Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: No Fear of God
Scripture: Romans 3:10-18
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
As I was looking at this title, this describes not only the old creature but the some of the new as well today. But for reference we will deal with the old creature. When you look at these verse and when you get to verse 18, this verse sums it up about the old creature. No fear of God! You sinned without conviction. You did not care about your life because you believed you could ask for forgiveness and do it all over again. When we look back at the children of Israel after the exodus from Egypt, after all of that power God has showed them, they still went about doing all the things that the past messages stated, idolatry, homosexuality, false god worship, adultery, murder, stealing…etc. Now it was God’s mercy that kept many of them but it was His grace that would eventually save them.
The important thing you have to know about the old creature is because there was no Holy Ghost living in them then there was no conviction. That is why we backslide so much, even the saints with the Holy Ghost. The old creature had no fear of God but God still sent messengers, the prophets, to tell them about the grace that was to come. The grace that will come and give them conviction, dominion and life back will show them in which way their lives were wrong. Instead of being victims, they will be conquerors and over comers. But it all starts with respect for God. Now we know were are not to be scared, per say, of God, but we are to respect Him, show Him reverence through obedience and in that relationship learn how He loves us so we can love our brothers and sisters. God is not the author of fear. But knowing your place and respecting His authority through obedience is the beginning of wisdom.
This series on the Old Creature has taught me many things and showed me how much farther and how separate we have to be from the world to show Christ and prove He lives in us. Being Holy and Sanctified is to be separate and set apart. I pray you have learned much and decide to make a change not only in someone’s live but most of all to yours. In our next message we will deal with the new creature and see where we need to be to be effective Kingdom Ambassadors and witnesses.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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