The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Great Feast of Life
Scripture: Matthew 22:1-14
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This Kingdom Parable is one of the most revealing I have read and one that the Holy Spirit showed me some revelation into end. Let’s start at the beginning. The Kingdom of God was prepared for the saints from the foundation of the world. So after the fall in the Garden, God sent forth His servants (Prophets) to call them (The children of Israel) to the wedding (Return of the Messiah). They were bidden by God over and over again and they made light of it. The children of Israel, sadly killed some of the prophets that were called by God to spread the news of the coming of the Messiah. God became very angry and sent His armies (Angels) and destroyed those murderers and burned up their city. So this wedding is now ready but the people it was ready for are not worthy so invite as many as you can find to the marriage (invitation to the Gentiles). The children of God then went out and bid (evangelism) as many as they could to the wedding. Now when the King came in (Jesus) he saw a man (Satan and his children) which had not on a wedding garment (Holy Spirit) and because they did not have on the wedding garment they were cast out of the wedding into Hell.
In order to be ready for the feast you have to be dressed accordingly for the ceremony. See the garment you must have on is the Holy Spirit. This is a very simple choice. You can either be at the wedding or be cast out into utter darkness, which is Hell. See, God is calling you to the wedding and all you have to do is accept the invitation and come on in. And in the appointed time, the King will enter in and everyone who thought they were going to stay, who did not have the Holy Spirit, will be bound by the Angels and cast out. People this is a very real situation and picture for the World. It is our job to bid as many people as we can to come into the Kingdom and receive their garment for the Great Feast of Life. It is my heart’s desire for everyone on this ministry to be dressed accordingly and invite other to join also so they can get dressed before the entrance of the King! The work is not in the four walls of a temple but in the world of the lost.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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