Today’s Focus: Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Woman pt 1
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:1-3; 1 Timothy 2:9-15; Isaiah 3:12; Proverbs 31:10-31
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Before we start this series let’s get a definition of submission:
Submission is operating under authority in humility.
Now this word “submission” among today’s women is almost as bad as satan himself. But if you want to be blessed you have to operate under the authority system God has set up. See we believe because times have changed then the Word must change with the times. God forbid! The Word is the same yesterday, today and forever more. So if we believe (faith) that then this message should not be an issue for those of us operating under authority. So we have to go back to formula and get right and in order. Now a woman should follow the man of the household as He follows Christ. This is how the Kingdom woman should operate in submission. Now what the world has done is promote independent women, girl-power and the “you do not need no man” theory. This is as demonic and satanic as it can get. Because satan knows if he can get you from under your covering (head) then that gives him a direct line of attack. Let’s look at the world today. Many fathers, heads-of-households are in prison, jail or just abandoned their families. What this has done is create what I call “a dominate female”. This female tries to operate as man and woman and over time she thinks she can do it all by herself and when God brings a man into her life to be her covering, she turns him down because she believes she does not need a man and no man will tell her what to do. Ladies, I have come to tell you that operating under submission to man and God will protect you from spiritual attack and make you a blessing to your household. Now this man may be your father, husband, friend or whatever man God has placed in your life that is lead by His Spirit.
Now, there is one thing that we have to get very clear about how God made creation and the role of the woman. God created man and woman with distinctly different physical and emotional capabilities. The role of woman is to be a help meet or helper to the man. In addition, to be a nourisher and caretaker of the home. Now that may seem old fashioned but how many 30+ year marriages are there today? Divorce was almost unheard of but now it is over 50% in the United States alone. Remember, God created woman from the rib of the man and she was to help him and assist him in the administration of God’s Will and Kingdom on Earth. Now this does not mean that the woman is useless or some helpless creation. Here is an example. There are times when even as the head of my household, I have a problem making a decision. My wife comes and assist me and we talk it out and we also use the Word of God as a guide to our answers. Will we always agree or come to the same conclusion? No not always, but at the end of the day we understand that I being the head am responsible for the family and how I lead. I value and love my wife for her insight, devotion and love she gives me in anything that I do for God. She is there at every opportunity to support me in the ministry and even when it comes to this ministry, she gives me the time and an ear to the messages the Lord has given me. Before we were married God sent a prophet to us in the middle of a restaurant while we were having breakfast and God spoke to us through His messenger about our roles and the expectations for our various ministries and how we are to support each other under the order of God. Now the reason all of this was said was because God is calling the entire church back to order and he has shown me His order and what has happened because of people leaning to their own understanding the church has become chaotic and out of order. It has become a business and not the House of Prayer that Jesus called it in Matthew. It is imperative ladies that just because God has put you under the authority of a man, it does not diminish your role in the Kingdom, but it has to be in order. These are chaotic times and the only thing that fixes chaos is order.
In the next message we will look at the role of women in the ministry! Now this usually brings out devils and evil spirits out of people but we have to remember that we have to stick to scripture. This will be a 2-part message because of so much information. I ask that we discuss these issues in a Christ-like manner and bring scripture to support your stance. Let’s not lean to opinions because we are Ambassadors of Christ and Ambassadors never state their opinion but what was prescribed by their government and the Word of God are our prescribed words for the world.
At Our Father’s Service, Minister Calvin Calhoun
Household Gatherings and Teachings
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