Today’s Focus: Sign of the Times Part 1
Scripture: Matthew 16:1-12; Isaiah 3:1-14; 1 Corinthians 11:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In these scriptures, we see that the Pharisees and Sadducees are asking Jesus to show them some signs from Heaven. But Jesus tells them how they are hypocrites because they can discern the sky but cannot discern the times. What is about to be said is reality. These are the times we are living in and if you have read the scriptures, the prophets prophesied these things to come in these days. These prophesies from Isaiah which happened over 2000 years ago and today it is truly manifesting itself. Once you have read these scriptures try to answer these questions.
1. Where are the Heads-of-Households?
2. Where are the God-appointed Leaders of the Churches?
3. Why does it seem that man is no longer the head of woman?
4. Why are the children running the house and not the parents?
I have asked some people these questions and the answer I seem to get is “The men have just gone astray so the women have to be mother and father and lead in the churches.” If you look at Isaiah 3:12 and just take that verse only you will understand why things are the way they are. We are out of order and have strayed from the path of the Lord. First, God has His order and we have to deal with that order and stick to it. He maintained His order throughout the Bible. God is the Head of Christ, Christ is the Head of Man, Man is the Head of Woman (1 Corinthians 11:3 paraphrased). Even from the garden, that order never changed. What changed was us! Adam erred because he followed Eve. God always makes provisions when people have gone astray, but, He still maintains His order. The church which should be the light and the beacon on the hill and set the example for what Christ wants from His people is out-of-order. It is time for us to get back in His order because the Lord is coming back and the first place He is going to clean out is His church. Isaiah 3:12 says it all, when you are being lead by the wrong people you will err. Pray that God sends you and surrounds you with Godly Leadership, leadership that is appointed by God and not by man. Stay in your lane!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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