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Household of Calhoun

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Call for the Great Physician

The Good News (Gospel) According to Mark
Today’s Focus: A Call for The Great Physician
Scripture: Mark 2:16,17

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In our first installment of the Gospel According to Mark we will be looking at Jesus and the disciples fellowshipping with sinners and publicans. Now the Pharisees and the Sadducees we have come to understand that they are just there to try to catch Jesus and try to get Him killed but what they do not know as long as Jesus was in His assignment and doing the things the Father required then His life was protected. Now, we have to understand the work of the Kingdom does not happen inside of the four walled church as we know it. That is a time for us to worship, fellowship and learn about the Word of God and Father Himself. The real work is on the outside of those walls, because if we live what we are taught in the four-walled church (proving it is sound doctrine) then the Spirit of God will draw the lost into the church. Now, why would Jesus fellowship with the publicans and the sinners?

Sin, is a spiritual disease. Funny it is like a rheumatic disease and what that is, is when the body attacks the body. Sounds crazy but that is what sin is. When we sin against God, because we are in His image and His likeness, then we sin against ourselves! Now that is a thought. My wife has a wonderful phrase:

For everything you do in the natural world, there is a spiritual consequence!

So, when we make decisions without sound counsel then we have to live with those consequences. When mankind sinned against God in the garden, mankind hurt themselves because they lost the Dominion the Father gave them over the planet. So, Jesus came to show us what we lost and how to revive our spirit which was condemned to hell by sin. This is what makes Jesus statement that powerful. He said, He called sinners, to repentance, not the righteous. So if you think you are all righteous, this is not for you, but I am glad He called me a sinner because that is what I was and He healed me of that temporary, terminal and spiritual disease. Now we have to continue daily to take our medicine (The Word of God) and see our physician daily for treatment (Forgiveness) to keep us spiritually healthy and vibrant.

I pray that if you are living the sinful-filled life and you want out, come and talk to our doctor and physician, who guarantees and full recovery and a cure. His name is Jesus. All you have to do is have a heart and a desire to live the Kingdom life and your health plan kicks in automatically and does not take a premium or deductible or have to wait for the next year for coverage. The Kingdom Health Care plan happens automatically. It is your choice!

At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.