Today’s Focus: Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Man pt 1
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:3; Genesis 2:24
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I am going to take a couple of days to talk about the man because this is the person satan has effectively attacked and suffered the home to disarray and chaos. When we look at man, God created him to be a spiritual leader, disciplinarian, worker and pastor of the home. He was built physically and emotionally for the job God has for him. Now in the perfect world, man would listen to God, then he would teach and impart wisdom to his family and administrate God’s will on the Earth. When we look at Jesus, Jesus was under the submission of Joseph and God when He was a child. The role of Joseph was to rear Jesus into manhood. Funny after the episode where they thought they lost Jesus in the synagogue that was the last time we heard about Joseph. Now based off of our standard foundational scripture. Man is the head of woman and the head of man is Christ. But when the man is a child, he is under the covering of his parents and God. It is not until he reaches manhood and marries does he become the head of his own family. And this follows the scripture in Genesis 2:24.
Just because God calls the man the head does not give him the right to be abusive and controlling. The Bible says he is to follow Christ and lead His family in the same manner. This means the man has the characteristics of Christ and leads as Christ lead His brothers and sisters. The man of course was the first creation of mankind then came the woman from the man. Before the woman, man was working and doing the Will of God until God saw that man should not be alone. And God gave him a help meet. As we look in the next few days about the role of men, I pray that we all send up some prayers and to the men, the Word is going to challenge your manhood and your position. It is time to stop being a victim and blaming everyone else for our own downfalls and look in the mirror and let God fix what we see with our eyes and let Him mold us into what He sees with His.
Next Few Days Topics:
1. Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Father
2. Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Husband
3. Understanding the Kingdom Man and Ministry
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Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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