The Good News (Gospel) According to Mark
Today’s Focus: A True Source of Healing
Scripture: Mark 5:25-34
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know we have heard of this story many times but this very story is being played out everyday on Earth. In the United States, the cost of healthcare is skyrocketing. People are choosing whether to eat or pay for their medicines. Going to the doctor is so expensive and the insurance companies are not paying for the specialist you need to see about your problem and even if you get to see them, there is no guarantee that they will find a cure or even find the problem, but I can I suggest another doctor who has never failed a patient.
Look at this story and read it very carefully and you will see today’s situation. First, the woman had an issue of blood twelve years. She had suffered many things of the physicians (sound familiar?) and had spent all she had (sound familiar?) and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse (sound familiar?). OH but when she heard of Jesus, she came and pressed behind through the crowd and touched his garment.
Now let’s not get what the woman says confused with the result. She said “If I may touch but His clothes, I shall be made whole. Now it was not the physical touching of His clothing that made her whole, it was her faith. Ok, here is a beautiful illustration of this. If you are sick right now, how can you touch Jesus clothing and be made whole?? Right, you can’t right now, but your faith gives you access to the Kingdom Healthplan and the Doctor that is always on-call, Jesus. I know we have heard many sermons on this but do not be unrealistic, it was the faith of the woman that made her whole. Read Jesus response in verse 34. So for all of you that are sick or dealing with an illness, I speak life over you and tell you to keep the faith and believe you are already healed and wait for your Kingdom health plan to be manifested in your physical body. Be Blessed!
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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