Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Return of a Kingdom and the New Creature
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now we will discuss the new creature and his nature. Let us get right into the scripture and learn about the new creature.
Verse 17
In this verse this is the basis and foundation of the new creature is right here. It says “If any man..” It does not matter what nationality or race. Next, “be in Christ…” So he or she must be must be born again of the Holy Spirit and accepted Christ as Lord AND Savior and BELIEVE that God has raised Him from dead. Now here is the proclamation and result of all of the above. He declares you to be a new creature and everything about you before that has passed away. So no longer should you be doing the things that you used to do because everything about you is different and new. Now in the next verse God explains how he did it.
Verse 18 and 19
First, God tells us that all things are of God. He created all things. Now the good part. Pay attention to how this reads. God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ. So we have God bringing us back to God. So if anyone tells you that Jesus Christ is not God, this is your scripture. Now as we read on to verse 19 to say He, being God, was in Christ. “And committing us to the word of reconciliation.” In other words, it is our job to show the lost how to get back to God.
Verse 20-21
In verse 20 we see that we are called Ambassadors for Christ. Now I have said this many times, Ambassadors do not state their opinion and they represent the nation. So, you as a new creature and citizen of the Kingdom represent the King and the Kingdom to which your lips and your actions should be portraying. This new creature does things completely different from the old creature and in the 2nd part of this series we will see how.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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Monday, June 29, 2009
No Fear of God
Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: No Fear of God
Scripture: Romans 3:10-18
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
As I was looking at this title, this describes not only the old creature but the some of the new as well today. But for reference we will deal with the old creature. When you look at these verse and when you get to verse 18, this verse sums it up about the old creature. No fear of God! You sinned without conviction. You did not care about your life because you believed you could ask for forgiveness and do it all over again. When we look back at the children of Israel after the exodus from Egypt, after all of that power God has showed them, they still went about doing all the things that the past messages stated, idolatry, homosexuality, false god worship, adultery, murder, stealing…etc. Now it was God’s mercy that kept many of them but it was His grace that would eventually save them.
The important thing you have to know about the old creature is because there was no Holy Ghost living in them then there was no conviction. That is why we backslide so much, even the saints with the Holy Ghost. The old creature had no fear of God but God still sent messengers, the prophets, to tell them about the grace that was to come. The grace that will come and give them conviction, dominion and life back will show them in which way their lives were wrong. Instead of being victims, they will be conquerors and over comers. But it all starts with respect for God. Now we know were are not to be scared, per say, of God, but we are to respect Him, show Him reverence through obedience and in that relationship learn how He loves us so we can love our brothers and sisters. God is not the author of fear. But knowing your place and respecting His authority through obedience is the beginning of wisdom.
This series on the Old Creature has taught me many things and showed me how much farther and how separate we have to be from the world to show Christ and prove He lives in us. Being Holy and Sanctified is to be separate and set apart. I pray you have learned much and decide to make a change not only in someone’s live but most of all to yours. In our next message we will deal with the new creature and see where we need to be to be effective Kingdom Ambassadors and witnesses.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: No Fear of God
Scripture: Romans 3:10-18
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
As I was looking at this title, this describes not only the old creature but the some of the new as well today. But for reference we will deal with the old creature. When you look at these verse and when you get to verse 18, this verse sums it up about the old creature. No fear of God! You sinned without conviction. You did not care about your life because you believed you could ask for forgiveness and do it all over again. When we look back at the children of Israel after the exodus from Egypt, after all of that power God has showed them, they still went about doing all the things that the past messages stated, idolatry, homosexuality, false god worship, adultery, murder, stealing…etc. Now it was God’s mercy that kept many of them but it was His grace that would eventually save them.
The important thing you have to know about the old creature is because there was no Holy Ghost living in them then there was no conviction. That is why we backslide so much, even the saints with the Holy Ghost. The old creature had no fear of God but God still sent messengers, the prophets, to tell them about the grace that was to come. The grace that will come and give them conviction, dominion and life back will show them in which way their lives were wrong. Instead of being victims, they will be conquerors and over comers. But it all starts with respect for God. Now we know were are not to be scared, per say, of God, but we are to respect Him, show Him reverence through obedience and in that relationship learn how He loves us so we can love our brothers and sisters. God is not the author of fear. But knowing your place and respecting His authority through obedience is the beginning of wisdom.
This series on the Old Creature has taught me many things and showed me how much farther and how separate we have to be from the world to show Christ and prove He lives in us. Being Holy and Sanctified is to be separate and set apart. I pray you have learned much and decide to make a change not only in someone’s live but most of all to yours. In our next message we will deal with the new creature and see where we need to be to be effective Kingdom Ambassadors and witnesses.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Homosexuality
Scripture: Leviticus 18:21-24; Leviticus 20:13-16; Romans 1:26,27
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now in the 2 years that this ministry has been active, I do not remember doing a sole message on homosexuality. We have talked about it generally but today we will take the veil off this homosexual spirit and allow those who are captive to have a chance to be set free. Homosexuality is defined as a man and a man or a woman and a woman having a sexual and/or an emotional relationship with one another in the attempt to call themselves united or married. Our Father calls homosexuality an abomination. Now we have to lay some ground rules on this one.
1. Homosexuality is a Spirit
It is an antichrist spirit. How you ask? Genesis 1:27 said God created male and female and told them to multiply and subdue the earth (paraphrasing). Now male and female can procreate to produce a child, but two homosexuals can not procreate. So since God is pro-creation then a homosexual is anti-creation and the spirit is anti-God or anti-Christ.
2. Growth and De-sensitization on a Nation
Homosexuality is growing by leaps and bounds. Our children are being exposed to this spirit at every corner. But, what are we doing about it? First they see it on t.v. Two men kissing one another in prime-time t.v. then they see it in the music videos. Two women kissing one another, Then they go to school and see the girl dressed like and looking like a boy and vice versa and never question in themselves why. And with all of this exposure the only thing that can happen is de-sensitization. In other words you become less alert and drop your defenses because you feel that there is no danger in that situation. Let me give you a current situation. Former V.P. Dick Cheney, who is conservative or supposed to be, has a homosexual daughter who is in a homosexual relationship. The conservative movement states they are against gay marriage. Well in the 2004 election he was bought to question his stance on the issue and never truly answered the question, but his boss Fmr. President George Bush stood firmly against gay marriage. Now with 5 years past and being exposed to this spirit right in his own home, he now comes out in 2009 and say freedom for all. If they want to get married then they should. Now this is one situation that happened publicly but I know and you know of many more situations as such. This spirit has even moved into the church, prominently in the choir and the pulpit. But because we want that good musician and preaching brother we desensitize ourselves and letting our guard down to accept something that God did not ordain and allow it to lead praise and worship and even the church. If you are Kingdom citizen and born again then whenever anyone is homosexual comes around the Spirit will tell you. I have been at work and not even looking up and the Spirit will say look and when I look it would be a homosexual man and or woman. That is called discernment which leads to my final topic:
3. No Need to Judge, Just Pray
If someone is homosexual and you call them that then that is not judging, if you are right. Calling a duck a duck is not judging but stating facts. What we can do as citizens of the Kingdom and sons of God is show them how to live and pray with them and for them to be delivered from that spirit. So many times we use an unchrist–like approach to them and when they look at us they say “you hate me”. They should not see hate, but God so when dealing with this spirit, to overcome and defeat it, you must present the spirit of love and the Spirit of Christ to them. My mom always said, you can win someone over with sugar quicker than salt. See all of us have had some pitfalls in our life and no sin is greater than the other so we should not judge them but show the correction through love and then it is up to them to accept Christ or deny Him.
It is my sincere prayer that we teach our children the right way and the wrong way and when something like that comes up on t.v., explain to them that this is not right and God does not like it. Being silent only further shows our children the acceptance of a spirit that is antichrist and leads to destruction.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Homosexuality
Scripture: Leviticus 18:21-24; Leviticus 20:13-16; Romans 1:26,27
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now in the 2 years that this ministry has been active, I do not remember doing a sole message on homosexuality. We have talked about it generally but today we will take the veil off this homosexual spirit and allow those who are captive to have a chance to be set free. Homosexuality is defined as a man and a man or a woman and a woman having a sexual and/or an emotional relationship with one another in the attempt to call themselves united or married. Our Father calls homosexuality an abomination. Now we have to lay some ground rules on this one.
1. Homosexuality is a Spirit
It is an antichrist spirit. How you ask? Genesis 1:27 said God created male and female and told them to multiply and subdue the earth (paraphrasing). Now male and female can procreate to produce a child, but two homosexuals can not procreate. So since God is pro-creation then a homosexual is anti-creation and the spirit is anti-God or anti-Christ.
2. Growth and De-sensitization on a Nation
Homosexuality is growing by leaps and bounds. Our children are being exposed to this spirit at every corner. But, what are we doing about it? First they see it on t.v. Two men kissing one another in prime-time t.v. then they see it in the music videos. Two women kissing one another, Then they go to school and see the girl dressed like and looking like a boy and vice versa and never question in themselves why. And with all of this exposure the only thing that can happen is de-sensitization. In other words you become less alert and drop your defenses because you feel that there is no danger in that situation. Let me give you a current situation. Former V.P. Dick Cheney, who is conservative or supposed to be, has a homosexual daughter who is in a homosexual relationship. The conservative movement states they are against gay marriage. Well in the 2004 election he was bought to question his stance on the issue and never truly answered the question, but his boss Fmr. President George Bush stood firmly against gay marriage. Now with 5 years past and being exposed to this spirit right in his own home, he now comes out in 2009 and say freedom for all. If they want to get married then they should. Now this is one situation that happened publicly but I know and you know of many more situations as such. This spirit has even moved into the church, prominently in the choir and the pulpit. But because we want that good musician and preaching brother we desensitize ourselves and letting our guard down to accept something that God did not ordain and allow it to lead praise and worship and even the church. If you are Kingdom citizen and born again then whenever anyone is homosexual comes around the Spirit will tell you. I have been at work and not even looking up and the Spirit will say look and when I look it would be a homosexual man and or woman. That is called discernment which leads to my final topic:
3. No Need to Judge, Just Pray
If someone is homosexual and you call them that then that is not judging, if you are right. Calling a duck a duck is not judging but stating facts. What we can do as citizens of the Kingdom and sons of God is show them how to live and pray with them and for them to be delivered from that spirit. So many times we use an unchrist–like approach to them and when they look at us they say “you hate me”. They should not see hate, but God so when dealing with this spirit, to overcome and defeat it, you must present the spirit of love and the Spirit of Christ to them. My mom always said, you can win someone over with sugar quicker than salt. See all of us have had some pitfalls in our life and no sin is greater than the other so we should not judge them but show the correction through love and then it is up to them to accept Christ or deny Him.
It is my sincere prayer that we teach our children the right way and the wrong way and when something like that comes up on t.v., explain to them that this is not right and God does not like it. Being silent only further shows our children the acceptance of a spirit that is antichrist and leads to destruction.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Breaking the Generational and Private Curses
Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of the Culture: Breaking the Generational and Private Curses
Scripture: Romans 8:1,2; Ezekiel 18:19-21
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Today is a blessed day for the saints of God that are reading this. It is time to break the curse that has plagued your life and the lives of your families and generations. Let’s remember curses are basically the result of sin and some which recur through families are considered generational curses. Let’s understand that everyone is accountable for their own actions and God delivers just consequences for said sin. But when you see the same situation throughout a family or through a linage then you need to be mindful you could be looking at a generational curse. But, isn’t God phenomenal that He gives us a way out and a way to break the curse. Mankind was cursed to death because of the sin in the garden, but God being so merciful sent His only begotten Son to break this curse and give us another chance at eternal life. The only way these curses can be broken is denouncing them, praying over them and everyone in your family affected by them, giving your life over to Christ and most of all, praying in the name of Jesus! If we ask Jesus to loose us from these curses, he will and it is our responsibility to stay away from the sin that held us captive. In other words, if you have a problem with alcohol, then stay away from alcohol. Now in yesterday’s e-mail, I stated that it starts with you and here is why. Because, you recognize this, it is imperative that you intercede on behalf of others who might be held captive and pray for their release from this curse. Now, it is also important to talk to your brother or sister about the curse so they can understand that they have to denounce the curse and pray for spiritual freedom from the curse also. In a nut shell it does start with intercession but it ends with personal accountability and change. Here is an example of a prayer that if you want to really want to break this curse, you start with:
"Lord Jesus Christ, I confess to you all of the sins of my ancestors and predecessors on all sides of all of my families that and my spouses families back to our families origins, repenting of all of their sins, and in particular, of all of their sins that brought the curse of (name that problem) into our family line. I repent of all of those ancestral sins and ask for Your forgiveness for what they did, also repenting of all their witchcraft or any other acts of evil. I ask for forgiveness for whomever they may have hurt as a consequence of these sins."I now bind, loose, and break this generation curse off of my spouse and me (and any other saved family members), breaking all ties, bonds, cords and soul-ties with all of those past ancestral sins and any other of their acts of evil. I decree that we are free and this curse is broken, for it is written that in that day you shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass. Your Word says that where there is Christ, there is liberty. Your Word says that He who the Son sets free is indeed free.""I stand on Your Word, Lord Jesus Christ, decreeing this generations curse broken once and for all time and I release the blessing upon (name of person or self), all. Finally, the following are things which you should speak a curse "at it's roots" upon, in Christ Jesus' Name:
Now You Reverse the Curse and Curse EvilAll the seedings, works, plans and activities of Satan. All seedings, works, plans, and activities of each and every evil spirit manifesting against you, to or through any individual, organization, adversary, or would-be adversary, this day, from any day past, or any day to come; all occult businesses or enterprises or organizations that come across your path; all disease at it's roots including all cancers and cancer cells in a person's body, commanding them to die, cursing them at their roots in the Name of Christ Jesus; all dens of iniquity including bars, adult books stores, masonic temples and organizations, false churches and false religions, gambling establishments, etc; the fruits of all demonic strongholds in a person, community, nation, etc.; the fruits of all acts of witchcraft that they not prosper; the sin and fruits of sin in a person's life, that it not prosper; all opposition, hindrance, interference, or obstructions (at their roots), to the hearing or propagation of the Gospel of Christ, In the Name of Jesus!
It is truly our prayer that you fast and pray about the curses that have been set into play in many of our lives unsuspectingly. May God Bless You and Free You!
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Curse of the Culture: Breaking the Generational and Private Curses
Scripture: Romans 8:1,2; Ezekiel 18:19-21
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Today is a blessed day for the saints of God that are reading this. It is time to break the curse that has plagued your life and the lives of your families and generations. Let’s remember curses are basically the result of sin and some which recur through families are considered generational curses. Let’s understand that everyone is accountable for their own actions and God delivers just consequences for said sin. But when you see the same situation throughout a family or through a linage then you need to be mindful you could be looking at a generational curse. But, isn’t God phenomenal that He gives us a way out and a way to break the curse. Mankind was cursed to death because of the sin in the garden, but God being so merciful sent His only begotten Son to break this curse and give us another chance at eternal life. The only way these curses can be broken is denouncing them, praying over them and everyone in your family affected by them, giving your life over to Christ and most of all, praying in the name of Jesus! If we ask Jesus to loose us from these curses, he will and it is our responsibility to stay away from the sin that held us captive. In other words, if you have a problem with alcohol, then stay away from alcohol. Now in yesterday’s e-mail, I stated that it starts with you and here is why. Because, you recognize this, it is imperative that you intercede on behalf of others who might be held captive and pray for their release from this curse. Now, it is also important to talk to your brother or sister about the curse so they can understand that they have to denounce the curse and pray for spiritual freedom from the curse also. In a nut shell it does start with intercession but it ends with personal accountability and change. Here is an example of a prayer that if you want to really want to break this curse, you start with:
"Lord Jesus Christ, I confess to you all of the sins of my ancestors and predecessors on all sides of all of my families that and my spouses families back to our families origins, repenting of all of their sins, and in particular, of all of their sins that brought the curse of (name that problem) into our family line. I repent of all of those ancestral sins and ask for Your forgiveness for what they did, also repenting of all their witchcraft or any other acts of evil. I ask for forgiveness for whomever they may have hurt as a consequence of these sins."I now bind, loose, and break this generation curse off of my spouse and me (and any other saved family members), breaking all ties, bonds, cords and soul-ties with all of those past ancestral sins and any other of their acts of evil. I decree that we are free and this curse is broken, for it is written that in that day you shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass. Your Word says that where there is Christ, there is liberty. Your Word says that He who the Son sets free is indeed free.""I stand on Your Word, Lord Jesus Christ, decreeing this generations curse broken once and for all time and I release the blessing upon (name of person or self), all. Finally, the following are things which you should speak a curse "at it's roots" upon, in Christ Jesus' Name:
Now You Reverse the Curse and Curse EvilAll the seedings, works, plans and activities of Satan. All seedings, works, plans, and activities of each and every evil spirit manifesting against you, to or through any individual, organization, adversary, or would-be adversary, this day, from any day past, or any day to come; all occult businesses or enterprises or organizations that come across your path; all disease at it's roots including all cancers and cancer cells in a person's body, commanding them to die, cursing them at their roots in the Name of Christ Jesus; all dens of iniquity including bars, adult books stores, masonic temples and organizations, false churches and false religions, gambling establishments, etc; the fruits of all demonic strongholds in a person, community, nation, etc.; the fruits of all acts of witchcraft that they not prosper; the sin and fruits of sin in a person's life, that it not prosper; all opposition, hindrance, interference, or obstructions (at their roots), to the hearing or propagation of the Gospel of Christ, In the Name of Jesus!
It is truly our prayer that you fast and pray about the curses that have been set into play in many of our lives unsuspectingly. May God Bless You and Free You!
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Generational Curses
Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Generational Curses
Scripture: Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Deuteronomy 5:9
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know many of you do not truly believe in curses. Well today, God has a word for His unbelievers. Curses started way back in Adam and Eve’s time. A curse was set as a punishment for sin. Of course the curse was for the person; however, the Bible says that that curse will go down through some generations. Today, we are going to try to shed some light on this problem and tomorrow we are going to deal with some solutions. Please pray before you read the rest of this email.
A generational curse is a curse passed down through the lineage and affects future generations of children. Some of our prevalent curses are alcoholism, unfulfilled and uncommitted relationships, birth out of wedlock, those who curse Israel, idol worship, smoking and drug abuse, and there are a whole host of other things that can be considered generational curses. Now how does this work? Here is an example.
Grandpa was a drunk that passes down to the son (who becomes a alcoholic) and then to His grandson (that becomes a alcoholic). Here is where it get’s weird, when the grandson is asked why did I start drinking and becoming an alcoholic, many times they will say, I do not know. As long as they commit the same sin, the curse continues until someone breaks the curse.
I know some of you as you look back at your life, you wonder, how in the world did I get into this situation? Consider you first, then pray and ask God is this a generational curse? I personally know of some generational curses going through my family and you can stop it, but you have to know what it is first. Many young people today can look at their families and say “ I see where this is coming from.” For today, I ask that you pray for your families and ask God to show you if there are any generational curses that are going through your family today. Remember we must be able to recognize a problem in order to solve one. May God show Himself unto you and speak wisdom, knowledge and understanding today. Stay tuned to learn how to break the curse! Here is a hint, it starts with you!
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Generational Curses
Scripture: Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Deuteronomy 5:9
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know many of you do not truly believe in curses. Well today, God has a word for His unbelievers. Curses started way back in Adam and Eve’s time. A curse was set as a punishment for sin. Of course the curse was for the person; however, the Bible says that that curse will go down through some generations. Today, we are going to try to shed some light on this problem and tomorrow we are going to deal with some solutions. Please pray before you read the rest of this email.
A generational curse is a curse passed down through the lineage and affects future generations of children. Some of our prevalent curses are alcoholism, unfulfilled and uncommitted relationships, birth out of wedlock, those who curse Israel, idol worship, smoking and drug abuse, and there are a whole host of other things that can be considered generational curses. Now how does this work? Here is an example.
Grandpa was a drunk that passes down to the son (who becomes a alcoholic) and then to His grandson (that becomes a alcoholic). Here is where it get’s weird, when the grandson is asked why did I start drinking and becoming an alcoholic, many times they will say, I do not know. As long as they commit the same sin, the curse continues until someone breaks the curse.
I know some of you as you look back at your life, you wonder, how in the world did I get into this situation? Consider you first, then pray and ask God is this a generational curse? I personally know of some generational curses going through my family and you can stop it, but you have to know what it is first. Many young people today can look at their families and say “ I see where this is coming from.” For today, I ask that you pray for your families and ask God to show you if there are any generational curses that are going through your family today. Remember we must be able to recognize a problem in order to solve one. May God show Himself unto you and speak wisdom, knowledge and understanding today. Stay tuned to learn how to break the curse! Here is a hint, it starts with you!
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Curse of a Culture: Tattoos
Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Tattoos
Scripture: Leviticus 19:28
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I do not understand why we get tattoos when God clearly says in the scripture not to do it. But the problem is, we are ignorant to what they mean and where it comes from. Now I have told you from the past few messages that the Ancient Egyptian culture is infiltrating our nation by leaps and bounds and this part of the culture is out of control. I remember a time when a parent would think it was “hell on earth” for a child to get a tattoo, but not anymore. Let’s look and pray that we become knowledgeable on this subject and why we need to be rebuking and praying for these tattoos to come off of our people.
Tattoos came from the ancient Egyptian culture. What they would do is this: They would paint a symbol (false god symbol) on their body. This would represent the god or spirit they are carrying within them. For many of the pharaohs, they would have this black eye paint around one of their eyes and that would symbolize the god Horus, or the all-seeing eye (remember our dollar bill and past messages) of perception. Now many of the pharaohs would also carry the ankh on them. For the final time, the ankh is not the Christian cross. It is a symbol of divinity and life after death for the person carrying the symbol on them. It is a false god symbol. So these Egyptians could be carrying many gods within them based on the tattoos that were on them. Now this culture has crossed over into today’s society and I am deeply saddened by the things I see on our children, let alone our adults and it is all because we were ignorant and failed to read our bibles and get informed. Let’s deal with today’s society:
In today’s society, it is almost taboo not to get a tattoo but what they do not understand is the things that that tattoo does to you mentally. Look at the scripture, why would God tell them not to do that? Please pay attention to this! A tattoo locks your mind into a specific place in time where you will find it hard to overcome whatever happened. Ok, some child will go get a tiger, for example, and tattoo that on them and when they were doing it they may have been rebelling, angry, frustrated with someone. So now that tattoo is a constant reminder of that situation. I know a lot of people have “In memory of..” tattoos. Well why would you tattoo yourself with a temporary situation. The death of that love one is temporarily if they believed in Christ, so putting that on your body, keeps your mind locked into the death of that person every time you look at it. And finally a tattoo that is scaring me because our generation is just adopting it by leaps and bounds is the tattoo of skulls and crossbones. Do not be a fool, skull and crossbones is a symbol of death. You can’t dress it up to mean what you want it to mean, it means death. Now kids and adults, some Kingdom citizens, are walking around with death tattooed on them. This is a very sad situation but I know through Jesus Christ and some prayers we can get these marks removed from these children and if you have a tattoo, I pray that you ask God to release you from that situation in your life and remove that tattoo from the temple of the Lord. Parents, we have to take a stand today and teach our children why we do not follow the crowd. Children will ask you why but if you do not know, what’s there to stop them.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Tattoos
Scripture: Leviticus 19:28
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I do not understand why we get tattoos when God clearly says in the scripture not to do it. But the problem is, we are ignorant to what they mean and where it comes from. Now I have told you from the past few messages that the Ancient Egyptian culture is infiltrating our nation by leaps and bounds and this part of the culture is out of control. I remember a time when a parent would think it was “hell on earth” for a child to get a tattoo, but not anymore. Let’s look and pray that we become knowledgeable on this subject and why we need to be rebuking and praying for these tattoos to come off of our people.
Tattoos came from the ancient Egyptian culture. What they would do is this: They would paint a symbol (false god symbol) on their body. This would represent the god or spirit they are carrying within them. For many of the pharaohs, they would have this black eye paint around one of their eyes and that would symbolize the god Horus, or the all-seeing eye (remember our dollar bill and past messages) of perception. Now many of the pharaohs would also carry the ankh on them. For the final time, the ankh is not the Christian cross. It is a symbol of divinity and life after death for the person carrying the symbol on them. It is a false god symbol. So these Egyptians could be carrying many gods within them based on the tattoos that were on them. Now this culture has crossed over into today’s society and I am deeply saddened by the things I see on our children, let alone our adults and it is all because we were ignorant and failed to read our bibles and get informed. Let’s deal with today’s society:
In today’s society, it is almost taboo not to get a tattoo but what they do not understand is the things that that tattoo does to you mentally. Look at the scripture, why would God tell them not to do that? Please pay attention to this! A tattoo locks your mind into a specific place in time where you will find it hard to overcome whatever happened. Ok, some child will go get a tiger, for example, and tattoo that on them and when they were doing it they may have been rebelling, angry, frustrated with someone. So now that tattoo is a constant reminder of that situation. I know a lot of people have “In memory of..” tattoos. Well why would you tattoo yourself with a temporary situation. The death of that love one is temporarily if they believed in Christ, so putting that on your body, keeps your mind locked into the death of that person every time you look at it. And finally a tattoo that is scaring me because our generation is just adopting it by leaps and bounds is the tattoo of skulls and crossbones. Do not be a fool, skull and crossbones is a symbol of death. You can’t dress it up to mean what you want it to mean, it means death. Now kids and adults, some Kingdom citizens, are walking around with death tattooed on them. This is a very sad situation but I know through Jesus Christ and some prayers we can get these marks removed from these children and if you have a tattoo, I pray that you ask God to release you from that situation in your life and remove that tattoo from the temple of the Lord. Parents, we have to take a stand today and teach our children why we do not follow the crowd. Children will ask you why but if you do not know, what’s there to stop them.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Curse of a Culture: Men with Earrings
Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Men with Earrings
Scripture: Genesis 35:2-4; Hosea 2:13; Ezekiel 20:6-18 (Please read the scriptures)
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I love sticky subjects but I also love the fact that the Holy Spirit will give you what to say and how to solve the problem. Now let’s get an understanding of where this truly comes from. Of course we have heard slavery, but it goes much deeper and farther back than that. Look at Jacob in Genesis, before his household could go and make an altar unto God, he told them to put away the strange gods and change their garments. Now move to verse 4! He says all the strange gods which were in their hand, and ALL THEIR EARRINGS, which were in their ears. Now why was this important because what God was going to charge to Jacob, he had to obedient and in right-position with God. So if Jacob knew that these piercings were unacceptable to God, why can’t we understand that nearly 6000 years later.
Back in Egypt (Remember, God said stay out of Egypt), men would be pierced in various ways to help them identify who they belonged to. In some cases, even a sign of the god they belonged to. But here is the flip slide to that. Pharaoh, which was a man, wore earrings to signify the people he had sex with. One earring for females, and 2 ear rings for both male and females. Now, the reason for this is to show that sex was never refused from Pharaoh when he wanted it regardless of male or female. This homosexual spirit and spirit of vanity carried over to other leaders. To name two prominent ones, Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great! So if a guy wears two ear rings back then he has shown that he is homosexual (No such thing as bisexual). Now we have looked at current ways we pierced things so let’s look at cattle. We pierce cattle as a sign of who they belonged to. Now in the days of slavery that was no different. Men were pierced as a sign that you belong to some other man. How degrading!
Today, our young men have adopted this spirit and tried to make it to mean something else. They say it is to be cool and stylish. Some just do it out of rebellion. Funny, there is a high probability that many of these young men do not have a father-figure in the home to check this problem at the door. In addition they pick up this spirit from the hip-hop and rock-n-roll cultures (both having founders that do not believe in Christ, Aliester Crowley and Afrika Bambaata, look it up!). They see their favorite artist wearing one and feel they should wear one not realizing the consequences. I remember as a young black American that a boy putting an earring in his ear was degrading, people thought you were homosexual and sad because the older people remembered the meaning of slavery when they saw it. Now much like the “n-word” the African-american culture in America has now set a double standard against its own culture. Now this spirit has crossed over into mainstream society where it is almost taboo not to have one as a man. I boys even at the age of 6 with an earring, what is wrong with our society? Fathers? If you ask these boys why did you get the earring, many of them would say either I do not know or because it was cool and a few because they were homosexual. Second, when the pastor wears the earring it says to the young men it must be ok for me to wear an earring. A shepherd leading his future heads of households to a false god, a spirit of homosexuality, a spirit of vanity. Sadly, these bishops seem not to understand that spirits are transferable. If the watchman does not blow the trumpet, then the blood of the people are on His hands!
There is a spiritual consequence for following after the gods of Egypt. Many young men start having weird feelings and emotions when they put the earrings in and they become vain (Remember, the devil was vain in heaven). Our young men, for the most part, have adopted this “thing” and because they saw someone else do it, they thought it was ok. There was no oversight or correction. Whatever happened to ear rings just being a girl thing? So, now that you understand what is going on. How do we solve the problem?
Jesus! This spirit can only be removed in the name of Jesus. In addition, the young man has to remove the earrings, because they are a stronghold for him and a symbol of the spirit that he is harboring. Through prayers, intercession, anointing and rebuking this spirit in the name of Jesus, this spirit can be removed.
For Everything You Do in the Natural World, There is A Spiritual Consequence!
Now if you can see the pictures below, these are the true pictures and not the doctored ones that this bishop had done to remove the earring out of his ear. A picture is worth a thousand words. Where are our true leaders??
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Men with Earrings
Scripture: Genesis 35:2-4; Hosea 2:13; Ezekiel 20:6-18 (Please read the scriptures)
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I love sticky subjects but I also love the fact that the Holy Spirit will give you what to say and how to solve the problem. Now let’s get an understanding of where this truly comes from. Of course we have heard slavery, but it goes much deeper and farther back than that. Look at Jacob in Genesis, before his household could go and make an altar unto God, he told them to put away the strange gods and change their garments. Now move to verse 4! He says all the strange gods which were in their hand, and ALL THEIR EARRINGS, which were in their ears. Now why was this important because what God was going to charge to Jacob, he had to obedient and in right-position with God. So if Jacob knew that these piercings were unacceptable to God, why can’t we understand that nearly 6000 years later.
Back in Egypt (Remember, God said stay out of Egypt), men would be pierced in various ways to help them identify who they belonged to. In some cases, even a sign of the god they belonged to. But here is the flip slide to that. Pharaoh, which was a man, wore earrings to signify the people he had sex with. One earring for females, and 2 ear rings for both male and females. Now, the reason for this is to show that sex was never refused from Pharaoh when he wanted it regardless of male or female. This homosexual spirit and spirit of vanity carried over to other leaders. To name two prominent ones, Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great! So if a guy wears two ear rings back then he has shown that he is homosexual (No such thing as bisexual). Now we have looked at current ways we pierced things so let’s look at cattle. We pierce cattle as a sign of who they belonged to. Now in the days of slavery that was no different. Men were pierced as a sign that you belong to some other man. How degrading!
Today, our young men have adopted this spirit and tried to make it to mean something else. They say it is to be cool and stylish. Some just do it out of rebellion. Funny, there is a high probability that many of these young men do not have a father-figure in the home to check this problem at the door. In addition they pick up this spirit from the hip-hop and rock-n-roll cultures (both having founders that do not believe in Christ, Aliester Crowley and Afrika Bambaata, look it up!). They see their favorite artist wearing one and feel they should wear one not realizing the consequences. I remember as a young black American that a boy putting an earring in his ear was degrading, people thought you were homosexual and sad because the older people remembered the meaning of slavery when they saw it. Now much like the “n-word” the African-american culture in America has now set a double standard against its own culture. Now this spirit has crossed over into mainstream society where it is almost taboo not to have one as a man. I boys even at the age of 6 with an earring, what is wrong with our society? Fathers? If you ask these boys why did you get the earring, many of them would say either I do not know or because it was cool and a few because they were homosexual. Second, when the pastor wears the earring it says to the young men it must be ok for me to wear an earring. A shepherd leading his future heads of households to a false god, a spirit of homosexuality, a spirit of vanity. Sadly, these bishops seem not to understand that spirits are transferable. If the watchman does not blow the trumpet, then the blood of the people are on His hands!
There is a spiritual consequence for following after the gods of Egypt. Many young men start having weird feelings and emotions when they put the earrings in and they become vain (Remember, the devil was vain in heaven). Our young men, for the most part, have adopted this “thing” and because they saw someone else do it, they thought it was ok. There was no oversight or correction. Whatever happened to ear rings just being a girl thing? So, now that you understand what is going on. How do we solve the problem?
Jesus! This spirit can only be removed in the name of Jesus. In addition, the young man has to remove the earrings, because they are a stronghold for him and a symbol of the spirit that he is harboring. Through prayers, intercession, anointing and rebuking this spirit in the name of Jesus, this spirit can be removed.
For Everything You Do in the Natural World, There is A Spiritual Consequence!
Now if you can see the pictures below, these are the true pictures and not the doctored ones that this bishop had done to remove the earring out of his ear. A picture is worth a thousand words. Where are our true leaders??
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Curse of a Culture: A Divided Nation
Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: A Divided Nation
Scripture: Matthew 12:25
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this installment we will deal with how the Egyptian culture proved to be divisive and how this has carried over to America. In ancient Egypt of course there were numerous false gods but also those gods who were particular to a certain level of society. Only the pharaohs could carry Horus and Osciris because those gods were specific to the leadership. Isis and Bastet were particular to women and children. What is funny, if you look up the Egyptian mythology, the gods fought each other for power over the land of Egypt. If your leadership is divided, how can your nation be united. Christ was not specific to any rank or status of person. He came to save all of mankind. The true and living God wants all of His children to be saved but what is sad is that some will still believe in false gods and shall spend eternity in hell believing that even though Christ shall come back and reveal Himself to all.
Let me make this very clear and I would like for you to pray about what is being said. The body of Christ is being divided by false gods, denominations and secret organizations. Christ said “I am the Way, the Truth and Life” and He is the only way. Christ strictly forbid the taking of oaths and swearing because it causes His children to take allegiance with other things of this world. You have to be COMPLETELY sold out to Christ to truly understand His power and your assignment. You cannot be associated with other deities or secret organizations. Christians should not join any organization where they have to go into a situation blind. In addition, no Christian should join an organization where:
1. You have to humiliate yourself to be a part
2. They will lie to you in your face about what you have to go through to be a member
3. Be a part of any rituals or rites of passage
4. There is proclamation of light given that you know nothing about (blind at first then “brought” into the “light”.)
5. Christ is not the head or where they say all religions are equal.
With Christ, it is all or none. He needs your whole heart and not 99%. What happens is that the people in these secret organizations hold themselves to a higher level than those who are not a part of the organization. This presents a division within the body of Christ and in some situations cause that portion associated with the organization to be misguided spiritually. We walk around with all of these symbols and organization symbols on our cars and proclaim our allegiance to them, but when it is time to proclaim Christ, few are found. Our very government is run by many involved in various secret societies. Some of these societies try to inject some Christian beliefs but pervert the gospel just to get members. This is truly the spirit of the Antichrist. Those who put the mark of these organizations on their bodies is just like putting graffiti on the temple of the Lord. Isn’t your body an indwelling for the Holy Spirit? So, your body is a temple. God wants His people united and strong and if they are aligned with other organizations, they cannot possibly be 100% sold out to Christ and united. I had to personally denounce the organization I was in and when I told some of the members, they said “I can respect that and I had their support”. If Christ came today to you and said it’s either me or the organization, what would you pick? That is what He is asking today for us to do. To deny the world and the things of the world, pick up our cross and follow Him. You can not follow Him and look at the organization at the same time. Status means nothing to Christ because you are nothing without Him.
Many young people have come to me and asked me about joining various organizations and I give them the same answer. Is Christ the Head and only deity, do you have to take an oath or go through a right of passage and do you know everything about this organization? All organizations are not bad, but I do bring into question what is there to hide that these organizations do not want all of us to know about? Christ did not hide anything and we should not go into something blind. The Kingdom of God is revealed to those who want to know how to operate and live and this Kingdom is never divided because the King that is there today was there yesterday and in the time to come.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: A Divided Nation
Scripture: Matthew 12:25
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this installment we will deal with how the Egyptian culture proved to be divisive and how this has carried over to America. In ancient Egypt of course there were numerous false gods but also those gods who were particular to a certain level of society. Only the pharaohs could carry Horus and Osciris because those gods were specific to the leadership. Isis and Bastet were particular to women and children. What is funny, if you look up the Egyptian mythology, the gods fought each other for power over the land of Egypt. If your leadership is divided, how can your nation be united. Christ was not specific to any rank or status of person. He came to save all of mankind. The true and living God wants all of His children to be saved but what is sad is that some will still believe in false gods and shall spend eternity in hell believing that even though Christ shall come back and reveal Himself to all.
Let me make this very clear and I would like for you to pray about what is being said. The body of Christ is being divided by false gods, denominations and secret organizations. Christ said “I am the Way, the Truth and Life” and He is the only way. Christ strictly forbid the taking of oaths and swearing because it causes His children to take allegiance with other things of this world. You have to be COMPLETELY sold out to Christ to truly understand His power and your assignment. You cannot be associated with other deities or secret organizations. Christians should not join any organization where they have to go into a situation blind. In addition, no Christian should join an organization where:
1. You have to humiliate yourself to be a part
2. They will lie to you in your face about what you have to go through to be a member
3. Be a part of any rituals or rites of passage
4. There is proclamation of light given that you know nothing about (blind at first then “brought” into the “light”.)
5. Christ is not the head or where they say all religions are equal.
With Christ, it is all or none. He needs your whole heart and not 99%. What happens is that the people in these secret organizations hold themselves to a higher level than those who are not a part of the organization. This presents a division within the body of Christ and in some situations cause that portion associated with the organization to be misguided spiritually. We walk around with all of these symbols and organization symbols on our cars and proclaim our allegiance to them, but when it is time to proclaim Christ, few are found. Our very government is run by many involved in various secret societies. Some of these societies try to inject some Christian beliefs but pervert the gospel just to get members. This is truly the spirit of the Antichrist. Those who put the mark of these organizations on their bodies is just like putting graffiti on the temple of the Lord. Isn’t your body an indwelling for the Holy Spirit? So, your body is a temple. God wants His people united and strong and if they are aligned with other organizations, they cannot possibly be 100% sold out to Christ and united. I had to personally denounce the organization I was in and when I told some of the members, they said “I can respect that and I had their support”. If Christ came today to you and said it’s either me or the organization, what would you pick? That is what He is asking today for us to do. To deny the world and the things of the world, pick up our cross and follow Him. You can not follow Him and look at the organization at the same time. Status means nothing to Christ because you are nothing without Him.
Many young people have come to me and asked me about joining various organizations and I give them the same answer. Is Christ the Head and only deity, do you have to take an oath or go through a right of passage and do you know everything about this organization? All organizations are not bad, but I do bring into question what is there to hide that these organizations do not want all of us to know about? Christ did not hide anything and we should not go into something blind. The Kingdom of God is revealed to those who want to know how to operate and live and this Kingdom is never divided because the King that is there today was there yesterday and in the time to come.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Curse of a Culture: Music and Dancing
Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Music and Dancing
Scripture: Leviticus 18:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Making music was a very important part of the Ancient Egyptian culture, just as it is in America and around the world. Of course when we look at dancing in the Egyptian culture, especially the ladies, it is very similar to American culture. Today, we will look at music and dancing and how the Egyptian culture has shaped American culture and caused us to sin against the Living God.
When we look at dancing in Egypt, women would dance for men, esp. Pharaoh in a very seductive and sexy way. This dancing would entice the men to have sex with the women and as for Pharaoh it would either be men or women. In addition, we see the movements of the Egyptians when they dance and know them when we see them. What they failed to inform you is that when they danced they called upon various spirits and gods to take over their bodies and seduce those who they danced for. They danced not just for the people but unto the false gods of Egypt. Sound familiar, you bet! In America when we take a look back into the 70’s we see the first signs of break dancing in the streets. These guys would move like the ancient Egyptians and of course it evolved to break dancing as we know it today. Now what I am going to say may confuse you but I pray you ask God to reveal it to you.
All spirits need a body to actually do something in this world! When a spirit wants to show himself, he would contort the body of the thing or person it was possessing outside the normal range of motion to show its power. That is why when demons are being called out, before they were summoned out, they would contort to body of the person it was occupying.
Now, when you see these breakdancers, dancing on their heads and sliding across the floor on one arm and doing all these moves that you know you could not even fathom or even imagine a human being able to do, it probably is a spirit. Now I know it sounds crazy but think about it, if you asked a person who break dances to just spin on their head at a moment’s notice, I guarantee they probably will not be able to do it. But if you get them in the right atmosphere, they can allow themselves to let go and allow themselves to be used so a spirit will manifest itself in them and do all sorts of tricks and dances. I have seen break boys who say they feel like they lose all control and then they can do anything once they get into the mood. In addition, our young ladies in the club when they dance seductively and all of a sudden they just lose control and then they can do all sorts of seductive dances to entice the men to dance with them. And we know where that can lead to. This is not natural, this is spiritual. I am also tired of hearing people saying David danced and trying to use that as a rubric to do any kind of dance in the church. For once and for all, it was a holy dance, a dance given to David by the Spirit of God to give glory and honor to God. You cannot do the world’s dances in the church. That is false god worship!
When God delivered the children of Isreal out of Egypt, the very first thing as Moses was on the mount, the children of Isreal did was build a golden calf and began singing and worshipping the golden calf. It was the singing they heard below that disturbed them. We have to continue to be vigilant and learn to read the lyrics of the music we listen to and discern what music is worthy to be listened to by the believer and in what setting. I am not going to beat a dead horse about it, but to ensure we understand. One of satan’s schemes is music (Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14). Our youth are listening to people who are bold to proclaim themselves as gods and put their doctrines in the music (Nation of Gods and Earths). If they know that the power of life and death is in the tongue, then they know when you speak things, you speak them into existence.
Music and Dancing goes hand-and-hand. A wonderful analogy of this is Michael Jackson’s Remember the Time Video. It depicts Jackson in Egypt and the dances they did were from ancient Egyptians, you know what I am talking about if not go look it up on you tube or something. Jackson had all of these other celebrities dressed in Egyptian garb, some dressed as Pharaoh and Egyptian queens and other servants, and even to this day that was one of his most famous videos. Egypt is alive and well in America and around the world, we must take a stand to not even walk, talk, or dance like the ancient Egyptians because it may cause us to dance unto false gods, just like satan can cause us to take the mark of the beast without direct worship. Music can usher in the spirits to take control of our bodies and allow the spirits to dance unto their respective false gods.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Music and Dancing
Scripture: Leviticus 18:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Making music was a very important part of the Ancient Egyptian culture, just as it is in America and around the world. Of course when we look at dancing in the Egyptian culture, especially the ladies, it is very similar to American culture. Today, we will look at music and dancing and how the Egyptian culture has shaped American culture and caused us to sin against the Living God.
When we look at dancing in Egypt, women would dance for men, esp. Pharaoh in a very seductive and sexy way. This dancing would entice the men to have sex with the women and as for Pharaoh it would either be men or women. In addition, we see the movements of the Egyptians when they dance and know them when we see them. What they failed to inform you is that when they danced they called upon various spirits and gods to take over their bodies and seduce those who they danced for. They danced not just for the people but unto the false gods of Egypt. Sound familiar, you bet! In America when we take a look back into the 70’s we see the first signs of break dancing in the streets. These guys would move like the ancient Egyptians and of course it evolved to break dancing as we know it today. Now what I am going to say may confuse you but I pray you ask God to reveal it to you.
All spirits need a body to actually do something in this world! When a spirit wants to show himself, he would contort the body of the thing or person it was possessing outside the normal range of motion to show its power. That is why when demons are being called out, before they were summoned out, they would contort to body of the person it was occupying.
Now, when you see these breakdancers, dancing on their heads and sliding across the floor on one arm and doing all these moves that you know you could not even fathom or even imagine a human being able to do, it probably is a spirit. Now I know it sounds crazy but think about it, if you asked a person who break dances to just spin on their head at a moment’s notice, I guarantee they probably will not be able to do it. But if you get them in the right atmosphere, they can allow themselves to let go and allow themselves to be used so a spirit will manifest itself in them and do all sorts of tricks and dances. I have seen break boys who say they feel like they lose all control and then they can do anything once they get into the mood. In addition, our young ladies in the club when they dance seductively and all of a sudden they just lose control and then they can do all sorts of seductive dances to entice the men to dance with them. And we know where that can lead to. This is not natural, this is spiritual. I am also tired of hearing people saying David danced and trying to use that as a rubric to do any kind of dance in the church. For once and for all, it was a holy dance, a dance given to David by the Spirit of God to give glory and honor to God. You cannot do the world’s dances in the church. That is false god worship!
When God delivered the children of Isreal out of Egypt, the very first thing as Moses was on the mount, the children of Isreal did was build a golden calf and began singing and worshipping the golden calf. It was the singing they heard below that disturbed them. We have to continue to be vigilant and learn to read the lyrics of the music we listen to and discern what music is worthy to be listened to by the believer and in what setting. I am not going to beat a dead horse about it, but to ensure we understand. One of satan’s schemes is music (Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14). Our youth are listening to people who are bold to proclaim themselves as gods and put their doctrines in the music (Nation of Gods and Earths). If they know that the power of life and death is in the tongue, then they know when you speak things, you speak them into existence.
Music and Dancing goes hand-and-hand. A wonderful analogy of this is Michael Jackson’s Remember the Time Video. It depicts Jackson in Egypt and the dances they did were from ancient Egyptians, you know what I am talking about if not go look it up on you tube or something. Jackson had all of these other celebrities dressed in Egyptian garb, some dressed as Pharaoh and Egyptian queens and other servants, and even to this day that was one of his most famous videos. Egypt is alive and well in America and around the world, we must take a stand to not even walk, talk, or dance like the ancient Egyptians because it may cause us to dance unto false gods, just like satan can cause us to take the mark of the beast without direct worship. Music can usher in the spirits to take control of our bodies and allow the spirits to dance unto their respective false gods.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Curse of a Culture: False Gods
Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: False Gods
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-7
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When I accepted my assignment for the Kingdom, I told the Lord, I will do as He commands and I pray that you open your spiritual eyes to what is going to be typed over the next few days. There is a spiritual shift in the world and it is not for the good. The Ancient Egyptian culture is affecting and infiltrating our nation by leaps and bounds. It is now time to separate good from evil and the holy from the profane. Please pray before what you are about to read.
You ask, What is the Ancient Egyptian culture? First and foremost we are dealing with the spiritual culture of Egypt. Well we must first know how ancient biblical Egypt was set up. As we know the story of Joseph, the children of Israel were led into Egypt by God under the care of a good pharaoh and Joseph who was appointed by Pharaoh as leader over Egypt. However, after that Pharaoh died, a new Pharaoh who took over power enslaved the children of Israel. Now, we know this leads into the story of Moses, but before we get there we need to know why, God had to get His children out of Egypt.
False Gods
In Egypt there were over 900 false gods. Each of these gods having a symbol representing them. Of course there is Ra, Anubis, Bastet, Osiris, Horus, Isis, Seth, and Aten just to name some of the most important ones. But, God knew that they were there but when Pharaoh declared himself to be god (The Morning and Evening Star), that is when God said it is time to go. And of course, God being a jealous God, will not allow His children to be lead by no other god or self-proclaimed god. Now, what does this have to do with America? Here is the connection! Let’s look at 4 of the 900 gods of Egypt and see how they have infiltrated our nation.
Horus (Man with a falcon’s head or All-Seeing Eye of Horus) – god of the sky
He was born to protect the people of Egypt and bestow divinity (godship) upon Pharaoh. For some reason, on the back of your American dollar bill there is a pyramid with an eye on the top of it. To be straight forward, that eye is called the all-seeing eye or eye of Horus. So why is an Egyptian god on the back of an American dollar bill? Who is pushing this agenda? That is why the Bible says for the LOVE of money is the root of all evil (Horus). It is also referred to as the Third eye of perception. Steve Harvey referred to it in his comedy show and many rappers and hip-hoppers refer to this false god as giving them all-seeing power. This is as evil as it gets. When you start chasing what we say in America, “bling bling” then we have to chase the money to get it. Ignorance of the truth will lead to your destruction.
Osiris - god of life, death and fertility
Ra –The sun god
Of course we have discussed in previous messages how Earth Wind and Fire (the singing group) was founded on Egyptian mythology. If you look up at the covers of those albums, one of the albums has the calendar of Osiris. Even in their songs such as Shining Star they make reference to the Sun God Ra. In addition there are organizations in America that believe in “A Supreme Being”, they are referring to Osiris. Sand some of these kids, joining these organizations do not realize what they are joining. Afrika Bambatta calls himself the Amen-Ra of Hip-Hop. Please be very careful of who you associate yourself with or even what you listen to. Do not become unequally yoked with unbelievers. Our young people will defend these artist almost as if they were family. They believe they could do no wrong but Proverbs 18:21 says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” So they know if they can get you to sing the worship to the false god, that is good enough. And they are doing it today.
Bastet – goddess of fertility, protector of women, perfumes depicted as a cat.
Please look this up to verify everything I am about to tell you. There is a famous woman by the name of Kimora Simmons and she has a line of clothes named Baby Phat. However, the funny thing about it is that the symbol she uses is that of the Egyptian goddess, Bastet. And if you have seen her clothes, they are very revealing, risqué and tight. Coincidence, I think not. In addition, she has a perfume called Goddess. If your child or you have this demonic emblem anywhere on you or you carry it around (purse, clothes, perfume), I suggest you make a change to another safer line of perfume and clothing. And we wonder why our young women are attracting the wrong attention by what they wear. Probably, they are carrying the spirit of Bastet around; the spirit causes the woman to feel very seductive.
This is only 4 of the 900 gods of Egypt who have found their way into our current culture. It is time to wake up and see the evil before you and be prepared to stand on the Word of God because the devil is not slowing down and neither are the Children of God. Do not get fooled and start worshipping a false god because you do not want to let go of your membership or denounce an organization or the things of this world. The True and Living God of the Bible is alive and well and I will always lean on Him for wisdom, knowledge and understanding in all issues. You have to be 100% with Him or against Him. You have been warned.
At Our Father’s Service, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: False Gods
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-7
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When I accepted my assignment for the Kingdom, I told the Lord, I will do as He commands and I pray that you open your spiritual eyes to what is going to be typed over the next few days. There is a spiritual shift in the world and it is not for the good. The Ancient Egyptian culture is affecting and infiltrating our nation by leaps and bounds. It is now time to separate good from evil and the holy from the profane. Please pray before what you are about to read.
You ask, What is the Ancient Egyptian culture? First and foremost we are dealing with the spiritual culture of Egypt. Well we must first know how ancient biblical Egypt was set up. As we know the story of Joseph, the children of Israel were led into Egypt by God under the care of a good pharaoh and Joseph who was appointed by Pharaoh as leader over Egypt. However, after that Pharaoh died, a new Pharaoh who took over power enslaved the children of Israel. Now, we know this leads into the story of Moses, but before we get there we need to know why, God had to get His children out of Egypt.
False Gods
In Egypt there were over 900 false gods. Each of these gods having a symbol representing them. Of course there is Ra, Anubis, Bastet, Osiris, Horus, Isis, Seth, and Aten just to name some of the most important ones. But, God knew that they were there but when Pharaoh declared himself to be god (The Morning and Evening Star), that is when God said it is time to go. And of course, God being a jealous God, will not allow His children to be lead by no other god or self-proclaimed god. Now, what does this have to do with America? Here is the connection! Let’s look at 4 of the 900 gods of Egypt and see how they have infiltrated our nation.
Horus (Man with a falcon’s head or All-Seeing Eye of Horus) – god of the sky
He was born to protect the people of Egypt and bestow divinity (godship) upon Pharaoh. For some reason, on the back of your American dollar bill there is a pyramid with an eye on the top of it. To be straight forward, that eye is called the all-seeing eye or eye of Horus. So why is an Egyptian god on the back of an American dollar bill? Who is pushing this agenda? That is why the Bible says for the LOVE of money is the root of all evil (Horus). It is also referred to as the Third eye of perception. Steve Harvey referred to it in his comedy show and many rappers and hip-hoppers refer to this false god as giving them all-seeing power. This is as evil as it gets. When you start chasing what we say in America, “bling bling” then we have to chase the money to get it. Ignorance of the truth will lead to your destruction.
Osiris - god of life, death and fertility
Ra –The sun god
Of course we have discussed in previous messages how Earth Wind and Fire (the singing group) was founded on Egyptian mythology. If you look up at the covers of those albums, one of the albums has the calendar of Osiris. Even in their songs such as Shining Star they make reference to the Sun God Ra. In addition there are organizations in America that believe in “A Supreme Being”, they are referring to Osiris. Sand some of these kids, joining these organizations do not realize what they are joining. Afrika Bambatta calls himself the Amen-Ra of Hip-Hop. Please be very careful of who you associate yourself with or even what you listen to. Do not become unequally yoked with unbelievers. Our young people will defend these artist almost as if they were family. They believe they could do no wrong but Proverbs 18:21 says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” So they know if they can get you to sing the worship to the false god, that is good enough. And they are doing it today.
Bastet – goddess of fertility, protector of women, perfumes depicted as a cat.
Please look this up to verify everything I am about to tell you. There is a famous woman by the name of Kimora Simmons and she has a line of clothes named Baby Phat. However, the funny thing about it is that the symbol she uses is that of the Egyptian goddess, Bastet. And if you have seen her clothes, they are very revealing, risqué and tight. Coincidence, I think not. In addition, she has a perfume called Goddess. If your child or you have this demonic emblem anywhere on you or you carry it around (purse, clothes, perfume), I suggest you make a change to another safer line of perfume and clothing. And we wonder why our young women are attracting the wrong attention by what they wear. Probably, they are carrying the spirit of Bastet around; the spirit causes the woman to feel very seductive.
This is only 4 of the 900 gods of Egypt who have found their way into our current culture. It is time to wake up and see the evil before you and be prepared to stand on the Word of God because the devil is not slowing down and neither are the Children of God. Do not get fooled and start worshipping a false god because you do not want to let go of your membership or denounce an organization or the things of this world. The True and Living God of the Bible is alive and well and I will always lean on Him for wisdom, knowledge and understanding in all issues. You have to be 100% with Him or against Him. You have been warned.
At Our Father’s Service, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Curse of a Culture: Idolatry
Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Idolatry
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-8; 1 John 5:21
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now when the children of Israel were in Egypt, they were exposed to many different gods. To be near exact almost over 900 different ones. Now when they were delivered, they saw the power of the one and true living God, Jehovah. But they because of their mentality being damaged they still created idol gods after their deliverance. Now when we look at the scriptures in Exodus, God is giving the people a charge and command that they should not have any other gods before Him. And do not make any graven images or likeness of anything that is in heaven above and the earth beneath. In addition, they should not bow down thyself to these gods nor serve them. After stating all of this, God gives a consequence for their actions and here is where you should pay very close attention. God said in Exodus 20:5:
“…visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.”
Now if you do not know what that is above, it is called a Generational Curse. So what happens is because of the sins of the fathers, the children shall be punished up unto the 3rd and 4th generation. Now in the upcoming messages we will be dealing with generational curses but let’s stick with idolatry. Idolatry is putting anything before God and/or reverencing or worshipping that thing. An idol does not only have to be a “god”. It can be these other things:
1. Gold and Silver
2. Car
3. House
4. Clothes
5. Celebrities
And the list goes on and on. Here is a great example of idolatry when we hear this:
“Michael Jordan is my idol” or “Jay-Z is the god of rap”. Young people, that is called idolatry and God will punish you and your future children for that. Adults when you put any of those other things above worship and study with God, that is idolatry. When we look at our society today, idolatry is running rampant. Instead of God being held in reverence, we hold these athletes as the role models and look at them?? Do you really want them being your child’s “idol”?? Next it’s these entertainers and artist. They are promoting fornication, false god worship, prostitution and the abuse of women through their music and their shows. And let’s not forget the religious folk. They see the big bishops and mega-famous t.v. ministers and even though they are not teaching you about the message of Christ, the Kingdom of God, we get offended when someone like me comes against them and rebukes them for what they do openly against the people. That is called idolatry. When are we as a people, after seeing all of this chaos and economic downturn going to put our heart and soul in the one person who never had a crises, Jesus Christ? When are we going to hold him up in reverence in our lives, not just our words, and proclaim the Kingdom of God is here. When are we going to stand up and say no more and take back our homes and get our children under the blood of Christ?
We have heard the Word of the Lord and the consequences are so damaging. But if you love your children, do right by them and have a relationship with God and sit down with your children and talk to them about God. Turn the t.v. and ipods off. They need to hear your voice and the voice of the Lord because when they get out there on their own, they will realize that they need God in every aspect of their lives. And these idols, they have do not care about them and will lead them to destruction.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Curse of a Culture: Idolatry
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-8; 1 John 5:21
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now when the children of Israel were in Egypt, they were exposed to many different gods. To be near exact almost over 900 different ones. Now when they were delivered, they saw the power of the one and true living God, Jehovah. But they because of their mentality being damaged they still created idol gods after their deliverance. Now when we look at the scriptures in Exodus, God is giving the people a charge and command that they should not have any other gods before Him. And do not make any graven images or likeness of anything that is in heaven above and the earth beneath. In addition, they should not bow down thyself to these gods nor serve them. After stating all of this, God gives a consequence for their actions and here is where you should pay very close attention. God said in Exodus 20:5:
“…visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.”
Now if you do not know what that is above, it is called a Generational Curse. So what happens is because of the sins of the fathers, the children shall be punished up unto the 3rd and 4th generation. Now in the upcoming messages we will be dealing with generational curses but let’s stick with idolatry. Idolatry is putting anything before God and/or reverencing or worshipping that thing. An idol does not only have to be a “god”. It can be these other things:
1. Gold and Silver
2. Car
3. House
4. Clothes
5. Celebrities
And the list goes on and on. Here is a great example of idolatry when we hear this:
“Michael Jordan is my idol” or “Jay-Z is the god of rap”. Young people, that is called idolatry and God will punish you and your future children for that. Adults when you put any of those other things above worship and study with God, that is idolatry. When we look at our society today, idolatry is running rampant. Instead of God being held in reverence, we hold these athletes as the role models and look at them?? Do you really want them being your child’s “idol”?? Next it’s these entertainers and artist. They are promoting fornication, false god worship, prostitution and the abuse of women through their music and their shows. And let’s not forget the religious folk. They see the big bishops and mega-famous t.v. ministers and even though they are not teaching you about the message of Christ, the Kingdom of God, we get offended when someone like me comes against them and rebukes them for what they do openly against the people. That is called idolatry. When are we as a people, after seeing all of this chaos and economic downturn going to put our heart and soul in the one person who never had a crises, Jesus Christ? When are we going to hold him up in reverence in our lives, not just our words, and proclaim the Kingdom of God is here. When are we going to stand up and say no more and take back our homes and get our children under the blood of Christ?
We have heard the Word of the Lord and the consequences are so damaging. But if you love your children, do right by them and have a relationship with God and sit down with your children and talk to them about God. Turn the t.v. and ipods off. They need to hear your voice and the voice of the Lord because when they get out there on their own, they will realize that they need God in every aspect of their lives. And these idols, they have do not care about them and will lead them to destruction.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Curse of a Culture
Series: Old Creature vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: The New Ancient Egypt: The Curse of a Culture pt 1
Scripture: Leviticus 18:1-5
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now of course we are still talking about the old creature but we have to look at the changes the old creature evolved through since the Garden. As we should know the story of how the children of Israel we led into Egypt under the rulership of Joseph. And of course we know that a Pharaoh rose up who did not know Joseph oppressed and enslaved the children of Israel. Now the children of Israel were enslaved for over 400 years in Egypt and over that time they forgot and many never knew the God of their Fathers. That is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So what do you think the result of this is? It results in a loss in the identity and knowledge of who they were and whose they were. Now when we look at today’s society, many of the things that went on in Ancient Egypt are going on right now!! We will dissect and understand what was going on and how it has come upon in this generation that is over 6,000 years removed from the garden.
Now I know we have brothers and sisters on this ministry from Egypt. I would like to make it clear that when we refer to Egypt we are talking about Ancient Biblical Egypt, in the time of Moses. In the scripture we see the Lord make a clear directive to Israel that they should not do the things nor walk in the ways of the Egyptians who oppressed them. Now if you had been somewhere for 400 years, it is almost nature to you but as you know the story, God showed His power in freeing His people through the parting of the sea and the plagues. So, God is stressing if you want life then you must keep His commandments and His judgments. So we are going to take a journey through ancient Egypt and see the curse of this ancient culture and how it is currently affecting the lives of the lost and of the citizens of the Kingdom of God.
If you are a parent, pastor or leader in the church, I urge you to pay close attention to these next messages and if you are a child, teenager or young adult, it is time for you to open your eyes to the evil and the schemes of the devil and how he is keeping you mentally enslaved to him and the curse of the culture of the Ancient Egyptians.
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The New Ancient Egypt: The Curse of a Culture pt 1
Scripture: Leviticus 18:1-5
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now of course we are still talking about the old creature but we have to look at the changes the old creature evolved through since the Garden. As we should know the story of how the children of Israel we led into Egypt under the rulership of Joseph. And of course we know that a Pharaoh rose up who did not know Joseph oppressed and enslaved the children of Israel. Now the children of Israel were enslaved for over 400 years in Egypt and over that time they forgot and many never knew the God of their Fathers. That is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So what do you think the result of this is? It results in a loss in the identity and knowledge of who they were and whose they were. Now when we look at today’s society, many of the things that went on in Ancient Egypt are going on right now!! We will dissect and understand what was going on and how it has come upon in this generation that is over 6,000 years removed from the garden.
Now I know we have brothers and sisters on this ministry from Egypt. I would like to make it clear that when we refer to Egypt we are talking about Ancient Biblical Egypt, in the time of Moses. In the scripture we see the Lord make a clear directive to Israel that they should not do the things nor walk in the ways of the Egyptians who oppressed them. Now if you had been somewhere for 400 years, it is almost nature to you but as you know the story, God showed His power in freeing His people through the parting of the sea and the plagues. So, God is stressing if you want life then you must keep His commandments and His judgments. So we are going to take a journey through ancient Egypt and see the curse of this ancient culture and how it is currently affecting the lives of the lost and of the citizens of the Kingdom of God.
If you are a parent, pastor or leader in the church, I urge you to pay close attention to these next messages and if you are a child, teenager or young adult, it is time for you to open your eyes to the evil and the schemes of the devil and how he is keeping you mentally enslaved to him and the curse of the culture of the Ancient Egyptians.
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Lost of the Kingdom of God on Earth
Series: Old Creature Vs. New Creature
Today’s Focus: The Lost of the Kingdom of God on Earth
Scripture: Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 3:6,7
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this world there are two creatures, an old creature and a new creature. Now as for mankind this old creature is indebted to death and the new creature to life. But the problem we have is in these times it is hard to see the difference between the two. We have the new creatures still acting like the old ones and the lost wondering why should I even bother to learn about Christ when I see you acting just like me. Well in this very intensive look, we are going to deal with both creatures and understand and see a clear and distinct picture between both of them.
Now before we deal with the old creature we must understand the original creature. Let’s see what the original creature was designed to do. Look at Genesis 1:26. The original creature was a man with the Holy Spirit administering God’s Will and exercising dominion over the Earth. This creature was in the image and the likeness of God Himself. All He knew was good. He listened to God and obeyed him. He had a relationship with God and conversed with Him daily. He was a King on Earth and a Priest on the Earth. He was in charge of paradise or Heaven on Earth. All of his needs were met and provided by God.
But when mankind was tricked in the garden, mankind lost the Holy Spirit, dominion, paradise and the Kingdom. Because of the lust of their eyes and a lack of judgment, mankind committed sin or rebellion against God and because of that His Spirit, which is a Holy Spirit cannot live in an unholy container or body. So when we look at Genesis 3:7. Once they sinned they realized they were naked and sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. Now this may seem small but it is the major problem we have today. When mankind lost the Holy Spirit and the Kingdom, mankind became selfish, concerned about getting their needs met by their own means. No longer did they depend on God, but they feared not having their needs met and search for a way to meet them. Mankind was concerned about protecting themselves, feeding themselves and clothing themselves. Because there was no Holy Spirit they no longer could administrate God’s will on the Earth and they lost the connection to Heaven.
This is the foundation of the old creature, everything we will talk about up unto we discuss the new creature will be based off of this foundation. This series is meant to challenge not your words you speak but the life you live. Is it holy, righteous and pleasing to God? Is it a representative of His Kingdom and the fruits of His Kingdom? Get ready to read and re-evaluate your life.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The Lost of the Kingdom of God on Earth
Scripture: Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 3:6,7
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this world there are two creatures, an old creature and a new creature. Now as for mankind this old creature is indebted to death and the new creature to life. But the problem we have is in these times it is hard to see the difference between the two. We have the new creatures still acting like the old ones and the lost wondering why should I even bother to learn about Christ when I see you acting just like me. Well in this very intensive look, we are going to deal with both creatures and understand and see a clear and distinct picture between both of them.
Now before we deal with the old creature we must understand the original creature. Let’s see what the original creature was designed to do. Look at Genesis 1:26. The original creature was a man with the Holy Spirit administering God’s Will and exercising dominion over the Earth. This creature was in the image and the likeness of God Himself. All He knew was good. He listened to God and obeyed him. He had a relationship with God and conversed with Him daily. He was a King on Earth and a Priest on the Earth. He was in charge of paradise or Heaven on Earth. All of his needs were met and provided by God.
But when mankind was tricked in the garden, mankind lost the Holy Spirit, dominion, paradise and the Kingdom. Because of the lust of their eyes and a lack of judgment, mankind committed sin or rebellion against God and because of that His Spirit, which is a Holy Spirit cannot live in an unholy container or body. So when we look at Genesis 3:7. Once they sinned they realized they were naked and sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. Now this may seem small but it is the major problem we have today. When mankind lost the Holy Spirit and the Kingdom, mankind became selfish, concerned about getting their needs met by their own means. No longer did they depend on God, but they feared not having their needs met and search for a way to meet them. Mankind was concerned about protecting themselves, feeding themselves and clothing themselves. Because there was no Holy Spirit they no longer could administrate God’s will on the Earth and they lost the connection to Heaven.
This is the foundation of the old creature, everything we will talk about up unto we discuss the new creature will be based off of this foundation. This series is meant to challenge not your words you speak but the life you live. Is it holy, righteous and pleasing to God? Is it a representative of His Kingdom and the fruits of His Kingdom? Get ready to read and re-evaluate your life.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Kingdom Man in Ministry
Today’s Focus: Understanding the Kingdom Man in Ministry
Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:1-8
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This is a very sensitive subject to me because part of the reason we have so much chaos in the church, is because the men and leaders of the church are not doing their job and not standing on sound principle and doctrine. When the pastor or the bishop is not standing on sound doctrine then what do you think will happen to the rest of the flock. Because of the waywardness and the fear of not having a large congregation we have compromised holiness for the sake of numbers and converts. Now you may say it is good to get people to come to Christ, but what are we teaching them afterwards? What are we doing with them after they gave their lives to Christ?
As a young man in ministry it hurts to see Bishops wearing ear rings then trying to conceal it by having your public relation firm try to doctor the photo. It saddens me to see the big bishops who but on these mega-conferences and then feel they need to invite the secular artist to draw a crowd. And they do not even know Christ, but you give them a platform to perform on. We can’t just have the Word being taught anymore like biblical times. We have to have almost an hour of praise and worship, 15-20 minutes for offerings, 15 minutes for announcements and 15-30 minutes of testimony time. But when the pastor needs to bring the Word, we complain and say “I hope he is quick.” This is backwards. Believe it or not all of this that we do in church was nothing like the early church. Paul would sit day to night and just explain and teach the Kingdom of God and the Lord Jesus. See we as the men have fallen short because we have to compromise order for the sake of membership. And because we have done this, the church is chaotic and out of order. This is a hard message but God has placed men in strategic places to carry out His Will and not our will. Funny, some of the greatest things come in small packages. Let me share an experience I had today.
I had the humble and gracious opportunity to teach on the subject “Old nature vs New Nature” at St. Mary’s P.B. Church in Tallahassee, FL to about 15 people. In about an hour and forty-five minutes all we talked about was the Kingdom of God and after the Holy Spirit used me to talk about the Kingdom the membership just was filled with the spirit of revelation and a new understanding of God’s Kingdom. The Spirit explained and defunked religious myths with scripture and showed the people that the Kingdom operates today in the lives of the saints and not in Heaven. To see the joy and the understanding through scripture of the people gave me a new insight to understand that we need to stop biting our tongue and just preach the Kingdom and truth, you help give power to the people and improve their lives. I would like to thank Pastor Reed personally in this message for the opportunity. He is one of the many Pastors on this ministry who have enjoyed the series we have been doing. And God bless you and your ministry.
You do not have to have a large turn out to be effective. If you just have the truth and the Word of God then the Spirit will do all the drawing and will touch who needs to be touched. Think about this what good does it do to have a thousand people saved who know nothing about the Kingdom??? Many of our large churches are like that, and vice versa for our smaller churches. See if you as the man of the ministry do not understand the Kingdom of God then at the best all you can do is tell someone to hold on and Jesus will soon take you out of here to heaven. But if you understand the Kingdom, you can show them and teach them how to get their healing and keep it. How to call for help from the Kingdom in times of danger. The goal is to get people to understand that they have the power through Christ to overcome every situation but what we have done is made religion an emotional and brainwashing experience. Because we do not understand the Kingdom we lead the people from experiencing Kingdom lifestyle and hold them hostage spiritually. This is why many of the saints in this time are struggling and finding it hard to see God in these times because we as the men of ministry do not understand the Kingdom and we lose hope and realize this religion mess do not work, so we quit reading the Word and try to fix the problems ourselves. When you damage the flock like the Pharisees and Sadducees did, you will have to answer for that. You do not need a great musician and secular artist to be an effective Kingdom ministry, just use the Word of God, because it is the only thing that can deliver, set men free and restore mankind to their destiny as Kings, Priests and Ambassadors of the Kingdom.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:1-8
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This is a very sensitive subject to me because part of the reason we have so much chaos in the church, is because the men and leaders of the church are not doing their job and not standing on sound principle and doctrine. When the pastor or the bishop is not standing on sound doctrine then what do you think will happen to the rest of the flock. Because of the waywardness and the fear of not having a large congregation we have compromised holiness for the sake of numbers and converts. Now you may say it is good to get people to come to Christ, but what are we teaching them afterwards? What are we doing with them after they gave their lives to Christ?
As a young man in ministry it hurts to see Bishops wearing ear rings then trying to conceal it by having your public relation firm try to doctor the photo. It saddens me to see the big bishops who but on these mega-conferences and then feel they need to invite the secular artist to draw a crowd. And they do not even know Christ, but you give them a platform to perform on. We can’t just have the Word being taught anymore like biblical times. We have to have almost an hour of praise and worship, 15-20 minutes for offerings, 15 minutes for announcements and 15-30 minutes of testimony time. But when the pastor needs to bring the Word, we complain and say “I hope he is quick.” This is backwards. Believe it or not all of this that we do in church was nothing like the early church. Paul would sit day to night and just explain and teach the Kingdom of God and the Lord Jesus. See we as the men have fallen short because we have to compromise order for the sake of membership. And because we have done this, the church is chaotic and out of order. This is a hard message but God has placed men in strategic places to carry out His Will and not our will. Funny, some of the greatest things come in small packages. Let me share an experience I had today.
I had the humble and gracious opportunity to teach on the subject “Old nature vs New Nature” at St. Mary’s P.B. Church in Tallahassee, FL to about 15 people. In about an hour and forty-five minutes all we talked about was the Kingdom of God and after the Holy Spirit used me to talk about the Kingdom the membership just was filled with the spirit of revelation and a new understanding of God’s Kingdom. The Spirit explained and defunked religious myths with scripture and showed the people that the Kingdom operates today in the lives of the saints and not in Heaven. To see the joy and the understanding through scripture of the people gave me a new insight to understand that we need to stop biting our tongue and just preach the Kingdom and truth, you help give power to the people and improve their lives. I would like to thank Pastor Reed personally in this message for the opportunity. He is one of the many Pastors on this ministry who have enjoyed the series we have been doing. And God bless you and your ministry.
You do not have to have a large turn out to be effective. If you just have the truth and the Word of God then the Spirit will do all the drawing and will touch who needs to be touched. Think about this what good does it do to have a thousand people saved who know nothing about the Kingdom??? Many of our large churches are like that, and vice versa for our smaller churches. See if you as the man of the ministry do not understand the Kingdom of God then at the best all you can do is tell someone to hold on and Jesus will soon take you out of here to heaven. But if you understand the Kingdom, you can show them and teach them how to get their healing and keep it. How to call for help from the Kingdom in times of danger. The goal is to get people to understand that they have the power through Christ to overcome every situation but what we have done is made religion an emotional and brainwashing experience. Because we do not understand the Kingdom we lead the people from experiencing Kingdom lifestyle and hold them hostage spiritually. This is why many of the saints in this time are struggling and finding it hard to see God in these times because we as the men of ministry do not understand the Kingdom and we lose hope and realize this religion mess do not work, so we quit reading the Word and try to fix the problems ourselves. When you damage the flock like the Pharisees and Sadducees did, you will have to answer for that. You do not need a great musician and secular artist to be an effective Kingdom ministry, just use the Word of God, because it is the only thing that can deliver, set men free and restore mankind to their destiny as Kings, Priests and Ambassadors of the Kingdom.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Kingdom Husband
Today’s Focus: Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Husband
Scripture: Ephesians 5:23-26
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now I am going to start this letter off in venting mode so bare with me. I am sick and tired of all these secular people who write about relationships and marriages and some of them were never in a marriage, barely none of them mention Christ, nor do they use the Bible to show what the institution of marriage is all about. Then we as Christians and Kingdom Citizens rush out and buy this garbage because we want to know about what women think about men and what men think about women..blah, blah, blah. And God is saying:
Now I have to agree with God on this one, so many women are out there looking for the Kingdom husband. First, you should not even be looking for Him. He will find you! And finally, who started the institution of marriage? Of course God! So why can’t we use His model of marriage today in our homes. Last I checked, God has been true to His Word yesterday, today and forever more. So let’s get into the scripture and find out the characteristics of the Kingdom husband!
In the above scripture reading we see God establishing man to be the head of woman as Christ is the head of the church. Now so many men want to use verse 23 to justify their stance to the woman but don’t want to live by the stance in verse 25. Now let’s get to the good stuff in verse 25!
Verse 25 reads: “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loves the church, and gave himself for it.” Let’s stop right there! In other words husbands, you are to love your wife as Christ loved the church. The problem is you have to know how Christ loved to church to understand how to love your wife. I told you this would be good! How did Christ love the church:
1. He protected the church
2. He served the church
3. He cared for the church when it was sick
4. He provided for the church
5. He lead the church
6. He sacrificed and died for the church
Now your love for your wife should be just as Christ in the above six examples. The Kingdom husband is to protect, serve, care, provide, lead, sacrifice and even die for the wife. Now that is very heavy but we as husbands are called to operate in that type of love to our wives. As a newlywed with a baby on the way (Hallelujah) we have to be more sensitive and understanding to our wives because for the 9 months they carry the greatest joys and gifts from God of our lives, our children, they are hurting physically, hormonally unstable at times and need that care support and love. Now what that means is that you have to put all that macho man away and humble yourself down and minister, or serve, her. Are there times in the Kingdom home that we will not see eye to eye? Yes! But we have to calm down and realize that God has the answer to every problem if we stay in His counsel. Husbands, we need to get out of the house and work! I know times may be rough but God always has a way. In some homes, the woman may make more but do not be discouraged or feel threatened because if you are doing those six things above, then your household will be blessed no matter who is making the money. It is time for us to stop being deadbeat fathers and husbands.
You as the husband are the target of the enemy and when you stop being a watchman over your family, the enemy sneaks in and starts corrupting the children first. Do not let your guard down! You should be protective of your wife. You should help her with the things of the home. You should be teaching the children the Word of God and giving them a foundation to stand on to prevent the wiles of the devil from overcoming them. But all of this only happens if you as the Husband have a relationship with Christ and understand His love for us, the church. The Word says, “Greater love have no man than this, that he lay down His life for his friends.” We will never be able to love someone as much as Christ loves us, but we can strive every day. Funny, nowhere in these scriptures do we see buy your wife things to keep her happy. If your wife is a Kingdom wife, her happiness, love and joy is not only in the Lord but also in her children and her husband. A Kingdom wife is one of God’s greatest gifts to a man, because you can’t do it alone because if you could, God would not have created her and gave her to you.
Treat her with the respect, dignity, honor and love she deserves because Christ did with us. And you will see that same love returned 10-fold. The success of the household starts with us as the husbands and if we get it right, then the wives get it right then the children start acting better. Is that not what we want??? So here is the challenge to the Husbands:
1. Have a daily relationship with Christ
2. Read the Word daily
3. Sit down and discuss the Word with your wife
4. Sit down daily with your children and teach them the Word
5. Love your family and protect them against the wiles of the devil
6. Set the example not just with words but with actions! (Talk is cheap these days)
7. Stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!
Next Topic:
1. Understanding the Kingdom Man and Ministry
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Scripture: Ephesians 5:23-26
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now I am going to start this letter off in venting mode so bare with me. I am sick and tired of all these secular people who write about relationships and marriages and some of them were never in a marriage, barely none of them mention Christ, nor do they use the Bible to show what the institution of marriage is all about. Then we as Christians and Kingdom Citizens rush out and buy this garbage because we want to know about what women think about men and what men think about women..blah, blah, blah. And God is saying:
Now I have to agree with God on this one, so many women are out there looking for the Kingdom husband. First, you should not even be looking for Him. He will find you! And finally, who started the institution of marriage? Of course God! So why can’t we use His model of marriage today in our homes. Last I checked, God has been true to His Word yesterday, today and forever more. So let’s get into the scripture and find out the characteristics of the Kingdom husband!
In the above scripture reading we see God establishing man to be the head of woman as Christ is the head of the church. Now so many men want to use verse 23 to justify their stance to the woman but don’t want to live by the stance in verse 25. Now let’s get to the good stuff in verse 25!
Verse 25 reads: “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loves the church, and gave himself for it.” Let’s stop right there! In other words husbands, you are to love your wife as Christ loved the church. The problem is you have to know how Christ loved to church to understand how to love your wife. I told you this would be good! How did Christ love the church:
1. He protected the church
2. He served the church
3. He cared for the church when it was sick
4. He provided for the church
5. He lead the church
6. He sacrificed and died for the church
Now your love for your wife should be just as Christ in the above six examples. The Kingdom husband is to protect, serve, care, provide, lead, sacrifice and even die for the wife. Now that is very heavy but we as husbands are called to operate in that type of love to our wives. As a newlywed with a baby on the way (Hallelujah) we have to be more sensitive and understanding to our wives because for the 9 months they carry the greatest joys and gifts from God of our lives, our children, they are hurting physically, hormonally unstable at times and need that care support and love. Now what that means is that you have to put all that macho man away and humble yourself down and minister, or serve, her. Are there times in the Kingdom home that we will not see eye to eye? Yes! But we have to calm down and realize that God has the answer to every problem if we stay in His counsel. Husbands, we need to get out of the house and work! I know times may be rough but God always has a way. In some homes, the woman may make more but do not be discouraged or feel threatened because if you are doing those six things above, then your household will be blessed no matter who is making the money. It is time for us to stop being deadbeat fathers and husbands.
You as the husband are the target of the enemy and when you stop being a watchman over your family, the enemy sneaks in and starts corrupting the children first. Do not let your guard down! You should be protective of your wife. You should help her with the things of the home. You should be teaching the children the Word of God and giving them a foundation to stand on to prevent the wiles of the devil from overcoming them. But all of this only happens if you as the Husband have a relationship with Christ and understand His love for us, the church. The Word says, “Greater love have no man than this, that he lay down His life for his friends.” We will never be able to love someone as much as Christ loves us, but we can strive every day. Funny, nowhere in these scriptures do we see buy your wife things to keep her happy. If your wife is a Kingdom wife, her happiness, love and joy is not only in the Lord but also in her children and her husband. A Kingdom wife is one of God’s greatest gifts to a man, because you can’t do it alone because if you could, God would not have created her and gave her to you.
Treat her with the respect, dignity, honor and love she deserves because Christ did with us. And you will see that same love returned 10-fold. The success of the household starts with us as the husbands and if we get it right, then the wives get it right then the children start acting better. Is that not what we want??? So here is the challenge to the Husbands:
1. Have a daily relationship with Christ
2. Read the Word daily
3. Sit down and discuss the Word with your wife
4. Sit down daily with your children and teach them the Word
5. Love your family and protect them against the wiles of the devil
6. Set the example not just with words but with actions! (Talk is cheap these days)
7. Stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!
Next Topic:
1. Understanding the Kingdom Man and Ministry
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Kingdom Father
Today’s Focus: Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Father
Scripture: Ephesians 6:4; 1 Corinthians 11:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In the times we live in today, so many fathers are missing from the home. A lack of a father in the home has produce many children that grow up not knowing how to be a man and daughters having that covering. A lack of a father figure has left the homes destroyed and/or confused. We see our young men becoming effeminate (like girls, homosexuals, over emotional) and not knowing how to conduct themselves and become the God-lead men and leaders of future families. Now we are going to look at the scripture in Ephesians because this scripture is the part that gets left off when the man tries to use Ephesians 6:2 to justify a child’s actions. Now let’s look at this and get a scriptural revelation.
Verse 4 starts by saying, “fathers, provoke not your children to wrath.”Let’s deal with that first. The scripture says fathers and not mothers. Why? Because, the man is the head and the spiritual leader of the home. So, he is held responsible for how His children behave and conduct themselves under his watch. Now the key word in this scripture is, provoke. Provoke means to lead or influence them to move in a certain direction or way. So the scriptures say, do not provoke them to wrath. Now wrath is a spirit. It is a demonic spirit that uses the child’s body to defy, defame and destroy the child’s hopes and dreams. It keeps them from their true identity as sons of God, Kings, Priests and Ambassadors. But the scripture, says for the father not to provoke. So the father is not to lead or influence them into the way of destruction, defamation and defiance to God.
Now God showed me this and it hit me so hard, so please pay attention. Do you realize nowhere in scripture do we see a “youth ministry.” Now I am not saying that they are bad. They have done wonders for the Kingdom but let me show you why that is the case and please pay attention to what is said.
The father in the home is supposed to be the youth pastor and the church is to support the teachings and foundation the father set in the home through the Word of God!!
So now the question is, why are there youth ministries or where did they come from? Here is one of the answers. Because of the lack of teaching in the home from the fathers, the fathers have tried to delegate their job and responsibility to the church and pastor to teach their children about God. See this is inherently backwards because even Jesus was taught at home first, then He went into the synagogues to learn and teach. What is sad is, God has not delegated that job from the father so when we see children going astray by leaps and bounds and we see a majority of them don’t even know about Jesus, we wonder why they are defiant, rebellious and disrespectful. The father is the youth pastor of the home and because a majority of our fathers are missing and/or in prison, our children are left uncovered to the enemy and are attacked on a daily basis. The Kingdom father should have a relationship with the children and show them the way of right and of the Lord. Now let’s prove all of what was said above by finishing verse 4.
Now, God goes on to say in verse 4, but, so here is the exception, “but bring them up in nurture and admonition of the Lord”. So by God’s Word, it is the father’s responsibility to nurture. Nurture means to feed them. And you feed them by giving them the Word of God. This is a spiritual statement. Then it says admonition. So to bring them up in the counsel and guidance of the Lord. So just as the father SHOULD be guided by Christ, it is his responsibility to rear the children in the counsel and guidance of God. So the father has a great responsibility and I am saying it now, it is not the church’s responsibility to teach your children about Christ, it is the fathers. The church is to support and add-on to what is being taught. So many of our children when they come to Sunday school, do not know the basics about Christ, let alone other personalities such as Moses, David, Sampson and others. And I will step out and say, some do not even know the Lord’s prayer. So, fathers what are we doing? We cannot pass the buck about God to the church because God has charged you to do that.
If you love your children and want to see them succeed, then read them the Bible, explain the stories and the concepts behind them. Veggie tales, Dora and all these other forms of media cannot come close to what a face-to-face, daily study of God’s Word with your child can do. We have to stop outsourcing our job to media and others and take control and lead with our lives. But it is hard to do something that you do not do and the children know it. If you want better and the best for your families, you have to get right with Christ and live the life to show it is not all about talk. Fathers it is time to be Kingdom fathers and the success of the family starts with us and we will be judged and held accountable on judgment day for the standard we set in our homes.
Next Few Days Topics:
1. Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Husband
2. Understanding the Kingdom Man and Ministry
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Scripture: Ephesians 6:4; 1 Corinthians 11:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In the times we live in today, so many fathers are missing from the home. A lack of a father in the home has produce many children that grow up not knowing how to be a man and daughters having that covering. A lack of a father figure has left the homes destroyed and/or confused. We see our young men becoming effeminate (like girls, homosexuals, over emotional) and not knowing how to conduct themselves and become the God-lead men and leaders of future families. Now we are going to look at the scripture in Ephesians because this scripture is the part that gets left off when the man tries to use Ephesians 6:2 to justify a child’s actions. Now let’s look at this and get a scriptural revelation.
Verse 4 starts by saying, “fathers, provoke not your children to wrath.”Let’s deal with that first. The scripture says fathers and not mothers. Why? Because, the man is the head and the spiritual leader of the home. So, he is held responsible for how His children behave and conduct themselves under his watch. Now the key word in this scripture is, provoke. Provoke means to lead or influence them to move in a certain direction or way. So the scriptures say, do not provoke them to wrath. Now wrath is a spirit. It is a demonic spirit that uses the child’s body to defy, defame and destroy the child’s hopes and dreams. It keeps them from their true identity as sons of God, Kings, Priests and Ambassadors. But the scripture, says for the father not to provoke. So the father is not to lead or influence them into the way of destruction, defamation and defiance to God.
Now God showed me this and it hit me so hard, so please pay attention. Do you realize nowhere in scripture do we see a “youth ministry.” Now I am not saying that they are bad. They have done wonders for the Kingdom but let me show you why that is the case and please pay attention to what is said.
The father in the home is supposed to be the youth pastor and the church is to support the teachings and foundation the father set in the home through the Word of God!!
So now the question is, why are there youth ministries or where did they come from? Here is one of the answers. Because of the lack of teaching in the home from the fathers, the fathers have tried to delegate their job and responsibility to the church and pastor to teach their children about God. See this is inherently backwards because even Jesus was taught at home first, then He went into the synagogues to learn and teach. What is sad is, God has not delegated that job from the father so when we see children going astray by leaps and bounds and we see a majority of them don’t even know about Jesus, we wonder why they are defiant, rebellious and disrespectful. The father is the youth pastor of the home and because a majority of our fathers are missing and/or in prison, our children are left uncovered to the enemy and are attacked on a daily basis. The Kingdom father should have a relationship with the children and show them the way of right and of the Lord. Now let’s prove all of what was said above by finishing verse 4.
Now, God goes on to say in verse 4, but, so here is the exception, “but bring them up in nurture and admonition of the Lord”. So by God’s Word, it is the father’s responsibility to nurture. Nurture means to feed them. And you feed them by giving them the Word of God. This is a spiritual statement. Then it says admonition. So to bring them up in the counsel and guidance of the Lord. So just as the father SHOULD be guided by Christ, it is his responsibility to rear the children in the counsel and guidance of God. So the father has a great responsibility and I am saying it now, it is not the church’s responsibility to teach your children about Christ, it is the fathers. The church is to support and add-on to what is being taught. So many of our children when they come to Sunday school, do not know the basics about Christ, let alone other personalities such as Moses, David, Sampson and others. And I will step out and say, some do not even know the Lord’s prayer. So, fathers what are we doing? We cannot pass the buck about God to the church because God has charged you to do that.
If you love your children and want to see them succeed, then read them the Bible, explain the stories and the concepts behind them. Veggie tales, Dora and all these other forms of media cannot come close to what a face-to-face, daily study of God’s Word with your child can do. We have to stop outsourcing our job to media and others and take control and lead with our lives. But it is hard to do something that you do not do and the children know it. If you want better and the best for your families, you have to get right with Christ and live the life to show it is not all about talk. Fathers it is time to be Kingdom fathers and the success of the family starts with us and we will be judged and held accountable on judgment day for the standard we set in our homes.
Next Few Days Topics:
1. Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Husband
2. Understanding the Kingdom Man and Ministry
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Kingdom Man
Today’s Focus: Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Man pt 1
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:3; Genesis 2:24
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I am going to take a couple of days to talk about the man because this is the person satan has effectively attacked and suffered the home to disarray and chaos. When we look at man, God created him to be a spiritual leader, disciplinarian, worker and pastor of the home. He was built physically and emotionally for the job God has for him. Now in the perfect world, man would listen to God, then he would teach and impart wisdom to his family and administrate God’s will on the Earth. When we look at Jesus, Jesus was under the submission of Joseph and God when He was a child. The role of Joseph was to rear Jesus into manhood. Funny after the episode where they thought they lost Jesus in the synagogue that was the last time we heard about Joseph. Now based off of our standard foundational scripture. Man is the head of woman and the head of man is Christ. But when the man is a child, he is under the covering of his parents and God. It is not until he reaches manhood and marries does he become the head of his own family. And this follows the scripture in Genesis 2:24.
Just because God calls the man the head does not give him the right to be abusive and controlling. The Bible says he is to follow Christ and lead His family in the same manner. This means the man has the characteristics of Christ and leads as Christ lead His brothers and sisters. The man of course was the first creation of mankind then came the woman from the man. Before the woman, man was working and doing the Will of God until God saw that man should not be alone. And God gave him a help meet. As we look in the next few days about the role of men, I pray that we all send up some prayers and to the men, the Word is going to challenge your manhood and your position. It is time to stop being a victim and blaming everyone else for our own downfalls and look in the mirror and let God fix what we see with our eyes and let Him mold us into what He sees with His.
Next Few Days Topics:
1. Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Father
2. Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Husband
3. Understanding the Kingdom Man and Ministry
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:3; Genesis 2:24
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I am going to take a couple of days to talk about the man because this is the person satan has effectively attacked and suffered the home to disarray and chaos. When we look at man, God created him to be a spiritual leader, disciplinarian, worker and pastor of the home. He was built physically and emotionally for the job God has for him. Now in the perfect world, man would listen to God, then he would teach and impart wisdom to his family and administrate God’s will on the Earth. When we look at Jesus, Jesus was under the submission of Joseph and God when He was a child. The role of Joseph was to rear Jesus into manhood. Funny after the episode where they thought they lost Jesus in the synagogue that was the last time we heard about Joseph. Now based off of our standard foundational scripture. Man is the head of woman and the head of man is Christ. But when the man is a child, he is under the covering of his parents and God. It is not until he reaches manhood and marries does he become the head of his own family. And this follows the scripture in Genesis 2:24.
Just because God calls the man the head does not give him the right to be abusive and controlling. The Bible says he is to follow Christ and lead His family in the same manner. This means the man has the characteristics of Christ and leads as Christ lead His brothers and sisters. The man of course was the first creation of mankind then came the woman from the man. Before the woman, man was working and doing the Will of God until God saw that man should not be alone. And God gave him a help meet. As we look in the next few days about the role of men, I pray that we all send up some prayers and to the men, the Word is going to challenge your manhood and your position. It is time to stop being a victim and blaming everyone else for our own downfalls and look in the mirror and let God fix what we see with our eyes and let Him mold us into what He sees with His.
Next Few Days Topics:
1. Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Father
2. Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Husband
3. Understanding the Kingdom Man and Ministry
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Kingdom Woman in Ministry
The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: Understanding Submission: The Kingdom Woman in Ministry
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:1-3; 1 Timothy 2:9-15; Isaiah 3:12; Proverbs 31:10-31
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now the God we serve is the same yesterday, today and forever more and so is His Word. His Word has never contradicted itself because if it did then God would be a liar and we know the God is Holy and never lies. So when we talk about women in ministry, it is a shame because it is almost taboo to do so. In times where women assisted the men in ministry to these times where we have seen a push for equal rights and “girl-power”, this push has affected the church. Now the church has an order that was ordained by God since the beginning of time and just because we have changed over time, does not mean that God has changed. So when we approach this subject we must approach it with the Word and stick to the Word. Let’s dig into scripture and let’s see the role of women in scripture:
The Bishop (Pastor)
Now God has clearly said in 1 Timothy 3:1-2. “If a man desires the office of bishop..” Now I do not know how much clearer that is but for those who are still not believing that, look at verse 2 of the same passage “The husband of one wife”. So, based off of God’s Word the Bishop or Pastor of a church should be a man. Now in studying this for a long time, I have not found anywhere in scripture where God called a woman to be a Pastor or Bishop. Now to further show the consistency of God let’s go back to 1 Timothy 2:12 and 1 Corinthians 11:3. First, 1 Corinthians 11:3 states the head of the woman is the man. So if that is clear then if the Pastor is the Shepherd of a particular church then he is the head of that gathering of believers. So if a woman is a pastor or administrative head of a church then she is over the deacons. Now to more draw this together let’s now look at the qualifications of a deacon.
Deacon – 1 Timothy 3:8-13
Now if you read the above scripture you will see these set of words in verses 11 and 12 respectively; “even so must their wives (11)” and “Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife (12)”. Now just like in the qualifications of a bishop we see the same for the deacons. Now let’s deal with some real life issues. First, I have not found in scripture the term “deaconess”. I, to this day, do not know what that is or where it comes from but up to this point I have not see that word or office in scripture. And second, I have heard about women being deacons? Now I know we read our Bibles and we think we can help God understand what He meant but as for this, no need to wonder. God clearly has said that the deacon should be a man. We have to stop making up titles and just handing them out to make people feel special. They are already special because they are sons of God. Everyone has a place and position and they all work together for the edification of the body of Christ. But our flesh is always seeking power and position and everyone can’t be the head in the church and everyone can’t be a deacon in the church. Usually the people who are out of order and the ones clamming for the titles and position.
Now in no way am I am saying that the woman’s role in ministry is diminished. Women play a great part in the rearing of our young ladies of the church, setting the example of the Proverbs 31 virtuous woman and assisting the men of the ministry. God created woman to be a help meet to the man. Funny, I was talking to my wife about this and she said the most interesting thing. She said, if the woman is the head of the church (pastor, bishop), how can she help the young ladies of the church, tend to the needs of the home and the things of her husband and be the head administrator (pastor, bishop) of the church and deal with the problems of the church, especially member problems? I am not saying it is not possible, but is it right scripturally? Based off the above scripture, no.
We all have a place in God’s ministry, the key is to be in the right position and not a good position. Because everything that is good may not be right. In a world of chaos and in some respects, even in the church, the only thing that corrects chaos is order. Why is it that we find it so hard to follow God’s way and His order? Do we believe that our way fits the time and His way is too old for now? If that is how you feel I feel sorry for you. God has been the only person who has kept His Word since the beginning of time and I tend to stick with Him than try to please man and put myself where God did not put me. When I stand where he wants me to stand then there is protection but when I am out of order I lend myself to justifying my position to people to show I am right. But if God has truly called you to that position then you do not have to justify your position to no one. Just make sure it is God calling you and not man trying to exalt you.
Now as always, I know topics like this will ruffle some feathers so, let’s have a open Christ like discussion and if you have a rebuttal let’s use the Word of God as the reference to justify our stance. I am in no way above correction, but it has to be scripturally based and not off your emotions because it rubbed you the wrong way.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Understanding Submission: The Kingdom Woman in Ministry
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:1-3; 1 Timothy 2:9-15; Isaiah 3:12; Proverbs 31:10-31
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now the God we serve is the same yesterday, today and forever more and so is His Word. His Word has never contradicted itself because if it did then God would be a liar and we know the God is Holy and never lies. So when we talk about women in ministry, it is a shame because it is almost taboo to do so. In times where women assisted the men in ministry to these times where we have seen a push for equal rights and “girl-power”, this push has affected the church. Now the church has an order that was ordained by God since the beginning of time and just because we have changed over time, does not mean that God has changed. So when we approach this subject we must approach it with the Word and stick to the Word. Let’s dig into scripture and let’s see the role of women in scripture:
The Bishop (Pastor)
Now God has clearly said in 1 Timothy 3:1-2. “If a man desires the office of bishop..” Now I do not know how much clearer that is but for those who are still not believing that, look at verse 2 of the same passage “The husband of one wife”. So, based off of God’s Word the Bishop or Pastor of a church should be a man. Now in studying this for a long time, I have not found anywhere in scripture where God called a woman to be a Pastor or Bishop. Now to further show the consistency of God let’s go back to 1 Timothy 2:12 and 1 Corinthians 11:3. First, 1 Corinthians 11:3 states the head of the woman is the man. So if that is clear then if the Pastor is the Shepherd of a particular church then he is the head of that gathering of believers. So if a woman is a pastor or administrative head of a church then she is over the deacons. Now to more draw this together let’s now look at the qualifications of a deacon.
Deacon – 1 Timothy 3:8-13
Now if you read the above scripture you will see these set of words in verses 11 and 12 respectively; “even so must their wives (11)” and “Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife (12)”. Now just like in the qualifications of a bishop we see the same for the deacons. Now let’s deal with some real life issues. First, I have not found in scripture the term “deaconess”. I, to this day, do not know what that is or where it comes from but up to this point I have not see that word or office in scripture. And second, I have heard about women being deacons? Now I know we read our Bibles and we think we can help God understand what He meant but as for this, no need to wonder. God clearly has said that the deacon should be a man. We have to stop making up titles and just handing them out to make people feel special. They are already special because they are sons of God. Everyone has a place and position and they all work together for the edification of the body of Christ. But our flesh is always seeking power and position and everyone can’t be the head in the church and everyone can’t be a deacon in the church. Usually the people who are out of order and the ones clamming for the titles and position.
Now in no way am I am saying that the woman’s role in ministry is diminished. Women play a great part in the rearing of our young ladies of the church, setting the example of the Proverbs 31 virtuous woman and assisting the men of the ministry. God created woman to be a help meet to the man. Funny, I was talking to my wife about this and she said the most interesting thing. She said, if the woman is the head of the church (pastor, bishop), how can she help the young ladies of the church, tend to the needs of the home and the things of her husband and be the head administrator (pastor, bishop) of the church and deal with the problems of the church, especially member problems? I am not saying it is not possible, but is it right scripturally? Based off the above scripture, no.
We all have a place in God’s ministry, the key is to be in the right position and not a good position. Because everything that is good may not be right. In a world of chaos and in some respects, even in the church, the only thing that corrects chaos is order. Why is it that we find it so hard to follow God’s way and His order? Do we believe that our way fits the time and His way is too old for now? If that is how you feel I feel sorry for you. God has been the only person who has kept His Word since the beginning of time and I tend to stick with Him than try to please man and put myself where God did not put me. When I stand where he wants me to stand then there is protection but when I am out of order I lend myself to justifying my position to people to show I am right. But if God has truly called you to that position then you do not have to justify your position to no one. Just make sure it is God calling you and not man trying to exalt you.
Now as always, I know topics like this will ruffle some feathers so, let’s have a open Christ like discussion and if you have a rebuttal let’s use the Word of God as the reference to justify our stance. I am in no way above correction, but it has to be scripturally based and not off your emotions because it rubbed you the wrong way.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Kingdom Woman
Today’s Focus: Understanding Submission of the Kingdom Woman pt 1
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:1-3; 1 Timothy 2:9-15; Isaiah 3:12; Proverbs 31:10-31
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Before we start this series let’s get a definition of submission:
Submission is operating under authority in humility.
Now this word “submission” among today’s women is almost as bad as satan himself. But if you want to be blessed you have to operate under the authority system God has set up. See we believe because times have changed then the Word must change with the times. God forbid! The Word is the same yesterday, today and forever more. So if we believe (faith) that then this message should not be an issue for those of us operating under authority. So we have to go back to formula and get right and in order. Now a woman should follow the man of the household as He follows Christ. This is how the Kingdom woman should operate in submission. Now what the world has done is promote independent women, girl-power and the “you do not need no man” theory. This is as demonic and satanic as it can get. Because satan knows if he can get you from under your covering (head) then that gives him a direct line of attack. Let’s look at the world today. Many fathers, heads-of-households are in prison, jail or just abandoned their families. What this has done is create what I call “a dominate female”. This female tries to operate as man and woman and over time she thinks she can do it all by herself and when God brings a man into her life to be her covering, she turns him down because she believes she does not need a man and no man will tell her what to do. Ladies, I have come to tell you that operating under submission to man and God will protect you from spiritual attack and make you a blessing to your household. Now this man may be your father, husband, friend or whatever man God has placed in your life that is lead by His Spirit.
Now, there is one thing that we have to get very clear about how God made creation and the role of the woman. God created man and woman with distinctly different physical and emotional capabilities. The role of woman is to be a help meet or helper to the man. In addition, to be a nourisher and caretaker of the home. Now that may seem old fashioned but how many 30+ year marriages are there today? Divorce was almost unheard of but now it is over 50% in the United States alone. Remember, God created woman from the rib of the man and she was to help him and assist him in the administration of God’s Will and Kingdom on Earth. Now this does not mean that the woman is useless or some helpless creation. Here is an example. There are times when even as the head of my household, I have a problem making a decision. My wife comes and assist me and we talk it out and we also use the Word of God as a guide to our answers. Will we always agree or come to the same conclusion? No not always, but at the end of the day we understand that I being the head am responsible for the family and how I lead. I value and love my wife for her insight, devotion and love she gives me in anything that I do for God. She is there at every opportunity to support me in the ministry and even when it comes to this ministry, she gives me the time and an ear to the messages the Lord has given me. Before we were married God sent a prophet to us in the middle of a restaurant while we were having breakfast and God spoke to us through His messenger about our roles and the expectations for our various ministries and how we are to support each other under the order of God. Now the reason all of this was said was because God is calling the entire church back to order and he has shown me His order and what has happened because of people leaning to their own understanding the church has become chaotic and out of order. It has become a business and not the House of Prayer that Jesus called it in Matthew. It is imperative ladies that just because God has put you under the authority of a man, it does not diminish your role in the Kingdom, but it has to be in order. These are chaotic times and the only thing that fixes chaos is order.
In the next message we will look at the role of women in the ministry! Now this usually brings out devils and evil spirits out of people but we have to remember that we have to stick to scripture. This will be a 2-part message because of so much information. I ask that we discuss these issues in a Christ-like manner and bring scripture to support your stance. Let’s not lean to opinions because we are Ambassadors of Christ and Ambassadors never state their opinion but what was prescribed by their government and the Word of God are our prescribed words for the world.
At Our Father’s Service, Minister Calvin Calhoun
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:1-3; 1 Timothy 2:9-15; Isaiah 3:12; Proverbs 31:10-31
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Before we start this series let’s get a definition of submission:
Submission is operating under authority in humility.
Now this word “submission” among today’s women is almost as bad as satan himself. But if you want to be blessed you have to operate under the authority system God has set up. See we believe because times have changed then the Word must change with the times. God forbid! The Word is the same yesterday, today and forever more. So if we believe (faith) that then this message should not be an issue for those of us operating under authority. So we have to go back to formula and get right and in order. Now a woman should follow the man of the household as He follows Christ. This is how the Kingdom woman should operate in submission. Now what the world has done is promote independent women, girl-power and the “you do not need no man” theory. This is as demonic and satanic as it can get. Because satan knows if he can get you from under your covering (head) then that gives him a direct line of attack. Let’s look at the world today. Many fathers, heads-of-households are in prison, jail or just abandoned their families. What this has done is create what I call “a dominate female”. This female tries to operate as man and woman and over time she thinks she can do it all by herself and when God brings a man into her life to be her covering, she turns him down because she believes she does not need a man and no man will tell her what to do. Ladies, I have come to tell you that operating under submission to man and God will protect you from spiritual attack and make you a blessing to your household. Now this man may be your father, husband, friend or whatever man God has placed in your life that is lead by His Spirit.
Now, there is one thing that we have to get very clear about how God made creation and the role of the woman. God created man and woman with distinctly different physical and emotional capabilities. The role of woman is to be a help meet or helper to the man. In addition, to be a nourisher and caretaker of the home. Now that may seem old fashioned but how many 30+ year marriages are there today? Divorce was almost unheard of but now it is over 50% in the United States alone. Remember, God created woman from the rib of the man and she was to help him and assist him in the administration of God’s Will and Kingdom on Earth. Now this does not mean that the woman is useless or some helpless creation. Here is an example. There are times when even as the head of my household, I have a problem making a decision. My wife comes and assist me and we talk it out and we also use the Word of God as a guide to our answers. Will we always agree or come to the same conclusion? No not always, but at the end of the day we understand that I being the head am responsible for the family and how I lead. I value and love my wife for her insight, devotion and love she gives me in anything that I do for God. She is there at every opportunity to support me in the ministry and even when it comes to this ministry, she gives me the time and an ear to the messages the Lord has given me. Before we were married God sent a prophet to us in the middle of a restaurant while we were having breakfast and God spoke to us through His messenger about our roles and the expectations for our various ministries and how we are to support each other under the order of God. Now the reason all of this was said was because God is calling the entire church back to order and he has shown me His order and what has happened because of people leaning to their own understanding the church has become chaotic and out of order. It has become a business and not the House of Prayer that Jesus called it in Matthew. It is imperative ladies that just because God has put you under the authority of a man, it does not diminish your role in the Kingdom, but it has to be in order. These are chaotic times and the only thing that fixes chaos is order.
In the next message we will look at the role of women in the ministry! Now this usually brings out devils and evil spirits out of people but we have to remember that we have to stick to scripture. This will be a 2-part message because of so much information. I ask that we discuss these issues in a Christ-like manner and bring scripture to support your stance. Let’s not lean to opinions because we are Ambassadors of Christ and Ambassadors never state their opinion but what was prescribed by their government and the Word of God are our prescribed words for the world.
At Our Father’s Service, Minister Calvin Calhoun
Series: Understanding Submission and the Kingdom Home
Today’s Focus: Submission pt 1 - Introduction
Scripture: Ephesians 5:21 – Ephesians 6:4
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now this is a very sensitive topic in today’s society. When we hear the word, Submission, we instantly think slavery. Now, the media and entertainment industry has pushed independence so hard on the body of Christ and on the world that now we think we can do it on our own. We hear songs promoting independence, churches packed with single hurting women preaching independence. The media having mega stars promoting the single-independent person. But barely nobody preaching or teaching the importance of the single person and their role. Let’s get a basic definition that we will use throughout this series:
Submission is operating under authority with humility.
Now our foundation for our example of true submission is Jesus Christ. Why? Because, he was submissive to many people. But he was God, right? Yes! Let’s look. When Jesus came to Earth, he was submissive to His parents. He was also submissive to God the Father. So even Jesus operated under submission. Look how His life turned out. You may say it ended at the cross, I beg to differ. Jesus never had a crisis and controlled all of the circumstances that came His way through the power of God. Isn’t that what you want for your life? But it only happened when Jesus operated under the authority of God (Submission). Jesus did not boast about Himself because he knew that He could do nothing without the Father. So Jesus was humble to understanding His position in the Kingdom and in the Will of the Father. So as we began to look at Submission understand that we are all called to be submissive and submission is not a bad thing. It is great because when you operate under the authority, it protects you and blesses you.
Next Message: Understanding Submission for the Kingdom Woman
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Submission pt 1 - Introduction
Scripture: Ephesians 5:21 – Ephesians 6:4
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now this is a very sensitive topic in today’s society. When we hear the word, Submission, we instantly think slavery. Now, the media and entertainment industry has pushed independence so hard on the body of Christ and on the world that now we think we can do it on our own. We hear songs promoting independence, churches packed with single hurting women preaching independence. The media having mega stars promoting the single-independent person. But barely nobody preaching or teaching the importance of the single person and their role. Let’s get a basic definition that we will use throughout this series:
Submission is operating under authority with humility.
Now our foundation for our example of true submission is Jesus Christ. Why? Because, he was submissive to many people. But he was God, right? Yes! Let’s look. When Jesus came to Earth, he was submissive to His parents. He was also submissive to God the Father. So even Jesus operated under submission. Look how His life turned out. You may say it ended at the cross, I beg to differ. Jesus never had a crisis and controlled all of the circumstances that came His way through the power of God. Isn’t that what you want for your life? But it only happened when Jesus operated under the authority of God (Submission). Jesus did not boast about Himself because he knew that He could do nothing without the Father. So Jesus was humble to understanding His position in the Kingdom and in the Will of the Father. So as we began to look at Submission understand that we are all called to be submissive and submission is not a bad thing. It is great because when you operate under the authority, it protects you and blesses you.
Next Message: Understanding Submission for the Kingdom Woman
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Opposite Nature pt 3
The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: Opposite Nature of Kingdom Attitude pt 3 - Judging
Scripture: Luke 6:37
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now this word has been misused and messed-up in the Kingdom. You hear people using the phrase “Judge not or you will be judged”. But today we are going to get an understanding of what judging is and how it is appropriately used in the Kindgom. The ultimate and most just judge we have is God Himself. Now in the courts of law, if you are brought before a court and I hope you never have to, your best friend is evidence and the judge. Why? Evidence clears you, but while the trial is going on, the judge SHOULD BE making sure your rights are not being violated. Now when it comes to judgment day we all will be judged individually on our actions and the standards we set on Earth. God does not use lawyers or witnesses. He uses the facts to show you where you were wrong and where you were right. So, our Most High Judge is just because He uses facts to convict us and He ensures that our rights are not being violated because He himself keeps His Word gives accordingly.
Now if you see something wrong and you know it is wrong and you tell that person they are wrong based upon facts, that is not judging. If you see a man or a woman who is homosexual and you tell them that homosexuality is an abomination, that is not judging. Judging is when you stand off from a distance, make an assumption about someone or something with gathering the facts and acting upon what you think. Now clearly in verse 37, Jesus says judge not! I am not your judge, this ministry is not your judge, but God is your judge and He knows all of the skeletons in the closets. So when we hear the phrase, judge not lest ye be judged, what it means is the same standard you judged somebody on is the same standard that will be used to judge you. See when these music artist and actors and entertainers and that includes the Christian artists also, are doing these un-godly acts and performances before the people, we have been called to be watchmen and blow the trumpet. In other words, what you do before the people, you should be held accountable for. For example, there was a Christian artist who struggled with pornography in secret, but while he was before the people performing he would be doing these hip-thrusts and gyrating and dancing like the world, better yet, the club on stage in front of the people and using the name of Jesus. Now what a confusing picture! So then this brother goes on the Oprah winfrey show and confesses to the world that he had a problem with pornography. Now if you are spiritually discerned and have the Holy Ghost, you did not need for him to come out and tell you that based off of his dancing and the way he performs. Nevertheless after asking for forgiveness and the people of the church saying we forgive you, He goes back out and teams up with people who do not believe in Christ, take their music, put God’s name in it (like God needs some help making music) and calling it gospel. Last I checked God was original and He is the Creator of all. But this is all done in front of the people and we as the body of Christ should speak out and let these people know what they are doing is wrong. But we as the church have become so scared and silent on issues for fear of the world and because we do not read, we do not understand that we are our brother’s keeper and we should be able to go up to them and say, “Hey, what you are doing is wrong.” Love also chastens and rebukes. A good parent chastens and rebukes their child when they are wrong and corrects them. So if you see something wrong, approach the person in love and if they do not want to change, so be it. But let’s not sit here and be silent and let these people who claim to know God show us something that God did not ordain nor condone through scripture.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Opposite Nature of Kingdom Attitude pt 3 - Judging
Scripture: Luke 6:37
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now this word has been misused and messed-up in the Kingdom. You hear people using the phrase “Judge not or you will be judged”. But today we are going to get an understanding of what judging is and how it is appropriately used in the Kindgom. The ultimate and most just judge we have is God Himself. Now in the courts of law, if you are brought before a court and I hope you never have to, your best friend is evidence and the judge. Why? Evidence clears you, but while the trial is going on, the judge SHOULD BE making sure your rights are not being violated. Now when it comes to judgment day we all will be judged individually on our actions and the standards we set on Earth. God does not use lawyers or witnesses. He uses the facts to show you where you were wrong and where you were right. So, our Most High Judge is just because He uses facts to convict us and He ensures that our rights are not being violated because He himself keeps His Word gives accordingly.
Now if you see something wrong and you know it is wrong and you tell that person they are wrong based upon facts, that is not judging. If you see a man or a woman who is homosexual and you tell them that homosexuality is an abomination, that is not judging. Judging is when you stand off from a distance, make an assumption about someone or something with gathering the facts and acting upon what you think. Now clearly in verse 37, Jesus says judge not! I am not your judge, this ministry is not your judge, but God is your judge and He knows all of the skeletons in the closets. So when we hear the phrase, judge not lest ye be judged, what it means is the same standard you judged somebody on is the same standard that will be used to judge you. See when these music artist and actors and entertainers and that includes the Christian artists also, are doing these un-godly acts and performances before the people, we have been called to be watchmen and blow the trumpet. In other words, what you do before the people, you should be held accountable for. For example, there was a Christian artist who struggled with pornography in secret, but while he was before the people performing he would be doing these hip-thrusts and gyrating and dancing like the world, better yet, the club on stage in front of the people and using the name of Jesus. Now what a confusing picture! So then this brother goes on the Oprah winfrey show and confesses to the world that he had a problem with pornography. Now if you are spiritually discerned and have the Holy Ghost, you did not need for him to come out and tell you that based off of his dancing and the way he performs. Nevertheless after asking for forgiveness and the people of the church saying we forgive you, He goes back out and teams up with people who do not believe in Christ, take their music, put God’s name in it (like God needs some help making music) and calling it gospel. Last I checked God was original and He is the Creator of all. But this is all done in front of the people and we as the body of Christ should speak out and let these people know what they are doing is wrong. But we as the church have become so scared and silent on issues for fear of the world and because we do not read, we do not understand that we are our brother’s keeper and we should be able to go up to them and say, “Hey, what you are doing is wrong.” Love also chastens and rebukes. A good parent chastens and rebukes their child when they are wrong and corrects them. So if you see something wrong, approach the person in love and if they do not want to change, so be it. But let’s not sit here and be silent and let these people who claim to know God show us something that God did not ordain nor condone through scripture.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Opposite Nature pt 2
The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: Opposite Nature of Kingdom Attitude part 2
Scripture: Luke 6:35-38
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In part 2 we will look at verse 36 because there is so much in there that we need to deal with the word mercy and the Kingdom definition of mercy.
Verse 36
Jesus is telling us to be merciful to others just as the Father has been merciful to us. See even in our evil state, God had mercy on us to continue to let us live and give us another chance to be His sons through the begotten son Jesus. We have been called to be merciful to those who need it. Now those who do not have and are poor naturally and in spirit are those who we should have mercy on. Those who we see who have gone astray when they want to come back to the church, we should have mercy on them and give them a chance to show their fruits because God had mercy on us many times over. How many times have we said, I promise I will not do it again if you just deliver me from this situation, I will do what is right! Many times, I know and God had mercy because He knew that at some point you would make up in your mind that you would do right at some point. And in some cases he has recalled some because of the damage they would do to the Kingdom. Let me give some revelation:
The death angel is under the control of God!
So, God controls who stays and who goes and the angel is the servant who does His bidding. Let me give you a real story:
There was a world famous rapper. This man had sold millions and millons of albums. He was considered to be at the time the world’s most famous rapper. Now he went on in his music, disrespecting women verbally, cursing and promoting fornication and the abuse of women through the “pimp”. Now this man was so famous that he had a clothing line coming out soon. The clothing line was called 666. Now before he could release this line of clothes he was killed. Could you imagine if this man would have been able to get this project off, the number of children that would be wearing the mark of the beast on them? God had mercy on this generation by recalling him because you know that it does not stop with clothes then it moves to tattoos and can you then image all of the people caring a permanent marking on their body saying they belong to the beast? So as God said to present your bodies as a living sacrifice in Romans 12:1, satan requires a dead sacrifice. Please realize that God has mercy unlike no other towards us and all He asks is that we show mercy who desire it. Be blessed!!
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Opposite Nature of Kingdom Attitude part 2
Scripture: Luke 6:35-38
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In part 2 we will look at verse 36 because there is so much in there that we need to deal with the word mercy and the Kingdom definition of mercy.
Verse 36
Jesus is telling us to be merciful to others just as the Father has been merciful to us. See even in our evil state, God had mercy on us to continue to let us live and give us another chance to be His sons through the begotten son Jesus. We have been called to be merciful to those who need it. Now those who do not have and are poor naturally and in spirit are those who we should have mercy on. Those who we see who have gone astray when they want to come back to the church, we should have mercy on them and give them a chance to show their fruits because God had mercy on us many times over. How many times have we said, I promise I will not do it again if you just deliver me from this situation, I will do what is right! Many times, I know and God had mercy because He knew that at some point you would make up in your mind that you would do right at some point. And in some cases he has recalled some because of the damage they would do to the Kingdom. Let me give some revelation:
The death angel is under the control of God!
So, God controls who stays and who goes and the angel is the servant who does His bidding. Let me give you a real story:
There was a world famous rapper. This man had sold millions and millons of albums. He was considered to be at the time the world’s most famous rapper. Now he went on in his music, disrespecting women verbally, cursing and promoting fornication and the abuse of women through the “pimp”. Now this man was so famous that he had a clothing line coming out soon. The clothing line was called 666. Now before he could release this line of clothes he was killed. Could you imagine if this man would have been able to get this project off, the number of children that would be wearing the mark of the beast on them? God had mercy on this generation by recalling him because you know that it does not stop with clothes then it moves to tattoos and can you then image all of the people caring a permanent marking on their body saying they belong to the beast? So as God said to present your bodies as a living sacrifice in Romans 12:1, satan requires a dead sacrifice. Please realize that God has mercy unlike no other towards us and all He asks is that we show mercy who desire it. Be blessed!!
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Opposite Nature pt 1
The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: The Opposite Nature of Kingdom Attitude part 1
Scripture: Luke 6:35-38
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In one of our previous messages we talked about how things inside the Kingdom of God, majority of the time, are opposite to the ways of our man-made governments. Here is something to keep in mind:
The Kingdom of God was the first and original government on the Earth!
So every government after Genesis 3 is man’s attempt to find the government he lost. If you look at empires, communism, socialism, capitalism, democracy, republics, monarchy and even dictatorships are all spin-offs of the original. So because of our own reasoning and our lack of understanding the Kingdom of God, through time we have fallen into the ways of those governments and become held to their beliefs about how people should conduct themselves. So let’s look at how different we must be in order to function and experience the Kingdom of God and its benefits.
Love Your Enemies – Verse 35
Now of course because of religion and the believes of various nations and the wills of other nations trying to be imposed on others we now have “enemies”. Now enemies is defined as someone that disagrees with you or may have a hostile opinion or reaction to you. Now here is something funny, if you are a Kingdom citizen and not a religious Christian you may have enemies right in the church. It does not always have to be someone of another faith. But we are commanded to love them and lend to them not hoping to get anything in return. Now we get into a lot of trouble with that part of the statement. Lend to someone without hoping for something in return. Another phrase that was used in scripture is a cheerful giver. Sometimes we do things, because the world does it, to get things in return. You scratch my back, I scratch yours analogy. But in the Kingdom, if it is not cheerfully given then do not worry about Heaven opening up for you. The scripture says, God LOVES a cheerful giver. Then Jesus says if you do that then you shall be the CHILDREN OF THE HIGHEST. Now watch the rest of the scripture because this is why we give to our enemies: For he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Now if God is that way with the evil so should we. See even in our evil and unthankful state, God still gave us life and for many us, the necessities we need. Even though a child disobeys you as a parent, you do not stop providing basic necessities to them, you just do not add the benefits of an obedient child.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The Opposite Nature of Kingdom Attitude part 1
Scripture: Luke 6:35-38
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In one of our previous messages we talked about how things inside the Kingdom of God, majority of the time, are opposite to the ways of our man-made governments. Here is something to keep in mind:
The Kingdom of God was the first and original government on the Earth!
So every government after Genesis 3 is man’s attempt to find the government he lost. If you look at empires, communism, socialism, capitalism, democracy, republics, monarchy and even dictatorships are all spin-offs of the original. So because of our own reasoning and our lack of understanding the Kingdom of God, through time we have fallen into the ways of those governments and become held to their beliefs about how people should conduct themselves. So let’s look at how different we must be in order to function and experience the Kingdom of God and its benefits.
Love Your Enemies – Verse 35
Now of course because of religion and the believes of various nations and the wills of other nations trying to be imposed on others we now have “enemies”. Now enemies is defined as someone that disagrees with you or may have a hostile opinion or reaction to you. Now here is something funny, if you are a Kingdom citizen and not a religious Christian you may have enemies right in the church. It does not always have to be someone of another faith. But we are commanded to love them and lend to them not hoping to get anything in return. Now we get into a lot of trouble with that part of the statement. Lend to someone without hoping for something in return. Another phrase that was used in scripture is a cheerful giver. Sometimes we do things, because the world does it, to get things in return. You scratch my back, I scratch yours analogy. But in the Kingdom, if it is not cheerfully given then do not worry about Heaven opening up for you. The scripture says, God LOVES a cheerful giver. Then Jesus says if you do that then you shall be the CHILDREN OF THE HIGHEST. Now watch the rest of the scripture because this is why we give to our enemies: For he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Now if God is that way with the evil so should we. See even in our evil and unthankful state, God still gave us life and for many us, the necessities we need. Even though a child disobeys you as a parent, you do not stop providing basic necessities to them, you just do not add the benefits of an obedient child.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Your Talent Makes Room for Your Gift
The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: Your Talent Makes Room for Your Gift
Scripture: Luke 5:1-11
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Here we see these soon-to-be disciples of Jesus out there mending their nets knowing they had not caught anything. Now Jesus tells them to go back out in the water with their nets. Now Simon explains how they had already tried to do that and caught nothing. Then Simon said these words “Nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net”. Now lesson #1:
We have to do what God tells us to do, when He tells us no matter how odd it may seem because His ways are not our ways.
Now of course in this story they have the great catch of fish and Jesus in verse 10 tells them that they shall catch men soon. Now these guys understood fishing or so they thought until Jesus came alongJ. But look at how Jesus applied fishing to their assignment and mission He was sending them on. Jesus is going to show them how to fish and catch men. So the talent they have in fishing is going to be used for the gift they will have for declaring or preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven to the lost. See He is going to take that talent they have and it will make room for the spiritual gift which will be used to upbuild the Kingdom. Now our Big Brother Jesus was very unique in the way He did things. Now the only thing that really separated us (the believers) from Christ is our mind. See when Jesus was handling this situation with the fish, He was trying to show them it will take a repented mind (changed mindset) to operate in this Kingdom. The Kingdom in many ways operate opposite to the ways of the kingdoms of the world. For example:
1. In the kingdoms of the world, you get by taking, but in the Kingdom of God, you get by giving
2. In the kingdoms of the world you work for a salary, but in the Kingdom all of your needs are met and paid by the government
3. In the kingdoms of the world, what you can see can limit your ability to do something, in the Kingdom of God, what you don’t see makes everything possible
So, you have to have a old mindset (Pre-fallen) mindset where God makes all the provisions if I obey and keep his commandments. Now many people have taken those talents and used them to make a living for themselves and not to better or up-build the Kingdom. Now when you become selfish with your talent, then God has a way to take that from you and give it to someone who will do the right thing with it. Your talent is for you to help someone else along the way and not hoard it for yourself. Think about it! Your teacher you had back in school or currently in school was given a gift to teach so that they may impart on you knowledge and the wisdom you need for the outside world. It does them no good to know something and not teach you because if you fail, they fail, unless you know there was some corruption, in few cases. We need to embrace our talents and use them wisely for the edification and glorification of God and the Kingdom and when you do that then you will experience true Kingdom success and fulfillment.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Your Talent Makes Room for Your Gift
Scripture: Luke 5:1-11
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Here we see these soon-to-be disciples of Jesus out there mending their nets knowing they had not caught anything. Now Jesus tells them to go back out in the water with their nets. Now Simon explains how they had already tried to do that and caught nothing. Then Simon said these words “Nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net”. Now lesson #1:
We have to do what God tells us to do, when He tells us no matter how odd it may seem because His ways are not our ways.
Now of course in this story they have the great catch of fish and Jesus in verse 10 tells them that they shall catch men soon. Now these guys understood fishing or so they thought until Jesus came alongJ. But look at how Jesus applied fishing to their assignment and mission He was sending them on. Jesus is going to show them how to fish and catch men. So the talent they have in fishing is going to be used for the gift they will have for declaring or preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven to the lost. See He is going to take that talent they have and it will make room for the spiritual gift which will be used to upbuild the Kingdom. Now our Big Brother Jesus was very unique in the way He did things. Now the only thing that really separated us (the believers) from Christ is our mind. See when Jesus was handling this situation with the fish, He was trying to show them it will take a repented mind (changed mindset) to operate in this Kingdom. The Kingdom in many ways operate opposite to the ways of the kingdoms of the world. For example:
1. In the kingdoms of the world, you get by taking, but in the Kingdom of God, you get by giving
2. In the kingdoms of the world you work for a salary, but in the Kingdom all of your needs are met and paid by the government
3. In the kingdoms of the world, what you can see can limit your ability to do something, in the Kingdom of God, what you don’t see makes everything possible
So, you have to have a old mindset (Pre-fallen) mindset where God makes all the provisions if I obey and keep his commandments. Now many people have taken those talents and used them to make a living for themselves and not to better or up-build the Kingdom. Now when you become selfish with your talent, then God has a way to take that from you and give it to someone who will do the right thing with it. Your talent is for you to help someone else along the way and not hoard it for yourself. Think about it! Your teacher you had back in school or currently in school was given a gift to teach so that they may impart on you knowledge and the wisdom you need for the outside world. It does them no good to know something and not teach you because if you fail, they fail, unless you know there was some corruption, in few cases. We need to embrace our talents and use them wisely for the edification and glorification of God and the Kingdom and when you do that then you will experience true Kingdom success and fulfillment.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
The Message of Jesus Christ
The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: The Message of Jesus Christ
Scripture: Luke 4:42-43
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now we should all know by now what the Message of Jesus is. Now if you do not yet, read the above scripture and get it straight from the Lord Himself. Now, Jesus has clearly said what His message is, which is the Kingdom of God. He has told us what to preach, the Kingdom of God. So why is it that we rarely hear about the Kingdom of God from our t.v. evangelist. We send our money to these people and never hear about the Kingdom of God and how to live in it. We hear about all these other messages:
1. Prosperity
2. Faith
3. Season and Harvest
4. Hope
5. Breakthrough
6. Calvary
7. Gospel of Inclusion (Beware of this false antichrist gospel)
And the list can go on and on, but we never hear about THE MESSAGE OF CHRIST, THE KINGDOM OF GOD! Let me show you religion at it’s best and then I will show you the Kingdom. When Benny Hinn goes into these arenas and packs them out with thousands of people and you see these people going up on stage and being “slayed in the Spirit” and some of them being healed before thousands of people. Now what are those people there for? Are they there for Benny Hinn or for Christ?? What is sad when I see this, the people believe he is anointed with the power to heal and slay people in the Spirit. So they render their power to Him because they do not believe they themselves have the power to do these things through Christ. Now, I have watched many of his shows and rarely if ever do I hear about the Kingdom of God. Religion gets its pleasure out of controlling you, the Kingdom gives you power to control your circumstance. See, if Bro. Hinn was teaching the Kingdom then they would have no need to flock to Him anymore for healing when He comes to town, they will know how to get their healing through Christ themselves. Christ came to give you power, not to control you and make you a slave to Him. We are His brothers and joint heirs in the Kingdom. Now I am not saying that Bro. Hinn is not anointed but what I am saying is, you can misuse your gift and become corrupt because of fame. We have to remember we can only do those things through Christ and we have been charged as Christ disciples to show the nations and teach them so that they can enter into Kingdom life and explore it themselves and not vicariously through an individual.
The Message of the Kingdom of God has been lost but is forcefully advancing in these times of the failures of our man-made government. People want a pure government that keeps its promise and protects the citizens and that is why the message of the Kingdom of God is more important than any other message. But here is a problem, you can’t preach what you do not understand! I will stand on this statement but I know it is the truth.
In the majority of our churches today we hear about the acts of Jesus, but not the message of Jesus!
The difference is you hear about preachers preaching on the miracles Jesus did, but Jesus even told the disciples and some of the people who witnessed these things and said these words: “Tell no one”. Why? Because it is not in the act, but it is in the message. The ONLY people who could really preach about the acts of Jesus were those disciples that were with Him, but He told them what to preach (Matthew 10). Now we believe in what Jesus did, but Jesus is trying to tell you all of this that I do is because I (Jesus) am living in the Kingdom and I (Jesus) am trying to show you how to do these things. Jesus told us that He gave us some Keys of the Kingdom. The problem is, you do not know how to use them.
I want to challenge all of you to step up to the plate and see it for yourselves, whether they are on Daystar, TBN, The Word Network, The Church Channel or your local cable company, look for yourselves and see how many preachers, or so-called preachers, are preaching the Kingdom of God and the principals of how to live in the Kingdom. If they are not, then are they preaching the message of Jesus Christ which He clearly stated in Luke 4:43 was the Kingdom of God?
Remember, God will only show you what you want to know but you have to put down your own beliefs and hear His Words and see the corruption through His eyes.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The Message of Jesus Christ
Scripture: Luke 4:42-43
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now we should all know by now what the Message of Jesus is. Now if you do not yet, read the above scripture and get it straight from the Lord Himself. Now, Jesus has clearly said what His message is, which is the Kingdom of God. He has told us what to preach, the Kingdom of God. So why is it that we rarely hear about the Kingdom of God from our t.v. evangelist. We send our money to these people and never hear about the Kingdom of God and how to live in it. We hear about all these other messages:
1. Prosperity
2. Faith
3. Season and Harvest
4. Hope
5. Breakthrough
6. Calvary
7. Gospel of Inclusion (Beware of this false antichrist gospel)
And the list can go on and on, but we never hear about THE MESSAGE OF CHRIST, THE KINGDOM OF GOD! Let me show you religion at it’s best and then I will show you the Kingdom. When Benny Hinn goes into these arenas and packs them out with thousands of people and you see these people going up on stage and being “slayed in the Spirit” and some of them being healed before thousands of people. Now what are those people there for? Are they there for Benny Hinn or for Christ?? What is sad when I see this, the people believe he is anointed with the power to heal and slay people in the Spirit. So they render their power to Him because they do not believe they themselves have the power to do these things through Christ. Now, I have watched many of his shows and rarely if ever do I hear about the Kingdom of God. Religion gets its pleasure out of controlling you, the Kingdom gives you power to control your circumstance. See, if Bro. Hinn was teaching the Kingdom then they would have no need to flock to Him anymore for healing when He comes to town, they will know how to get their healing through Christ themselves. Christ came to give you power, not to control you and make you a slave to Him. We are His brothers and joint heirs in the Kingdom. Now I am not saying that Bro. Hinn is not anointed but what I am saying is, you can misuse your gift and become corrupt because of fame. We have to remember we can only do those things through Christ and we have been charged as Christ disciples to show the nations and teach them so that they can enter into Kingdom life and explore it themselves and not vicariously through an individual.
The Message of the Kingdom of God has been lost but is forcefully advancing in these times of the failures of our man-made government. People want a pure government that keeps its promise and protects the citizens and that is why the message of the Kingdom of God is more important than any other message. But here is a problem, you can’t preach what you do not understand! I will stand on this statement but I know it is the truth.
In the majority of our churches today we hear about the acts of Jesus, but not the message of Jesus!
The difference is you hear about preachers preaching on the miracles Jesus did, but Jesus even told the disciples and some of the people who witnessed these things and said these words: “Tell no one”. Why? Because it is not in the act, but it is in the message. The ONLY people who could really preach about the acts of Jesus were those disciples that were with Him, but He told them what to preach (Matthew 10). Now we believe in what Jesus did, but Jesus is trying to tell you all of this that I do is because I (Jesus) am living in the Kingdom and I (Jesus) am trying to show you how to do these things. Jesus told us that He gave us some Keys of the Kingdom. The problem is, you do not know how to use them.
I want to challenge all of you to step up to the plate and see it for yourselves, whether they are on Daystar, TBN, The Word Network, The Church Channel or your local cable company, look for yourselves and see how many preachers, or so-called preachers, are preaching the Kingdom of God and the principals of how to live in the Kingdom. If they are not, then are they preaching the message of Jesus Christ which He clearly stated in Luke 4:43 was the Kingdom of God?
Remember, God will only show you what you want to know but you have to put down your own beliefs and hear His Words and see the corruption through His eyes.
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Do You Know Him?
The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: Do You Know Him? The Devils Do!
Scripture: Luke 4:40-41
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now if you read these scriptures, I know a question popped in your head or should have:
1. How do the devils know Him?
2. Why would Jesus rebuke them not to speak of Him being Christ?
How do the devils know Him?
Well you have to go back to the beginning to when Lucifer was in Heaven and tried to take over and be like God. In the midst of doing that He manipulated about 1/3 of Heaven’s angels to join him in this rebellion. And just like Lucifer, which is now satan, the 1/3 of the angels were kicked out of Heaven unto Earth. Now, all of these angels, including Lucifer knew Christ. How? Because Christ was there in the very beginning with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Now these angels are now devils because they no longer represent Heaven. They roam the Earth trying to use the bodies of the children to reek havoc and destruction on the children and prevent them from entering and exploring Kingdom life. So these devils know who Christ is, so when Christ came to someone who was possessed of a devil the devil would in many instances cry out or even speak to the Spirit of Christ. So Christ with the power He has can rebuke them and cast them out by the authority given to Him through the Father. Now, I have Heaven living in me and I hope you know that too, if you are a believer. So, some of you have the power to cast out devils. Now do not believe all of this exorcism stuff from the Catholic church and only a priest can do it and it has only been successfully done one or two times. Stop all this Da vinci code, Angels and Demons mess. Let’s get real! Jesus was casting out devils on a regular basis and he cast them out all the time, read the Bible. Here is a thought to show how prevalent it happened. A Legion of Angels is up to about 6,000 angels. Jesus said He could call 10 legions of Angels. That is about 60,000 angels. Now that is not even the exact about of angels in Heaven, but 1/3 of those angels were casted out of heaven to Earth. So you can use for an example that 60,000 and say 20,000 were cast on Earth. That is a lot of devils. So this myth of casting out devils can only be done by some father or priest in a church only is a lie based on the words of Jesus. What is unique is that you are a priest and if you are a believer you are the church and those are the ones the power have been given to cast out devils.
Rebuking the Devils to Speak of Him being the Christ
Now this is one of the unique things Jesus commanded. Why? You would think well if the devils believed in Him, then He could have them cry out His name and proclaim Him to be the Christ. See this ministry was not given to the angels, but to the sons of God. It is for the person to believe in the Lord Jesus for themselves and know Him for themselves. He does not need some evil angels doing the work that the children have been assigned. So you see in the scriptures, he rebuked the devils because the people have to see the power and believe for themselves. See so many people are running and telling people about Christ, but their lives do not reflect anything about Him. The lives of those devils do not reflect Christ so their witness would be a lie. Jesus has rebuked some of us to stop speaking and get our lives in order first. I have made this statement before and I will repeat it now:
The most damaging thing to the Kingdom is not satan, but children with the Holy Spirit acting like the devil!
So, do you really know Him? Does your life reflect His life?
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Do You Know Him? The Devils Do!
Scripture: Luke 4:40-41
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now if you read these scriptures, I know a question popped in your head or should have:
1. How do the devils know Him?
2. Why would Jesus rebuke them not to speak of Him being Christ?
How do the devils know Him?
Well you have to go back to the beginning to when Lucifer was in Heaven and tried to take over and be like God. In the midst of doing that He manipulated about 1/3 of Heaven’s angels to join him in this rebellion. And just like Lucifer, which is now satan, the 1/3 of the angels were kicked out of Heaven unto Earth. Now, all of these angels, including Lucifer knew Christ. How? Because Christ was there in the very beginning with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Now these angels are now devils because they no longer represent Heaven. They roam the Earth trying to use the bodies of the children to reek havoc and destruction on the children and prevent them from entering and exploring Kingdom life. So these devils know who Christ is, so when Christ came to someone who was possessed of a devil the devil would in many instances cry out or even speak to the Spirit of Christ. So Christ with the power He has can rebuke them and cast them out by the authority given to Him through the Father. Now, I have Heaven living in me and I hope you know that too, if you are a believer. So, some of you have the power to cast out devils. Now do not believe all of this exorcism stuff from the Catholic church and only a priest can do it and it has only been successfully done one or two times. Stop all this Da vinci code, Angels and Demons mess. Let’s get real! Jesus was casting out devils on a regular basis and he cast them out all the time, read the Bible. Here is a thought to show how prevalent it happened. A Legion of Angels is up to about 6,000 angels. Jesus said He could call 10 legions of Angels. That is about 60,000 angels. Now that is not even the exact about of angels in Heaven, but 1/3 of those angels were casted out of heaven to Earth. So you can use for an example that 60,000 and say 20,000 were cast on Earth. That is a lot of devils. So this myth of casting out devils can only be done by some father or priest in a church only is a lie based on the words of Jesus. What is unique is that you are a priest and if you are a believer you are the church and those are the ones the power have been given to cast out devils.
Rebuking the Devils to Speak of Him being the Christ
Now this is one of the unique things Jesus commanded. Why? You would think well if the devils believed in Him, then He could have them cry out His name and proclaim Him to be the Christ. See this ministry was not given to the angels, but to the sons of God. It is for the person to believe in the Lord Jesus for themselves and know Him for themselves. He does not need some evil angels doing the work that the children have been assigned. So you see in the scriptures, he rebuked the devils because the people have to see the power and believe for themselves. See so many people are running and telling people about Christ, but their lives do not reflect anything about Him. The lives of those devils do not reflect Christ so their witness would be a lie. Jesus has rebuked some of us to stop speaking and get our lives in order first. I have made this statement before and I will repeat it now:
The most damaging thing to the Kingdom is not satan, but children with the Holy Spirit acting like the devil!
So, do you really know Him? Does your life reflect His life?
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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