The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Is it Worth It?
Scripture: Matthew 16:24-28
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
How many of you would love to be a millionaire, have 2 to 3 houses, a private jet, and a million dollar salary and that’s it. Well I know that seems wonderful but is it worth eternal damnation. Ok! Now, we can look at all of these celebrities, athletes and even many of these televangelists on t.v. and say I wish I had everything they had. You even ask the question: Why do some of the vilest people get all the riches? Well the answer is because they are supposed to because that is what they are chasing, prosperity. Now here you are a citizen of the Kingdom of God, a King, Priest, Ambassador and son of God with the Army of Heaven at your call and protection and eternal life. Now I do not know about you, but that second list is a lot better than the first. Why? Let’s look at the scriptures to see why.
First, if you are going to follow Christ and come under His Lordship, you have to deny yourself. Now this includes your worldly possessions! Ok, God owns everything but He does not want you to put your possessions before him and His assignment for you. See when you do not stake ownership in the things of the world then God can shift things in and out of your hands freely and continuously bless you. But when you hoard and stake ownership then God can not open the doors of Heaven because your greed has closed the door. Now, look at what Jesus says about the person who gains the whole world, he shall lose his soul. Now what is more important, money, house, car or soul? See your soul can either live forever or be cast into eternal hell. We all have to make a choice, God or the World? Which one is yours?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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