The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Truth About the End
Scripture: Matthew 24
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now the reason I am covering an entire chapter in one message because you need to read it for yourself and know the truth and the end. So many people are saying we are in the end times and this is the end but I beg to differ based off of the scriptures. Look at verse 5 through 8. All of these things are happening and some have already happened. Now look at verse 8 and what Jesus says this time is: The Beginning of Sorrows. Now as you read on you then see all of these things that must come to past but my favorite verse in this passage and our ministry’s mission statement is in verse 14: And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. So until the gospel of the Kingdom is preached unto every nation then Jesus is not coming back. So what have we been preaching for the past 50 years, let alone 1800 years? The scriptures also talk about the false christs and the signs that tell you the end is here. This whole passage is a very revealing set of scriptures from Jesus and I urge every citizen to read and know the signs because in these times the deception will be so strong that if it were possible the very elect would be deceived.
Know the truth about the end from Jesus and do not listen to these street corner people and all these philosophers because based off of verse 36 Jesus says NO MAN, not even the angels know the time when Jesus is coming back, only the Father. So citizens, based off of this statement we must be always and ever ready for the return of Christ. Here is a thought. The first time Jesus came, His coming was declared by the prophets and announced and introduced on Earth, by John the Baptist. Now in His return, He is coming like a thief. No MAN NOR THE ANGELS know when He will return, but we best be ready!
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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