The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Great Betrayal and Denial of Jesus
Scripture: Matthew 26:30-75
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
During this time Jesus has foretold his betrayal and His denial. Now Jesus had warned Peter that he was going to deny Him 3 times and then the cock would crow. Now like the ambitious disciple He was, he told Jesus that He would not of course, but Jesus knew He would. The very disciple that tried to fight for Him and called Him the Christ, the Son of the Living God, is going to deny Him in front of the people. This was a sorrowful time for Jesus. He prayed to the Father to pass this cup (persecution and death), BUT if not let thy (The Father’s) Will be done. So even in his sorrowful time He asked the Father to pass this from Him but if it is not in the Will of the Father, he will go forth. So, the whole Hollywood picture and portrayal of the mission of Jesus to die on the cross is a lie. His mission, once again, is to get the Holy Ghost back in you, his death was a means to an end, but He had to be risen from the dead in order to give us the Breath of Life again.
See it is one thing to say you are a follower of Christ, but it is another thing to show people you are a follower. See, Peter was scared to accept Him because of the fear that the people would bring him up before the court and/or kill him. So as Jesus foretold when Peter denied Him three times, the cock crowed and Peter remembered what Jesus said and went away sorrowful. We deny Jesus when we act like the world and/or when we are asked to take a stand on an issue, we back down because we are scared of what people think or what they may do. We deny Jesus when we do that. We betray Jesus when we take people for their money and or/sell Jesus for our own profit and gain. Not even to advance the Kingdom but to get money. We become no better than Judas. This is a sad situation and it happens in the body of Christ so much to a point it is hard to see the real true citizens of the Kingdom from the one’s that are giving lip service. In other words, the difference between the boat-talkers and the water-walkers (Go read the story of Peter and Jesus on the Water for clarification). Our lives are a determination of whether we are lifting up the name of Jesus, more than our words. Our actions are a determination of whether we are truly His and not a slave to satan. Being a citizen of the Kingdom is not just some title but it is a lifestyle and life that has many more benefits and rewards. Like all things it has it problems but the good thing is that the King has personally seen that every problem that we encounter we know we can overcome through the power He gives us through the Holy Ghost. So let’s not betray or deny Jesus, Our King and Big Brother. He did not deny us when He went to the cross and paid the price for the sins we committed, so we should not deny nor betray Him by preventing those who want to enter the Kingdom by the way we live.
At Our Father’s Service, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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