The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Truth about Prosperity
Scripture: Matthew 19:16-30
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know all of our t.v. preachers love the message of prosperity but today, I pray you come to the truth about prosperity. Let’s look at the scriptures! Here we see a young rich ruler who had all these possessions and wanted to know how to have eternal life. Jesus tells him to keep the commandments and like a young ambitious person, he quickly said I have done all of this. Now it get’s good! Jesus then says, you will be perfect if you go and sell all that he had and give it to the poor and then you shall have treasure in heaven and then follow Him. Now this young man became sad when Jesus made that request. Why? Because he treasured those possessions and giving them away would mean they are no longer his. This is a worldly thought process. What leaves my hand is no longer mine! But in the Kingdom it is different. What leaves your hand allows Heaven to replace with more than you can imagine. So the KEY is to give! This leads into the next statement of Jesus, He said it is hard for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. He did not say a rich man could not enter, he said it was hard. He makes an analogy describing how hard by describing a camel trying to fit between the eye of a needle (a equipment used to hold camels to clean them).
See a rich person tends to treasure their things and worldly possessions, but if you are going to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven you have to be able to give up the things of the world because they are all temporary, all of your treasure is eternal. Now after all of this what about prosperity? Here is the revelation:
Anyone who comes into the Kingdom of God and lives in it, you inherently become prosperous!
In other words, prosperity is a natural by-product of Kingdom living. This is why the gospel of prosperity is so poisonous to the saints. The gospel of prosperity puts your heart and mind in the things of the world and the Gospel of the Kingdom naturally comes with prosperity and benefits of Kingdom living. This is why Jesus said it is “hard” for a rich man to enter. He did not say it was hard for a rich man to stay in the Kingdom. See once you taste Kingdom living and the prosperity it gives then you do not want anything else. God can move things in and out of your life and you do not worry but find joy in the fact that you do not worry about being prosperous but being righteous in the eye of the King. Because if you are righteous in the eyes of the King then you inherit prosperity. Prosperity is not monetary only! Prosperity is consistent growth in the Kingdom and having access to all that you need and receiving all the blessings that are rightfully yours through righteous living.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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