachers have private jets that the church payed for but the congregation can’t use it? The preachers have people in their congregations going spiritually hungry and never hear the Gospel of the Kingdom. What a shame and this is just 2 prominent preachers. There are many more. When I preach the Word, I do not look for money, if the church chooses to donate, I will be grateful but what I have been called to do was freely given to me so I freely give it to you. I have come to teach you how to be empowered through Christ and teach you how to control your circumstances. How many of you, especially in these times, want to control your circumstances? See if your pastor is not teaching and preaching the Kingdom of God and showing you how to improve your life then why are you there? It is funny, when you preach the Kingdom message then people become empowered and it move the power from the pulpit to the people. Jesus came to move the power from Him to us. It is up to you if you want to see the corruption and change your life. The choice is yours!
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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