The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven
Scripture: Matthew 16:16-18; Romans 10:9
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now, in this scripture we will look at verse 18 as our topic of discussion but need to refer back to the other verses for context. Jesus asked the disciples “Who do you say I am?” and Peter answered “You Are the Christ, the Son of the Living God”. Now in verse 18 Jesus goes on to say “Upon this rock I will build my church”. Now we have to break this statement up to get a broad view of what Jesus meant. First, let’s deal with the rock.
The rock Jesus is talking about is Peter’s statement or confession that He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Look at Romans 10:9! You have to confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved. So when you make this confession you become a citizen of the Kingdom and become a part of the Assembly of God and that leads me to the word Church!
The word church means assembly. It is not a religious word. It is a political word. So now when you read this scripture you can substitute the word church for assembly. So upon this rock I will build my assembly! An assembly as many of us know from the political world is a group of people who were elected or selected to carry out governmental duties. So in our country, the Kingdom of God we were selected into the secret cabinet to learn and execute the mind of our King to the Earth and continue to colonize the Earth with Kingdom citizenship. So, Jesus was not talking about a physical building when He made that statement, He was talking about His political group that will represent Him in the Earth. I know we have religious denominations that say “we are the true church”. As a wake up call the church is all those who have accepted Christ as Lord and have citizenship in the Kingdom of God. In addition, they do the Will of the Father in Heaven and impact Earth with God’s Will. So regardless if you are baptist, pentacostal, church of God of prophecy, whatever. If your physical church, is a Bible believing, Christ-raised from the dead believing, Jesus is Lord and the Son of the Living God believing, Holy Ghost believing and filled, Kingdom of God preaching church then you are fine. Let not our denominations divide us because in 1 Corinthians 1:10, Paul tells the church at Corinth to be of one mind and of course that is in Christ Jesus!
I pray this has helped someone to understand what the rock and the church is. In order to understand Jesus you must have the mind and the heart of Jesus and that is found in the Holy Spirit and it is only through the Holy Spirit that the truth of what has been said will be revealed. May God Continue to Bless You!
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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