The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: The End of an Earthly Assignment
Scripture: Luke 7:19-28; Matthew 14:1-12;
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now I know we are in the book of Luke, but we have to go to the book of Matthew to get a vivid picture of what was going on and understand the importance of Kingdom Assignment. Now of course we know John reproved Herod for his actions with his brother’s wife and Herod threw John in jail. Now you have to remember John was the last old testament prophet which had the privilege to introduce the new testament revelation, the return of the King and the Kingdom. Now once John was thrown in jail, John sent his disciples to Jesus to inquire whether He was the one that should come? And Jesus replied back in Luke 7:22 and showed them the proof of who He was and what message He brought to the poor. Now here is a question! Why did Jesus not save John from his death at the hands of Herod? He could have but He did not? Now in a previous message we discussed because John was the last old testament prophet and he had to die in order for the King and the Kingdom to go forth. But God showed me another reason and I pray that you get this in your spirit and understand what is about to be said:
Jesus did not save John because, John’s assignment was now complete! Remember in the past few messages we talked about the assignment of John and how He was sent to make way for the King, preach the message of repentance before the King comes and introduce the King to the people. Well, that all was fulfilled and done so there is no reason for John to stick around any further. Job well done! So, your assignment does one of two things:
1. Prolongs and protects your life till complete
2. Failure to acknowledge and work in your assignment hastens death
Ok, here is an easy picture to understand the above two points. How many times did the Pharisees and Sadducees have a chance to take Jesus into custody and kill Him? Many times! But did they? No! Why? Because Jesus was in His assignment fulfilling the Will of the Father and He was determined to let no one stop Him from getting to the cross and giving the children the promise of God. This is why Jesus uttered the words it is finished. See as long as Jesus stayed connected to the Father, no harm could come to Him and His death was at the appointed time. And of course His resurrection three days later gave us the opportunity to become sons again and heirs of the Kingdom of God and share in His rulership. See if you do not get into your assignment then you stand the chance of death quicker! Let me share this testimony about a friend and sister I never physically saw. My sister and friend, Janise Joseph Woodard was a wonderful and anointed woman of God. The mother of 2 children Josiah and Jurnee Woodard and the wife of Mr. Joe Woodard. Janise and Josiah was called home by the Father, July 10, 2007. And I always asked why, to such and anointed woman of God? And God showed me, because she fulfilled her assignment! I can only speak of 2 of the assignments and I know others can speak to some others but the two I know of was Founding Treasure Anointing Ministries, a nonprofit youth enrichment program for young ladies to help restore them to the Master’s Treasury and re-uniting me with wife, Bianca. I believe it if had not been first for God sparing our lives and using Janise to help my wife, I do not believe we would be where we are today. And, because of the love Janise had for children, especially young ladies, Treasure Anointing would not have touched so many lives as it has. I believe Janise fulfilled her assignment on Earth and yes there are many of us that miss her and love her, but we know that she and Josiah are with the Lord. Regardless of our age, a 27 year-old life fulfilled for the Kingdom is better than a 80 year old life that is unfulfilled.
This is a chance for you to live a life worth more than the little money or earthly possessions. A life of happiness, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost! Get into your assignment today! Ask God what would you have me to do for you, instead of asking Him what He can do for you! Put Him first and I promise, you will always finish at the top!
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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