The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Are You Able?
Scripture: Matthew 20:20-23; Romans 5:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
So many people in the world look at those people who are in the “perceived” power positions and desire to be like them to get the things like them. But what we fail to do is look at the method that this person used to get to the “top”. Some stepped on people and hurt them on their way, some cheated their way and some worked hard legitimately. To go a step further, some people made themselves pastors and bishops for the sake of fame, power and personal fortune. Look on t.v. you know who they are. But the Kingdom of God is very unique. As stated in the previous email, the wealth in the Kingdom of God is common amongst all the citizens. But to be called a child of God and a citizen of the Kingdom comes at a price. Now we ask the question “Are you able?”
Look at verse 22, earlier the mother of Zebedee’s children asked Jesus to grant her two sons to sit on the left and right hand of the Father in the Kingdom. Now look at Jesus response verse 22. “Are you able to drink the cup that I shall drink and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with.” Now let’s start with the cup. The cup symbolizes the sufferings and persecutions that the believer will undergo. Now for those of us who have not become citizens of the Kingdom, this may seem weird to you but let me explain, Kingdom citizens follow along. If I being a citizen of the Kingdom can show you power to overcome life’s circumstances then that is a better witness to someone that I have unique power to overcome than just a testimony. In turn, they (those who are not citizens yet) want to know in their spirit how to do the same. But I have to suffer some so that I can go through it and then show those who are in trouble, how to overcome. See the only way I overcome is through the power of the Holy Ghost. Let me give you a comforting scripture:
John 16:33 – These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
I do not know if you know what that means but let me quickly show you. Jesus came to give us peace in the midst of tribulation, sin and trouble in the World (sounds like these times we live in). Then Jesus clearly states in the world there is tribulation. Now the good part, He said “be of good cheer”. So rejoice in tribulation because He overcame the world and so shall you because you are in His image and His LIKENESS! Hallelujah!
Now the baptism! The goal, assignment and mission of Jesus was not Calvary!!!! It was to get the Holy Ghost back into the children. Calvary was a means to an end of the power of sin that satan had on the children. But when you receive such power it comes with great responsibility. When you receive the Holy Ghost you are a representative of the Kingdom of God. The way you live and speak can cause someone to either come to Christ or continue to walk in darkness. God did not leave this ministry to angels, he left it to the children themselves. If you are not leading a life that promotes others to becoming citizens then you are destroying lives instead of improving them. The power we have been given has been given to us to change the world by setting the standards for the world and a person that sets standards are called Kings and God has called you that. Then you represent Him in the Earth, so you are now priests in the Earth. As a result you are a Kingdom of Priests, a Royal Priesthood (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) and a Holy Nation. Now that sounds powerful, but it has to be a reality in your mind. This is why I personally take ministering and this ministry so serious because I know we are dealing with lives and the wrong information is just as dangerous as no information. I am not above correction in the Spirit and I pray that this ministry that God has entrusted me with is showing you how to live and come into your inheritance which is the Kingdom of God which provides love, joy peace in the Holy Ghost! If you want that in your life, continue to read and allow God to prick your heart. I love you and God loves you. He is calling you home and letting you know, coming unto Him has more benefits than staying from Him.
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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