The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: The Power in Understanding Kingdom Assignment part 1
Scripture: Luke 1
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this first installment of the Gospel According to Luke we will look at the power in understanding Kingdom Assignment. Now all of us have an assignment to fulfill because it was predestined before the beginning of the world for us. Now we look all through the Gospels according to Matthew and Mark at the Assignment of Jesus. We are going to look at the assignment of the greatest of all the prophets, John and show how Kingdom Assignment works and why it is important for us to know our assignment and fulfill it. The entire chapter of Luke 1 is the revelation of the assignments of John and Jesus to Zacharias and Mary, respectively. Now God sends, Gabriel (an angel) to speak to them and reveal to them the significance of these children. Now of course we get two different reactions from them. Zacharias started analyzing and questioning the angel about what he was saying and the angel, through the power of God, caused Zacharias to be dumb and not speak until all had been revealed and performed. Why? Verse 20, it was because of his unbelief, or lack of faith in what the angel was saying. See, this was so important that this is done so, God had to shut Zacharias up so that he does not go out there questioning what God was going to do.
Now when we look at Mary’s response, she asked the angel how can a baby be born from me and I have not been with a man. Now Gabriel explains to her how and then Mary says let it be so unto me according to thy word. Just Mary’s response shows how highly favored she was to God. Unlike Zacharias, she asked how and once the answer came she accepted it!
In this introduction, we see two different reactions to God revealing His assignments for Jesus and John. At some point in your life, God has revealed your assignment and you took one of the two routes, you either questioned it and passed it by, or you accepted it and decided to follow the Lord’s plan for your life. In the next couple of messages we will look at the life of John the Baptist to see how Kingdom Assignments work. It is our prayer that you get into your assignments and realize the beautiful rewards of a Kingdom-purposed and driven life.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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