The Good News (Gospel) According to Mark
Today’s Focus: The Purpose of the Parables – A Key Source of Kingdom Witnessing
Scripture: Mark 4:10-12; Mark 4:33,34
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know we touched on this some in Matthew but like many scriptures God can show you many messages in one set of scriptures and this is one of those occasions. When we read the scripture, the disciples are asking Jesus about the parable and why He spoke in parables. Now if you want to be an effective witness of the Kingdom, you have to be able to relate real life situations to Kingdom principals. This is why Jesus use parables of agriculture, ceremonies and cultural customs to explain to the multitudes Kingdom principals and how they function on Earth. Now look at verse 11 because here is why we need to be able to explain the Kingdom in laymen terms for the multitudes. Quote Jesus:
Unto you (believer) it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables.
Now are you going to remember all the parables of Jesus, maybe not. But it is important to be in a position to hear God and allow Him to use your body to explain to the multitudes how the Kingdom works. He may not use a parable from the Bible, God is great at using what is current to show what has always been. I hope you understand but this is what witnessing is all about. To be able to speak in a language that all can understand. Now it is clear to Jesus, to the multitudes that the revelation of the mysteries are given to the believer of the Kingdom. Have you received revelation? See this depends on you! If you read verse 12 you see these words: lest at any time THEY should be converted… So, the conversion hinges on you. It has to be in your heart and in your mind to want to be healed and to want to be set free from the slavery of sin and to want to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Do not think that you can just walk through life just being a sinner saved by grace. As times get hard, much more will be required and it will become harder to keep the faith and stay strong if you have not already started.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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