Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Music and Dancing
Scripture: Leviticus 18:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Making music was a very important part of the Ancient Egyptian culture, just as it is in America and around the world. Of course when we look at dancing in the Egyptian culture, especially the ladies, it is very similar to American culture. Today, we will look at music and dancing and how the Egyptian culture has shaped American culture and caused us to sin against the Living God.
When we look at dancing in Egypt, women would dance for men, esp. Pharaoh in a very seductive and sexy way. This dancing would entice the men to have sex with the women and as for Pharaoh it would either be men or women. In addition, we see the movements of the Egyptians when they dance and know them when we see them. What they failed to inform you is that when they danced they called upon various spirits and gods to take over their bodies and seduce those who they danced for. They danced not just for the people but unto the false gods of Egypt. Sound familiar, you bet! In America when we take a look back into the 70’s we see the first signs of break dancing in the streets. These guys would move like the ancient Egyptians and of course it evolved to break dancing as we know it today. Now what I am going to say may confuse you but I pray you ask God to reveal it to you.
All spirits need a body to actually do something in this world! When a spirit wants to show himself, he would contort the body of the thing or person it was possessing outside the normal range of motion to show its power. That is why when demons are being called out, before they were summoned out, they would contort to body of the person it was occupying.
Now, when you see these breakdancers, dancing on their heads and sliding across the floor on one arm and doing all these moves that you know you could not even fathom or even imagine a human being able to do, it probably is a spirit. Now I know it sounds crazy but think about it, if you asked a person who break dances to just spin on their head at a moment’s notice, I guarantee they probably will not be able to do it. But if you get them in the right atmosphere, they can allow themselves to let go and allow themselves to be used so a spirit will manifest itself in them and do all sorts of tricks and dances. I have seen break boys who say they feel like they lose all control and then they can do anything once they get into the mood. In addition, our young ladies in the club when they dance seductively and all of a sudden they just lose control and then they can do all sorts of seductive dances to entice the men to dance with them. And we know where that can lead to. This is not natural, this is spiritual. I am also tired of hearing people saying David danced and trying to use that as a rubric to do any kind of dance in the church. For once and for all, it was a holy dance, a dance given to David by the Spirit of God to give glory and honor to God. You cannot do the world’s dances in the church. That is false god worship!
When God delivered the children of Isreal out of Egypt, the very first thing as Moses was on the mount, the children of Isreal did was build a golden calf and began singing and worshipping the golden calf. It was the singing they heard below that disturbed them. We have to continue to be vigilant and learn to read the lyrics of the music we listen to and discern what music is worthy to be listened to by the believer and in what setting. I am not going to beat a dead horse about it, but to ensure we understand. One of satan’s schemes is music (Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14). Our youth are listening to people who are bold to proclaim themselves as gods and put their doctrines in the music (Nation of Gods and Earths). If they know that the power of life and death is in the tongue, then they know when you speak things, you speak them into existence.
Music and Dancing goes hand-and-hand. A wonderful analogy of this is Michael Jackson’s Remember the Time Video. It depicts Jackson in Egypt and the dances they did were from ancient Egyptians, you know what I am talking about if not go look it up on you tube or something. Jackson had all of these other celebrities dressed in Egyptian garb, some dressed as Pharaoh and Egyptian queens and other servants, and even to this day that was one of his most famous videos. Egypt is alive and well in America and around the world, we must take a stand to not even walk, talk, or dance like the ancient Egyptians because it may cause us to dance unto false gods, just like satan can cause us to take the mark of the beast without direct worship. Music can usher in the spirits to take control of our bodies and allow the spirits to dance unto their respective false gods.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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