Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Generational Curses
Scripture: Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Deuteronomy 5:9
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know many of you do not truly believe in curses. Well today, God has a word for His unbelievers. Curses started way back in Adam and Eve’s time. A curse was set as a punishment for sin. Of course the curse was for the person; however, the Bible says that that curse will go down through some generations. Today, we are going to try to shed some light on this problem and tomorrow we are going to deal with some solutions. Please pray before you read the rest of this email.
A generational curse is a curse passed down through the lineage and affects future generations of children. Some of our prevalent curses are alcoholism, unfulfilled and uncommitted relationships, birth out of wedlock, those who curse Israel, idol worship, smoking and drug abuse, and there are a whole host of other things that can be considered generational curses. Now how does this work? Here is an example.
Grandpa was a drunk that passes down to the son (who becomes a alcoholic) and then to His grandson (that becomes a alcoholic). Here is where it get’s weird, when the grandson is asked why did I start drinking and becoming an alcoholic, many times they will say, I do not know. As long as they commit the same sin, the curse continues until someone breaks the curse.
I know some of you as you look back at your life, you wonder, how in the world did I get into this situation? Consider you first, then pray and ask God is this a generational curse? I personally know of some generational curses going through my family and you can stop it, but you have to know what it is first. Many young people today can look at their families and say “ I see where this is coming from.” For today, I ask that you pray for your families and ask God to show you if there are any generational curses that are going through your family today. Remember we must be able to recognize a problem in order to solve one. May God show Himself unto you and speak wisdom, knowledge and understanding today. Stay tuned to learn how to break the curse! Here is a hint, it starts with you!
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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