The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Threat of Religious Traditions
Scripture: Matthew 15:1-6
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
As you read the scriptures, you see the Pharisees came to Jesus and questioned him about transgressing the tradition of the elders because the disciples did not wash their hands when they ate bread. Now you have to understand, Jesus dealt with the Pharisees and Sadducees very directly, but even to them, He spoke in parables. But Jesus answered a question with a question. Look what He asked them:
Why Do You Also Transgress the Commandment of God by your Tradition?
So, Jesus gives them the tradition they have that transgresses against the Law of God. Sad to say it was the Commandment of Honour thy Father and thy Mother! Now, you are wondering what traditions might we be doing that transgresses God’s Law! Please pray and let the Holy Spirit lead you in what I am about to tell you.
One of the most important holidays we celebrate is the Resurrection of Christ, better known as Easter. Now, Resurrection Day has been reduced to a paganistic tradition of Easter bunnies and Easter Eggs. Now nowhere in scripture do we see the Easter bunny or Easter egg. So where did this tradition come from and what does it mean? Can we all agree that the Law of God states “Thou shalt not have any other god before thee”. So when we introduce our children to “Easter” what is the first thing we do:
1. Easter basket
2. Easter egg hunt
3. Easter Bunny
4. Easter Clothes
5. Easter Speech
6. Explain what the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Christ mean.
Now based off what I know, the majority is the first five. Now you know more people show up to Easter service than any service throughout the year. Now they all come in their easter suits and want to participate in the easter play, that they did not even go to rehearsal for, then they sit on the back row so they can be the first ones out for the easter egg hunt. Now with all of this, explain to me how any child will remotely think about Easter being Resurrection Day! Our traditions have transgressed against God because we have put all the things of Easter before God and the reason for the holiday! So when you ask your kids about Easter what do they tell you? Because what they tell you is what you taught them or what you allowed someone else to teach them!
Now this one is simple, Halloween! 1 Thessalonians 5:22 sums it up, Abstain from all appearance of evil! What is sad is that we allow our children to participate and dress-up in these demonic costumes and let them pretend to be someone that they are not. It is already sad that they have an identity crisis with God already and now we let them pretend to be a zombie or some mystical creature? What about them being Kings, Priests, Ambassadors and Sons of God? We are to be sanctified or set apart. We should not be participating in everything the world does. The world needs to be participating in everything we do as citizens of the Kingdom.
We as the church and the body of Christ need to examine these traditions we have in the body. If it does not line up with the Word of God, then we should not be participating in these festivities.
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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