Today’s Topic: The Beginning of Sorrows: False Christs Part 2
Scripture: Matthew 24:5; 2 Timothy 4:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now in the previous message we talked about one of the signs of the spirit of antichrist being that these people and angels will preach another gospel other than the Gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. Now the next sign to let you know that you are dealing with the spirit of antichrist is the fact that these people and beings will deny Jesus as being the only and exclusive way to the Father. Now, I will use this illustration to show you how this is being accomplished through the spirit of fear. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 happened in the United States there was a sense of urgency by the nation to get back to prayer and of course this would be the reaction because people are afraid. But moreover, the attacks of September 11 was stated by the President of the United States to have been a religion (Islam) attacking the United States. Now, I am just using this as an example. When this statement was made the Muslim communities in the United States came out firmly against the terrorist and stating that their religion is not to bring war or kill people but to bring about peace. But ultimately happened was out of fear, we had the Christians, Muslims, Buddhist and Hindu religions actually come together under a Christian Cathedral (I cannot remember the name of it in Washington D.C.) to seek answers for what happened in the United States. Now what they were all searching for was peace because we now have a nation and other countries around the world in fear of these attacks. So here they put down their differences to say we are all brothers for the sake of peace because of fear. Now the problem with this is that the only person that can protect you and give you peace is Jesus Christ and He is the only one who has all the answers to the problems. Now this would present a problem if we had some true Christians at that Cathedral that day because that would mean that the Christian has to take a firm stance and say I know someone who can gives us peace and protection and His name is Jesus. Now the Muslims, Buddhist, Hindus and sad to say even some Christians would come against that stance even though it is the correct stance because it puts Jesus out on a separate island from everyone else as the way to the Father and the absolute answer to the problem. So in order for this thing to work with these various religions in one place, Jesus has to be put down. This is nothing but the work of the antichrist.
The reality is Christianity is being split into two factions and you need to know where you stand because when the kitchen gets hot, you will either survive or succumb to the heat. The two factions that Christianity is splitting into are these:
1. Those who are looking for convenience to be accepted by the world
2. Those who preach the exclusive gospel that Jesus is the only way.
Now the question is, where is your life sitting as a born again believer? Are you a conformer or an Ambassador of the Kingdom? Anybody that states that Jesus is not the only way to the Father, is accursed and today in the church, the spirit of antichrist is coming in and leading worship and praise through the spirit of homosexuality and when overseers allow this to be the case then our silence is acceptance and permission for the spirit of antichrist to walk around freely. Psalms 12:8 says it best: “The wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted.” We have preachers, well-known media personalities that when asked the question: “Is Jesus the only way to Heaven?” they skirt around the issue and never come out and take that stance that Jesus is the only way. Let me say this to all of my brothers and sisters, be very careful who you listen to, especially when they have a large platform like the media. Let me explain. When you are a creature of the media then you understand that the media makes or breaks you. So in turn, these people compromise on the exclusivity of Jesus to conform to the media’s wishes so that they can keep their time slot and the money. When they do this, the spirit of antichrist is allowed to walk freely. Is that no wonder on stations such as TBN and The Word Network, we see preachers talking about prosperity but not deal with the sin that must be removed that allows you to experience the prosperity. Now will you ever really hear one who comes out against homosexuality! They will allow someone to come on and promote their books and allow them to make sick claims that a woman should sleep with a man after 90 days and nobody puts that in check. Because someone is famous we will give them a platform regardless of the life their living just because we want to show we know them and they are down with us. We look at these t.v. preachers and personalities that claim to know God but when asked about controversial issues, they take a soft stance and not speak truth and evangelize the world with Jesus. These people know that the media will make and break them and you have to allow the Holy Spirit to show you the deception because anybody that conforms to the media and compromises Jesus the exclusive and only way to the Father has the spirit of antichrist influencing them. Anybody can preach and give a good speech but the best sermons are lived and the fruits of their lives are evident of the sermons they preach.
Look, Jesus prophesied a rise in antichrist spirits and He said many will come in His name. So Jesus is telling you that you need to be spiritually discerned about everyone who claims the name of Jesus because the spirit of antichrist wants to lull you and deceive you so that you will accept the lie and to prove this let me show you in scripture because it is spoken in scripture that this will happen.
2 Timothy 4:3: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.”
This is the charge to the overseers and what I want to bring out here is that in these days and the days to come people will not want to hear the truth because it cuts, but will listen to those people who will tickle their ears with what they want to hear and not what God says. This is the work of the spirit of antichrist and all of this will lead to the one antichrist, the person, coming to earth. The only way not to be deceived is to have a relationship with Lord Jesus, the Christ.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.