The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Bread of Life versus the Religious Leaders
Scripture: Matthew 16:6-12; Romans 10:9; 2 Timothy 4:1-5
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In these scriptures Jesus is telling the disciples to beware of the “leaven” of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Now in a previous message we saw the leaven being described as yeast in meal that eventually spreads and takes over. Now Jesus was not talking about bread but the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Well you ask, why would you be careful of the religious leaders who know the scriptures? Because they used the scriptures to control people. Ok? Religion controls you, the Kingdom gives you self-government (Galatians 5:22-23). We will talk about 2 of the doctrines that are being spread every Sunday on t.v. channels such as TBN, The Word Network, Daystar and BET by prominent mega-churches and their bishops, pastors and preachers. I know this might cost me members but truth is truth and the charge that I have been given is not to just preach the word in season and out of season but also to rebuke. If you did not know about these people, I suggest you do your research and know for yourself.
Doctrine of Prosperity, Season and Breakthrough
The gospel of prosperity is taking over more and more because of the outsourcing of our emotional needs to feel good about ourselves and the reality is, if you just deal with your spiritual nature then your emotional nature will come under control. A pastor in Texas who has the largest church membership in the United States stated on a Fox News interview that he loves encouraging people and he preaches a positive message every Sunday. He also states he does not like to use the word sin because of its negative connotation and we need to encourage one another in these times. Ok! Can we agree that God will not bless a sinful lifestyle? Can we also agree that God blesses the righteous? So in order to get someone to be blessed, you have to deal with the sin they were in. Jesus said He called “sinners to repentance”. So if Jesus calls us a sinner then it is obvious we have to deal with sin first and become righteous in order for God to open the windows of Heaven for us. Citizens, prosperity comes naturally as a citizen of the Kingdom! Prosperity is not monetary only! These prominent bishops and preachers are millionaires and there congregations are maybe majority 50,000 dollar households. These people are searching for the truth and trying to find a way in the midst of turmoil to control their circumstances and they are not being taught what God told Him to preach. You ask how do I know what God told him to preach? Because what Jesus message was, is also our message. They are living off of the backs of the congregations they serve and do not preach the Kingdom and do not teach how to live in the Kingdom or its principles. But they preach this prosperity message that encourages you but when you get out into the world the message does not work! Why is there such a disconnect between the pastor and the congregation. I am sorry but if you get mad at this is probably because it is the truth and you put your faith in the man and not in THE MAN, JESUS! Jesus rebuked the religious leaders and told the disciples to beware of their doctrine. I urge every person to read 2 Timothy 4:1-5, this is the responsibility of the pastor and/or bishop of your church. Do you have itching ears and are they preaching sound doctrine?
Doctrine of Inclusion
This doctrine is being spread at a very rapid rate in the United States and I am telling you, if you are a follower of this pastor then you stand the chance of not entering into the Kingdom of God! Carlton Pearson is the founder of the “gospel of inclusion” and basically in a small sentence, it states that you do not have to confess Jesus as Lord and that God raised Him from the dead (conflicts with Romans 10:9) because all will be saved anyway. This bishop is going around preaching this message and forwarding the homosexual agenda in churches in America. I know we have a lot of pastors on this ministry, do not allow this guy or anyone who believes in Him to grace your pulpit and address your congregation. I have heard of pastors who have done so and because Carlton Pearson said it, it goes! In less than 1 hour, he has converted whole churches to his doctrine. Go look Him up citizens! Jesus is warning us to beware of the doctrines. If the message they preach are not scripturally based, then what are they talking about? A show on t.v. that is slowing pushing His agenda and his return to power is BET’s “Exalted”. Read about his bio on the BET website and what he believes. Nothing about the Kingdom of God! If the Kingdom of God is not first then what matters?
Now, I know many others who are on t.v. preaching their doctrine and what they believe and not what Jesus has told them to preach, the Kingdom of God! Not everyone followed Jesus after He called the Pharisees and Sadducees to the carpet about what they are teaching the people. Here is something to think about!
Did Jesus out live the people who He was serving and ministering to? In other words, did Jesus material and natural lifestyle exalt Him higher than the people so that they feel that they could not touch him or speak to him? Of course not! Whoever wanted to speak to Jesus all they had to do was come to Him, they did not have to go through 5 assistant ministers, 25 deacons and 4 secretaries just to speak to their shepherd. Do you have access to your pastor? Is your pastor unreachable because He is so famous in the world? Is your pastor too busy to talk to you? Jesus never was, so should we?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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