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Household of Calhoun

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Kingdom Husband

Today’s Focus: Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Husband
Scripture: Ephesians 5:23-26

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now I am going to start this letter off in venting mode so bare with me. I am sick and tired of all these secular people who write about relationships and marriages and some of them were never in a marriage, barely none of them mention Christ, nor do they use the Bible to show what the institution of marriage is all about. Then we as Christians and Kingdom Citizens rush out and buy this garbage because we want to know about what women think about men and what men think about women..blah, blah, blah. And God is saying:


Now I have to agree with God on this one, so many women are out there looking for the Kingdom husband. First, you should not even be looking for Him. He will find you! And finally, who started the institution of marriage? Of course God! So why can’t we use His model of marriage today in our homes. Last I checked, God has been true to His Word yesterday, today and forever more. So let’s get into the scripture and find out the characteristics of the Kingdom husband!

In the above scripture reading we see God establishing man to be the head of woman as Christ is the head of the church. Now so many men want to use verse 23 to justify their stance to the woman but don’t want to live by the stance in verse 25. Now let’s get to the good stuff in verse 25!

Verse 25 reads: “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loves the church, and gave himself for it.” Let’s stop right there! In other words husbands, you are to love your wife as Christ loved the church. The problem is you have to know how Christ loved to church to understand how to love your wife. I told you this would be good! How did Christ love the church:
1. He protected the church
2. He served the church
3. He cared for the church when it was sick
4. He provided for the church
5. He lead the church
6. He sacrificed and died for the church

Now your love for your wife should be just as Christ in the above six examples. The Kingdom husband is to protect, serve, care, provide, lead, sacrifice and even die for the wife. Now that is very heavy but we as husbands are called to operate in that type of love to our wives. As a newlywed with a baby on the way (Hallelujah) we have to be more sensitive and understanding to our wives because for the 9 months they carry the greatest joys and gifts from God of our lives, our children, they are hurting physically, hormonally unstable at times and need that care support and love. Now what that means is that you have to put all that macho man away and humble yourself down and minister, or serve, her. Are there times in the Kingdom home that we will not see eye to eye? Yes! But we have to calm down and realize that God has the answer to every problem if we stay in His counsel. Husbands, we need to get out of the house and work! I know times may be rough but God always has a way. In some homes, the woman may make more but do not be discouraged or feel threatened because if you are doing those six things above, then your household will be blessed no matter who is making the money. It is time for us to stop being deadbeat fathers and husbands.

You as the husband are the target of the enemy and when you stop being a watchman over your family, the enemy sneaks in and starts corrupting the children first. Do not let your guard down! You should be protective of your wife. You should help her with the things of the home. You should be teaching the children the Word of God and giving them a foundation to stand on to prevent the wiles of the devil from overcoming them. But all of this only happens if you as the Husband have a relationship with Christ and understand His love for us, the church. The Word says, “Greater love have no man than this, that he lay down His life for his friends.” We will never be able to love someone as much as Christ loves us, but we can strive every day. Funny, nowhere in these scriptures do we see buy your wife things to keep her happy. If your wife is a Kingdom wife, her happiness, love and joy is not only in the Lord but also in her children and her husband. A Kingdom wife is one of God’s greatest gifts to a man, because you can’t do it alone because if you could, God would not have created her and gave her to you.

Treat her with the respect, dignity, honor and love she deserves because Christ did with us. And you will see that same love returned 10-fold. The success of the household starts with us as the husbands and if we get it right, then the wives get it right then the children start acting better. Is that not what we want??? So here is the challenge to the Husbands:
1. Have a daily relationship with Christ
2. Read the Word daily
3. Sit down and discuss the Word with your wife
4. Sit down daily with your children and teach them the Word
5. Love your family and protect them against the wiles of the devil
6. Set the example not just with words but with actions! (Talk is cheap these days)
7. Stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!

Next Topic:
1. Understanding the Kingdom Man and Ministry

At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.