The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Kingdom: Matter of the Heart pt 2
Scripture: Matthew 15:10-20
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Jesus is explaining how, what goes in a man does not defile him, but what comes out of his mouth does. Ok! This makes sense then. Since the Kingdom of God on Earth is a matter of the heart, the words that come out of your mouth tells us the kingdom that is most in your heart. On Earth there are 2 spiritual kingdoms. There is the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness (satan). Now if you truly love God and you know He abides in you, then the words that come out of your mouth should be those of a citizen of the Kingdom of God. All you have to do is look at verse 18-19 and you can see the things that can come out of our mouths.
We have to be cautious because the things that can come out of our mouth can cause us to sin against God. By our mere thoughts we sin. If you curse and are a liar then you do not represent the Kingdom of God , even if you have the Holy Ghost! If you hang around people who do speak the language of the Kingdom of God then you take on the environment you are in. In other words, you hang around people who curse, then you began to curse. If you hang around people who gossip, then you become a gossiper. If you hang around a liar, then you become a liar. So it is important to learn the language of the Kingdom of God!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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