The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
Scripture: Matthew 16:13-17
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The next two to three messages are going to be very important to read so don’t miss them. Jesus first ask, who do men say that I am? And as you read the scripture men say that Jesus was one of the prophets. Now, Jesus is trying to make a very fundamental point. After performing all these miracles, some still do not believe that He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. So if men are saying this about me (Jesus), I wonder what my disciples say about me? See, all the people who are your friends and say they are with you, may not be with you for all the right reasons. So, Christ ask the disciples who do you say I am? All of us have to speak for ourselves to this question. You have to know Jesus for yourself. This is why we are going through the 4 Gospels so when people ask you who is Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit can use you and speak words like no other to describe the Son of the Living God!! I actually got ahead of myself so let me back up. In verse 17, look who revealed Peter’s answer from verse 16. Not flesh and blood, so Peter did not know that from himself! He received this revelation from God the Father. So only the Spirit can reveal things of the Spirit. Flesh and blood do not know spiritual things. This is why when people ask you who is Jesus, you do not have to speak, let the Holy Spirit speak through you. Because, no better person than the Holy Spirit can describe the Son of God. So if Jesus asked you, “Who do you say that I am?” What would you say?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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