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Household of Calhoun

Monday, June 29, 2009


Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Homosexuality
Scripture: Leviticus 18:21-24; Leviticus 20:13-16; Romans 1:26,27

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now in the 2 years that this ministry has been active, I do not remember doing a sole message on homosexuality. We have talked about it generally but today we will take the veil off this homosexual spirit and allow those who are captive to have a chance to be set free. Homosexuality is defined as a man and a man or a woman and a woman having a sexual and/or an emotional relationship with one another in the attempt to call themselves united or married. Our Father calls homosexuality an abomination. Now we have to lay some ground rules on this one.
1. Homosexuality is a Spirit
It is an antichrist spirit. How you ask? Genesis 1:27 said God created male and female and told them to multiply and subdue the earth (paraphrasing). Now male and female can procreate to produce a child, but two homosexuals can not procreate. So since God is pro-creation then a homosexual is anti-creation and the spirit is anti-God or anti-Christ.

2. Growth and De-sensitization on a Nation
Homosexuality is growing by leaps and bounds. Our children are being exposed to this spirit at every corner. But, what are we doing about it? First they see it on t.v. Two men kissing one another in prime-time t.v. then they see it in the music videos. Two women kissing one another, Then they go to school and see the girl dressed like and looking like a boy and vice versa and never question in themselves why. And with all of this exposure the only thing that can happen is de-sensitization. In other words you become less alert and drop your defenses because you feel that there is no danger in that situation. Let me give you a current situation. Former V.P. Dick Cheney, who is conservative or supposed to be, has a homosexual daughter who is in a homosexual relationship. The conservative movement states they are against gay marriage. Well in the 2004 election he was bought to question his stance on the issue and never truly answered the question, but his boss Fmr. President George Bush stood firmly against gay marriage. Now with 5 years past and being exposed to this spirit right in his own home, he now comes out in 2009 and say freedom for all. If they want to get married then they should. Now this is one situation that happened publicly but I know and you know of many more situations as such. This spirit has even moved into the church, prominently in the choir and the pulpit. But because we want that good musician and preaching brother we desensitize ourselves and letting our guard down to accept something that God did not ordain and allow it to lead praise and worship and even the church. If you are Kingdom citizen and born again then whenever anyone is homosexual comes around the Spirit will tell you. I have been at work and not even looking up and the Spirit will say look and when I look it would be a homosexual man and or woman. That is called discernment which leads to my final topic:

3. No Need to Judge, Just Pray
If someone is homosexual and you call them that then that is not judging, if you are right. Calling a duck a duck is not judging but stating facts. What we can do as citizens of the Kingdom and sons of God is show them how to live and pray with them and for them to be delivered from that spirit. So many times we use an unchrist–like approach to them and when they look at us they say “you hate me”. They should not see hate, but God so when dealing with this spirit, to overcome and defeat it, you must present the spirit of love and the Spirit of Christ to them. My mom always said, you can win someone over with sugar quicker than salt. See all of us have had some pitfalls in our life and no sin is greater than the other so we should not judge them but show the correction through love and then it is up to them to accept Christ or deny Him.

It is my sincere prayer that we teach our children the right way and the wrong way and when something like that comes up on t.v., explain to them that this is not right and God does not like it. Being silent only further shows our children the acceptance of a spirit that is antichrist and leads to destruction.

At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.