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Household of Calhoun

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Power of Faith

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Power of Faith
Scripture: Matthew 17:14-21; Hebrew 11:1,6

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

In this story we see a man possessed of a devil and the disciples could not cure him and Jesus gets a little upset because after all he has shown to them they still do not know how to use the power. Now look what Jesus called them in verse 17, O FAITHLESS and perverse generation! So it is through the power of faith can this power be made manifest. As you further read the disciples asked Jesus why would the devil not come out when they tried and Jesus gave them a great answer and it is found in verse 20, Jesus says “Because of your unbelief”. Now Jesus makes a reassurance and a powerful statement in the latter part of verse 20. He says “nothing shall be impossible unto you”. Look at that again! Jesus said nothing shall be impossible. So, through your faith in Christ all things are possible. Many Christians really do not believe in people being possessed of a devil or evil spirit. Satan uses this unbelief to continue to degrade the children of God by using their bodies through their minds to do ungodly things. For many of us the only thing we have heard about devils is through the process of a exorcism, or the Catholic church, and/or only a priest can do this. This is the perverted thought process of casting out devils. Think about this, if the only person on earth that can cast out a devil is a catholic priest we are in so much trouble. And they question themselves when to do it? But look at who Jesus gave the power to do such an act. He gave it to His disciples! Are we not disciples of Christ? Now understand not all of us have that gift, that is power that is given from God but the key is that we have to be in a position to use it when God calls upon us. See this comes down to reading the Bible for yourself. Through Moses faith, God parted the Sea. Through David’s faith, Goliath was defeated. Through the centurion’s faith, his servant was healed by Jesus. Through Jesus faith, five thousand was fed with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. So, faith is a key that unlocks Heaven’s doors to allow Heaven to interfere on Earth through the children of God.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.