The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Religious Leaders and their Corruption: Part 2
Scripture: Matthew 24:5,6
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In part 2 of this series we will look at the impression that these religious leaders leave in the eyes of believers and non-believers.
The Corruptive Desire to Be Seen
Let me start by saying, did not Jesus come and be a humble King and servant? Yes! Jesus did not desire to be “seen” and to be worshipped and obtain His own glory while He was on Earth, but that the Father in Heaven be glorified. I know for those of us that are religious that is hard to believe. He came to give us life (Holy Spirit) and teach us how to live under the authority that the Holy Spirit gives us. Now as He began to show the works of the Father then those who believed in Him, worshipped Him. Some believed He was a prophet but He explicitly stated to the disciples that He was Jesus, the Christ. Then He said something unique, He said tell no one that I am Jesus the Christ. Why? Because they have to come to know Him for themselves. But the religious leaders have utterly reversed this as it relates to themselves. They look for the crowds to glorify them because they can “preach good” or sound good. They look to get the millions of dollars and make sure they show off their planes and cars to the congregation. This is exactly what the Pharisees and Sadducees were doing, they were taking and never giving. See when you desire to be seen then you get your reward but God said what is done in secret, then He shall bless you openly. Can you imagine what would happen if we stop buying all of these religious peoples books, especially those who are not teaching the Kingdom of God, and picked up God’s Word and learned it for ourselves, then we can learn how to move under the authority of the Holy Spirit. And when you move under the Holy Spirit you move peaceably, but forcefully. You move under love and not under fame. See, all that I do is for the Father and to help my brothers and sisters (those saved and not saved) to understand their rights and/or receive their rights and come into power like never before. See the religious leaders keep the power to themselves so they can be seen and glorified but Jesus said let your light so shine so that the Father in Heaven is glorified, NOT YOU! I can understand why people see “church” on t.v. and think it is a joke and a corrupt business, because that is what the religious leaders of our day have reduce the Kingdom of God to in the eyes of the people. But thank God, for the preachers that I have come to know that preach the Kingdom of God: Moses, Daniel, David, Isaiah, Jesus, Paul, Myles Munroe, Kenneth Te Wano, Sam Soleyn, Leonard Robinson and I know there are many more of you. These people did not preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to be seen, but to help our brothers and sisters come into a Kingdom where the healthcare system is the best, the economy has been strong since the beginning of time and the military protects the citizens from all hurt harm and danger. I like that country! I preach the gospel of the Kingdom because Jesus said Himself that THIS gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached unto all the world and then the end shall come (Matthew 24:14). How many of these preachers have you heard and never heard the Gospel of the Kingdom? So what type of preachers are they? Sad and we wonder why Christ has not come back yet?
As a leader of the church, we are to be humble Kingdom servants and help our brothers and sisters, not to be seen as a good preacher, but to do the Will of God that He might be glorified. I appreciate every thank you and word of encouragement from everyone on this ministry and I also appreciate the prayers. But if it were not for the Lord and Him cleaning me up and making me into who I am, I could not be a worthy vessel for Him to use to deliver His message. It is our prayer that you not only get wisdom and knowledge from these messages but you also get understanding so you can learn how to apply the wisdom and knowledge.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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