Today’s Focus: Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Father
Scripture: Ephesians 6:4; 1 Corinthians 11:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In the times we live in today, so many fathers are missing from the home. A lack of a father in the home has produce many children that grow up not knowing how to be a man and daughters having that covering. A lack of a father figure has left the homes destroyed and/or confused. We see our young men becoming effeminate (like girls, homosexuals, over emotional) and not knowing how to conduct themselves and become the God-lead men and leaders of future families. Now we are going to look at the scripture in Ephesians because this scripture is the part that gets left off when the man tries to use Ephesians 6:2 to justify a child’s actions. Now let’s look at this and get a scriptural revelation.
Verse 4 starts by saying, “fathers, provoke not your children to wrath.”Let’s deal with that first. The scripture says fathers and not mothers. Why? Because, the man is the head and the spiritual leader of the home. So, he is held responsible for how His children behave and conduct themselves under his watch. Now the key word in this scripture is, provoke. Provoke means to lead or influence them to move in a certain direction or way. So the scriptures say, do not provoke them to wrath. Now wrath is a spirit. It is a demonic spirit that uses the child’s body to defy, defame and destroy the child’s hopes and dreams. It keeps them from their true identity as sons of God, Kings, Priests and Ambassadors. But the scripture, says for the father not to provoke. So the father is not to lead or influence them into the way of destruction, defamation and defiance to God.
Now God showed me this and it hit me so hard, so please pay attention. Do you realize nowhere in scripture do we see a “youth ministry.” Now I am not saying that they are bad. They have done wonders for the Kingdom but let me show you why that is the case and please pay attention to what is said.
The father in the home is supposed to be the youth pastor and the church is to support the teachings and foundation the father set in the home through the Word of God!!
So now the question is, why are there youth ministries or where did they come from? Here is one of the answers. Because of the lack of teaching in the home from the fathers, the fathers have tried to delegate their job and responsibility to the church and pastor to teach their children about God. See this is inherently backwards because even Jesus was taught at home first, then He went into the synagogues to learn and teach. What is sad is, God has not delegated that job from the father so when we see children going astray by leaps and bounds and we see a majority of them don’t even know about Jesus, we wonder why they are defiant, rebellious and disrespectful. The father is the youth pastor of the home and because a majority of our fathers are missing and/or in prison, our children are left uncovered to the enemy and are attacked on a daily basis. The Kingdom father should have a relationship with the children and show them the way of right and of the Lord. Now let’s prove all of what was said above by finishing verse 4.
Now, God goes on to say in verse 4, but, so here is the exception, “but bring them up in nurture and admonition of the Lord”. So by God’s Word, it is the father’s responsibility to nurture. Nurture means to feed them. And you feed them by giving them the Word of God. This is a spiritual statement. Then it says admonition. So to bring them up in the counsel and guidance of the Lord. So just as the father SHOULD be guided by Christ, it is his responsibility to rear the children in the counsel and guidance of God. So the father has a great responsibility and I am saying it now, it is not the church’s responsibility to teach your children about Christ, it is the fathers. The church is to support and add-on to what is being taught. So many of our children when they come to Sunday school, do not know the basics about Christ, let alone other personalities such as Moses, David, Sampson and others. And I will step out and say, some do not even know the Lord’s prayer. So, fathers what are we doing? We cannot pass the buck about God to the church because God has charged you to do that.
If you love your children and want to see them succeed, then read them the Bible, explain the stories and the concepts behind them. Veggie tales, Dora and all these other forms of media cannot come close to what a face-to-face, daily study of God’s Word with your child can do. We have to stop outsourcing our job to media and others and take control and lead with our lives. But it is hard to do something that you do not do and the children know it. If you want better and the best for your families, you have to get right with Christ and live the life to show it is not all about talk. Fathers it is time to be Kingdom fathers and the success of the family starts with us and we will be judged and held accountable on judgment day for the standard we set in our homes.
Next Few Days Topics:
1. Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Husband
2. Understanding the Kingdom Man and Ministry
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Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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