The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: Understanding Submission: The Kingdom Woman in Ministry
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:1-3; 1 Timothy 2:9-15; Isaiah 3:12; Proverbs 31:10-31
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now the God we serve is the same yesterday, today and forever more and so is His Word. His Word has never contradicted itself because if it did then God would be a liar and we know the God is Holy and never lies. So when we talk about women in ministry, it is a shame because it is almost taboo to do so. In times where women assisted the men in ministry to these times where we have seen a push for equal rights and “girl-power”, this push has affected the church. Now the church has an order that was ordained by God since the beginning of time and just because we have changed over time, does not mean that God has changed. So when we approach this subject we must approach it with the Word and stick to the Word. Let’s dig into scripture and let’s see the role of women in scripture:
The Bishop (Pastor)
Now God has clearly said in 1 Timothy 3:1-2. “If a man desires the office of bishop..” Now I do not know how much clearer that is but for those who are still not believing that, look at verse 2 of the same passage “The husband of one wife”. So, based off of God’s Word the Bishop or Pastor of a church should be a man. Now in studying this for a long time, I have not found anywhere in scripture where God called a woman to be a Pastor or Bishop. Now to further show the consistency of God let’s go back to 1 Timothy 2:12 and 1 Corinthians 11:3. First, 1 Corinthians 11:3 states the head of the woman is the man. So if that is clear then if the Pastor is the Shepherd of a particular church then he is the head of that gathering of believers. So if a woman is a pastor or administrative head of a church then she is over the deacons. Now to more draw this together let’s now look at the qualifications of a deacon.
Deacon – 1 Timothy 3:8-13
Now if you read the above scripture you will see these set of words in verses 11 and 12 respectively; “even so must their wives (11)” and “Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife (12)”. Now just like in the qualifications of a bishop we see the same for the deacons. Now let’s deal with some real life issues. First, I have not found in scripture the term “deaconess”. I, to this day, do not know what that is or where it comes from but up to this point I have not see that word or office in scripture. And second, I have heard about women being deacons? Now I know we read our Bibles and we think we can help God understand what He meant but as for this, no need to wonder. God clearly has said that the deacon should be a man. We have to stop making up titles and just handing them out to make people feel special. They are already special because they are sons of God. Everyone has a place and position and they all work together for the edification of the body of Christ. But our flesh is always seeking power and position and everyone can’t be the head in the church and everyone can’t be a deacon in the church. Usually the people who are out of order and the ones clamming for the titles and position.
Now in no way am I am saying that the woman’s role in ministry is diminished. Women play a great part in the rearing of our young ladies of the church, setting the example of the Proverbs 31 virtuous woman and assisting the men of the ministry. God created woman to be a help meet to the man. Funny, I was talking to my wife about this and she said the most interesting thing. She said, if the woman is the head of the church (pastor, bishop), how can she help the young ladies of the church, tend to the needs of the home and the things of her husband and be the head administrator (pastor, bishop) of the church and deal with the problems of the church, especially member problems? I am not saying it is not possible, but is it right scripturally? Based off the above scripture, no.
We all have a place in God’s ministry, the key is to be in the right position and not a good position. Because everything that is good may not be right. In a world of chaos and in some respects, even in the church, the only thing that corrects chaos is order. Why is it that we find it so hard to follow God’s way and His order? Do we believe that our way fits the time and His way is too old for now? If that is how you feel I feel sorry for you. God has been the only person who has kept His Word since the beginning of time and I tend to stick with Him than try to please man and put myself where God did not put me. When I stand where he wants me to stand then there is protection but when I am out of order I lend myself to justifying my position to people to show I am right. But if God has truly called you to that position then you do not have to justify your position to no one. Just make sure it is God calling you and not man trying to exalt you.
Now as always, I know topics like this will ruffle some feathers so, let’s have a open Christ like discussion and if you have a rebuttal let’s use the Word of God as the reference to justify our stance. I am in no way above correction, but it has to be scripturally based and not off your emotions because it rubbed you the wrong way.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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