Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Idolatry
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-8; 1 John 5:21
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now when the children of Israel were in Egypt, they were exposed to many different gods. To be near exact almost over 900 different ones. Now when they were delivered, they saw the power of the one and true living God, Jehovah. But they because of their mentality being damaged they still created idol gods after their deliverance. Now when we look at the scriptures in Exodus, God is giving the people a charge and command that they should not have any other gods before Him. And do not make any graven images or likeness of anything that is in heaven above and the earth beneath. In addition, they should not bow down thyself to these gods nor serve them. After stating all of this, God gives a consequence for their actions and here is where you should pay very close attention. God said in Exodus 20:5:
“…visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.”
Now if you do not know what that is above, it is called a Generational Curse. So what happens is because of the sins of the fathers, the children shall be punished up unto the 3rd and 4th generation. Now in the upcoming messages we will be dealing with generational curses but let’s stick with idolatry. Idolatry is putting anything before God and/or reverencing or worshipping that thing. An idol does not only have to be a “god”. It can be these other things:
1. Gold and Silver
2. Car
3. House
4. Clothes
5. Celebrities
And the list goes on and on. Here is a great example of idolatry when we hear this:
“Michael Jordan is my idol” or “Jay-Z is the god of rap”. Young people, that is called idolatry and God will punish you and your future children for that. Adults when you put any of those other things above worship and study with God, that is idolatry. When we look at our society today, idolatry is running rampant. Instead of God being held in reverence, we hold these athletes as the role models and look at them?? Do you really want them being your child’s “idol”?? Next it’s these entertainers and artist. They are promoting fornication, false god worship, prostitution and the abuse of women through their music and their shows. And let’s not forget the religious folk. They see the big bishops and mega-famous t.v. ministers and even though they are not teaching you about the message of Christ, the Kingdom of God, we get offended when someone like me comes against them and rebukes them for what they do openly against the people. That is called idolatry. When are we as a people, after seeing all of this chaos and economic downturn going to put our heart and soul in the one person who never had a crises, Jesus Christ? When are we going to hold him up in reverence in our lives, not just our words, and proclaim the Kingdom of God is here. When are we going to stand up and say no more and take back our homes and get our children under the blood of Christ?
We have heard the Word of the Lord and the consequences are so damaging. But if you love your children, do right by them and have a relationship with God and sit down with your children and talk to them about God. Turn the t.v. and ipods off. They need to hear your voice and the voice of the Lord because when they get out there on their own, they will realize that they need God in every aspect of their lives. And these idols, they have do not care about them and will lead them to destruction.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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